<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/dovesinblood/1000miles.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
02 September 2004

Due to popular demand, Dove's In Blood and Heaven's Gate are-in the next so many weeks-going to be fusing together to form an EVEN BIGGER SITE. due to this, Heavens Gate
WILL NOT be being updated again. if you would like to visit the old site, click the link at the bottom of the screen. or you can go straight to the new site, but be warned the site is'nt finished yet and the navigation bar only works on the main page. Thankies! Tashayarna@hotmail.com

ENTER Heaven's Gate

ENTER Dove's In Blood; Complete.
Heaven's Gate
Express Yourself Version 4 Summer 2004

This Website is owned by Tashayarna, Alias
Selina Toone. all its content unless otherwise stated belongs to her.