Model City
The Laws of Orderly Development are perfectly fulfilled in KYMAK.
We the people of the United States, in
order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic
tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general
welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our
posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United
States of America.
The will of the people satisfied:
1. Form a more perfect union -
2. Establish justice -
3.Insure domesic tranquility -
4.Provide for the common defense -
5.Promote the general welfare -
6.Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity -
PUBLIC POLICY requires orderly
development.  (The will of the People)
U.S. Law
Urban Policy
Section 4501
It is the policy of Congress to encourage the rational and orderly (see 13A-11-7) development of our cities, towns and
rural areas ...
Section 4502
(b) Existing and future programs must be
inter-related and coordinated within a system of orderly development...
(d) The Congress further declares that the national urban policy should - (6) Encourage planned communities. (8) increase coordination among Federal programs...
Community Development
Section 5301
(b) The Congress further finds and declares that the future welfare of
the Nation and the well being of citizens depend on the establishment
and maintenance of viable urban communities, and require (1) … new
centers of population ...
(c) The primary objective is ... (5) ...a better arrangement of
residential, commercial, industrial, ...and other needed activity
Section 135
Statewide transportation planning
(a) General Requirements. -
(1) Development of plans and programs. - To accomplish the
objectives stated in section 134(a), each State shall develop a
statewide transportation plan and a statewide transportation
improvement program for all areas of the State, subject to
section 134.
State Law
State Development Office
41-9 (excerpts):
Section 200(a)
(1) Orderly development (2) comprehensive plans for development to
guide local units of government. (3) Growth problems best solved by
overall planning guide. (4) Local State Regional coordinated planning
efforts and (5) Orderly and harmonious coordination of state and local
plans and programs with those of the federal government, state and
regional planning and programming requires direct leadership by the
(d) The Alabama Development Office is hereby authorized to make grants from appropriations to regional planning and development commissions which are certified to receive such grants by the Governor under the provisions of Sections 11-85-50 through 11-85-55.
Regional Planning and Development
Alabama Code: 11-85 (excerpts):
Section 3
Architects and Engineers (See 11-52-5)
Section 4
Master plan for economic development of entire region with due regard
for neighboring regions and states for location of public works, open
spaces and buildings and of forests, agriculture and conservation
areas. Provide for future urban development and population distribution
and diversity. Through coordinated, adjusted and harmonious
development, promote order, convenience, efficiency and economy.
Section 5
After adoption of master plan, the governor, each municipality and the
county commissioners are so advised.
Section 6
May be adopted by municipalities in accordance with State Code 11-52,
Sect. 8, 9 and 10 and 40-1. Prepare plans for general pattern and
intensity of land use; 2) coordinate related activities among
governmental units; and 3) suggest ways to administer implementation.
Also see 11-85-56 (50-55: SDECA Section 41-9-200 (a)
(1),(2),(3),(5),(b) and Section 41-9-202 (d).
Municipal Planning & Zoning
Code: 11-52 (excerpts)
Section 5
Architects, City Planners, Engineers, and others to design:
Section 8
Master plan for Public Works, open space and buildings with
zoning for private uses of buildings and land (e.g. industrial,
commercial or residential). Note: Zoning and planning relates to
Systematic and Orderly (cp. 13A-11-7): development of a community and to
regulating the use of land in designated areas.
Section 9
Due regard for neighboring territory, the purpose is to guide and
accomplish a coordinated (see: Code 34-2-30 (2)) adjusted and
harmonious development of the environment ... promote order,
convenience, efficiency and economy for traffic and in the distribution
of population.
Section 10
After public notice the adopted master plan is filed with the county
probate judge as a matter of public record.
Section 11
When adopted variances may be allowed only through certain proscribed
procedures. Note: (11-52-5 applies to Chapter 85, also). See 11-85-2 et
sec. Subdivisions: 11-52-30; Major street plan: 11-52-50; Zoning reg.:
County planning commission
Alabama Code:Section 11-19-8
Section 11-19-10
Powers and duties of planning commission generally; special surveys or studies; right of entry upon lands for preparation of examinations and surveys.
(a) It shall be the function and duty of the county planning commission to make and maintain comprehensive surveys and studies of existing conditions and probable future developments in the flood-prone area of the county and to prepare comprehensive plans for physical, social and economic growth as will best promote the public health, safety, morals, convenience, prosperity or the general welfare as well as efficiency and economy in the development of the flood-prone area of the county. The county planning commission shall have the authority to:
(1) Promote public interest and understanding of the economic and social necessity for long-term, coordinated county planning.
(2) Confer and cooperate with the federal, state, municipal and other county and regional authorities regarding matters pertaining to or affecting the planning or development of said county, or vice versa, for the purpose of assuring proper coordination of county development with that of other political subdivisions.
(3) Prepare and recommend for adoption to the appropriate county commission or authorities a zoning ordinance and map for the flood-prone area of the county.
(4) Prepare and recommend for adoption to the appropriate county commission or authorities regulations for the subdivision of land within the flood-prone areas of the county jurisdiction and administer the regulations that they may be adopted.
Missouri Code 64.010. ...the county commission is authorized and empowered to provide for
the preparation, adoption, amendment, extension or carrying out of a
county plan and to create by order a county planning commission...
Master plan of county
64.040. The county planning commission shall have power to make, adopt
and may publish an official master plan of the county for the purpose
of bringing about coordinated physical development in accordance with
present and future needs. The master plan shall be developed so as to
conserve the natural resources of the county, to insure efficient
expenditure of public funds, and to promote the health, safety,
convenience, prosperity and general welfare of the inhabitants. Such
master plan may include, among other things, studies and
recommendations relative to the location, character and extent of
highways, railroads, bus, streetcar and other transportation routes,
bridges, public buildings, schools,
parks, parkways, forests, wildlife refuges, dams, and projects
affecting conservation of natural resources. The county planning
commission may adopt the master plan in whole or in part...
Subdivision of land
...may provide for the proper location and width of streets,
building lines, open spaces, minimum width and area of lots, street
grading and paving, sewers, water and other utilities, which are
necessary to avoid the congestion of population and to protect the
public health, safety or the general welfare.
Nature and
Jefferson on Democracy
Model City
(see drawing) is a subdivision of a comprehensive 1500 mile square (One "golden reed" equals 10.56 feet; one furlong equals 660
feet; one mile equals 5280 feet thru-out).
And thou,
And thou, America!
Thou too surroundest all
Embracing, carrying, welcoming all, Thou too, by pathways broad and
Approach the Ideal
The measur’d faiths of other lands—the grandeurs of the past,
Are not for Thee—but grandeurs of Thine own;
Deific faiths and amplitudes, absorbing, comprehending all,
All in all to all.
Transcribed from Walt Whitman
Comprehensive Plan
Major development is in the outer 96 mile-wide zone between the 6000
mile perimeter (blue line on drawing - click on links below) and the
orange line which is the main transportation route and industrial area.
Western States
Eastern States
Coordinates of any point may be computed using KYMAK parametric
datum transformation
formulas. Confirming iterations by US Dept. of Interior USGS c. 1988 by
John Snyder. Accuracy of conversion is confirmed.
Landscape Architects
City Planners
Regional Planning Commission
Area Councils of
Reserve Bank
Political Scientists
Civil Engineers
U.S. Army Corps of
Current discussion
City Planning
. .
able Development.
Theopolis Americana
Legal issues
adacre City
Use Law
Earth Was OnceA
Garden Place
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