Ancient PICS


Pictures of a wall in an Eygptian Pyramid (below is a zoom pic)



Atlantis Ruins: Bimini island "pillars"

(under water)








The famous Piri Reis Map - Atlantis map

(click on image to inlarge)








Anasazi, the "Ancient Ones",

thier well-preserved villages



The Gateway of the Sun by the Tiahuanacu civilization pre-Inca (Bolivia) - single ...9-metric ton block of andesite





On top of the Mayan "El Castillo" looking at the "Temple of the Warriors".




Sunken stone structures off Okinawa, Japan, located 60 to 100 feet beneath the ocean surface


Machu Pichu Peru (click on image to inlarge)










Ancient Stone Giants of Easter Island ..........(13 feet 14 tons)