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Yup, i know, i know! It needs updating! but i'll work on it when I can :) it's nice to see the site is still going to be honest, especially when geocities close them down after a while of inactivity, anyway, i'll try and do some work on it :}

Site owner, Loz.
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Last Updated: September 7th, 04
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Hullo :}, wow! over 2000 hits? thanks!
I've decided that im gonna hand over the site to my little brother, i'll still edit it and whatnot, but he'll be in charge :}
We need you, support us and show how you feel about this site! we need your support people! Instructions: Click the banner below, you'll be taken to the petz top 50 sites, scroll to the bottom and press "next 50 members" 4 times (or less, that will be updated if we move to a different page!) then once you find download dogz press "rate" and give us your mark out of 10! thanks dudes and dudettes!
ANTI ABUSE!!!!!!!!!
Thank you- 500 ppl