Dear Betty, to you I wish to relate, It is so hard to imagine life without you. As I ponder this news of your fate I know our family will never be the same.
I’m sad to know your journey will soon end,
I hope God shall be there with you everyday,
Still it is so hard to have to say goodbye,
For now, Dear Betty, I must say to you,
Copyright @ 2004 M. Doris Fuller
This poem I wrote to my sister-in-law Betty, Who has terminal cancer. It is very hard to Write your goodbye to someone who has been A family member for so many years, but I think It would be harder if I knew I didn’t say these Words to her while I still can. Dear Betty, I Will Always Love You! She has gone through many ups and downs with her illness. On November 11, 2005 she lost her battle and went home. To my brother, Charlie, she was his beloved wife for so many Years. I know he will miss her, as will her three daughters. Again I say to Betty, "We will always love you!!"