Welcome to my World.

Why is it called My WORLD?

I am a senior citizen that has traveled extensively and has an interesting and rewarding life.
With computer technology I have learned much, and still continue to learn.Through the power of the internet I have made friends from different parts of the world, hence the page called "My World Pals."

My home page was my very first challenge when I started using the computer.
In the gallery section you will find images made using a program called Terragen.

To view the antique photographs sent to me by my good friend Marianne from Switzerland click....German Gallery .... I am sure you will find them interesting.

Then go on to the.... Canada.... and.... Assorted.... pages where I have more antique photos, some from my own family.

Have a look at the....Christmas Greetings.... in 50 different languages, and some of my favorite....Recipes.... that I collected throughout my travels.
You should get a kick out of the fruit cake recipe,
and if you do it the right way you should not have to redo the recipe till next Christmas.

I will also add the....Stationery.... I have made, and view the....Lake Applet.... My little world will keep growing.

If you are a user of Paint Shop Pro, I now have a.... Tutorial.... then drop in and visit my friend Jim' domain.... "PSP Help& Hints"....
Check out the pages I have done for my class.Lesson 19 Index Thank you for visiting. "And please come again."

Terragen Gallery
World Pals
PSP Help