*Formally known as the "Hem Sphy"
These links, you can see where Dossow's {Hem-sphy} are talked about in on-line articles!
Messy beast
Your cat mag.
with Our Oops Litter!
a beginning
of a
"New Aira"
If you are a family without childern or a family with a allergic household , let me know.  I may have that child your looking for.

Got ta love them!

Please, If you would like one, E-mail me.
See whats in.
Best cats in the World!!

We injoy to hear from all kinds of people, maybe you are wanting to join us with owning one of their own.
Dossow's are born with many different hair coats to please everyone.

  Flocks=   coat while turning 3 weeks old there hair starts to release and fall out, leaving a soft smooth, crushed velvet, feeling hair/skin coat. Whiskers showing curly or break-age or fall out by year old  They may go mostly bald by 2 years old
Born bald= coat is a born bald coat. No fur at all;  Rubber skin, born with whiskers and they fall out or break by a year old, or some have curly whiskers. Hem Sphy's are very worm to the touch.
Velvet= coat of crush velvet feel. Born brush with a bald spot on thier heads, Leaving only short hair point by two years old with a velvety warm feel.
Brush= coat can be of short or long; corse or soft cotton curly like hair. It will keep this coat for life, *may thin some on top of the head, back and sides.

Some have Polydactal feet {extra toes} and some do not..

First kitties were from a oops litter of Don Sphynx and a polydactyls cat..
Which turned out to be something the public really wants..
Heavy solid body type, rounder alien looking heads, long tails. They are very active, loving with strong healthy systems, very dog like and affectionate too.. This all equals up to a:
Dossow cat, formaly known as the Hem-sphy

Thank you, Sherri, Mike and Linda
Dear Tabby
Dossow cats story of how they came to be on earth! (the true, fun Alien cat story, A MUST READ!)
2007 Dossow Photo album
2003 our baby alien photos

   Here in
the year 2002 Possoms creek was hit with a toxin spill.  A steal treatment factory close to our cattery was spilling many types of toxins on our grounds. We lost many of our beloved pet at that time. In fear of losing any more, I had asked a friend of mine if she would foster our cats for us. This friend was able to take in our 9 cats.
My son had Polydactyls cats {Hemingways} and mine cats were Donskoy's.
Well we had to leave our home and move into a friends home, who did not like cats. So Purfect Polys kept our cats for almost a year. I had recieved a email saying one of my adults Dons was prego {Meows}. This was good news since we lost all our kitty's last year due to the factory. We brought home Meows to have her kittens. Then a few weeks later I went back to pick up my male Donskoy and brought him home. He was needed for stud around the corner from us to a very nice Female Donskoy..
Well, 8 weeks later I recieved a e-mail saying we had a oops at Purrfect Polys.
Some how my male Don have gotten into her Poly pen. And we had poly babies born. Knowing our Don was the only male in the house. He must be the father. As weeks when on; the baby grew, getting Balder every day. Turning out just like Daddy. I told a few people and this is how stories get spread around the wide world web.
"Hem Sphy's" The bald cat with toes! Just like ET!
I Researched, lots of research, as to say.
So far, I know my cats have made it in the "Yourcat" magazine, in the UK.
We've been talked about on Dear Tabby cat chat, too...
This is what people really wanted when they E-mails me...
Together WE: The Dossow cat, Possoms Creek, Cowboy Claws and Historical Paws
   hope to fill a void in the public hearts, for those who are in need of a child and can't have one of there own or anyone that wants to love a cat but has allergics to a normal hairy cat.  A lot of our Kittens are born with 5 toes and 5 fingers. 
They learn how to use them too, much like people do.
They don't grow much hair, some none at all or maybe they will be a little fuzz, so cloth shopping you must go. 
Just think, a child that never leaves home! Never talks back and can stay home alone!
Keep a open mind,  All cat breeds came from somewhere in the begining...
Ours a Oppy litter......
Also I feel, "Mine are from outer space... Little Alien Sphy's!"
baby boy non-poly Dossow

Baby Male Dossow cat
This little guy was given to a good e-friend of ours. She brightens up my days and I feel I had to return the smiles with a Hem-sphy of her own... He is not so sweet?
Dossow babies
Have long fingers!
Head shot, baldie

Daddy and kids
Foundation male, Don sphynx {Donskoy}
Stepan out of Possoms
Take me:
Back to Possoms Creek home


The Dossow cat has a background of:
Donskoy, Peterbald, DSH, Savannah and Desert Lynx. Making the best well behaved, loving, playfull cat around..
Look at my thumbs!