What the world needs now, more than any other time in the
history of mankind, is "Individual Philanthropy".
Webster defines philanthropy: Main Entry: phi·lan·thro·py
Pronunciation: -pE Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural -pies
Etymology: Late Latin philanthropia, from Greek philanthrOpia,
from philanthrOpos loving people, from phil- + anthrOpos human being
Date: circa 1623
1. goodwill to fellowmen; especially: active effort to promote human welfare
2. (a) a philanthropic act or gift
(b) an organization distributing or supported by philanthropic funds.
With technology and industry we have seen the gap between the wealthy and the poor of the world grow in size. People living in the technology advanced countries have increasingly moved into the wealthy status leaving the people from poor countries with waiting lists of people wanting to emigrate.