Sunday 6.6.04
Been awhile since I'v updated, but finnaly begun to get ontop of things. Seeing as school is now out I might have more time to get this site going. Double B's Bio should be up soon along with more shows and such. So check back soon.
Thursday 4.29.04
So ya... got more of the site up. Have Links and Shows pages now. You guys should sign up for the newsletter :P. DB has 2 or so shows comming up, should check those out and go. They're gonna rock. But ya... hopfully I should have the Bio, Pics, and some music up soon. Just waiting for DB to send me the stuff. PS- somone come visit me at Oak st. DQ in Niles. The job is super boring!
- Tiff
Monday 4.19.04
Hey all. This is Double B's long anticipated website. Ya I know he finnaly got one, took long enough. Anywayz, full site should be up somtime in the maybe near future, but for now if anyone is interested in booking email
- Tiff