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Adoptedglobe_shalea.gif (49867 bytes)

starthankyou.jpg (22526 bytes)

asbhpdomethanks.gif (408650 bytes)
April 3, 2000

thankanna.gif (34067 bytes)
From Anna

destinythankyou.gif (59643 bytes)

destinywarzone.gif (19507 bytes)

alecsuppotdome.jpg (17039 bytes)

trisha_globe1.gif (93130 bytes)

angelgardensupport.gif (112691 bytes)

thanks_aboutme.gif (6659 bytes)      lisathxs.gif (4410 bytes)

angelthanx_stacey.gif (18657 bytes)

cardourpagestuff.jpg (20289 bytes)
Castle Mountain Card
April 9, 2000


I'm in the Warzone again thanks to all of you. I truly appreciate the continued support each and everyone of you has given me.

We met upon the Internet,
A friendship electronic,
Expressed alone in words and thoughts,
Inevitably platonic.

We live too far apart for us
To mingle in the flesh,
But much more close than family,
Our hearts and feelings mesh.

Your dear, dear self reveals itself
Without a voice or face.
We have our own sweet home within
Our precious cyberspace.
Hugs, Betty (Our Page of Stuff)

tyangelglobe.gif (50566 bytes)

chocobear.jpg (74490 bytes)

pangelsm.gif (30570 bytes) adoptioncertificate.jpg (7604 bytes)

angelthanks.gif (7901 bytes)

jesus_trisha.gif (38348 bytes)
Thanks Trisha

teddybaby.gif (6575 bytes)
Thank you Debbie


bunny_blessingroom.gif (82174 bytes)
Thanks to the Blessing Room
for this cute bunny for easter 2000

piskieseasterglobe.gif (36814 bytes)


thxsbabydoll.gif (15352 bytes)

egg-globejava.gif (13834 bytes)
Thanks Lady Java

easdhoot.gif (9812 bytes)

Thanks Bud for the
Easter present
April 2000

supglobe.jpg (15101 bytes)
Thanks Trish


springglobe2.gif (24112 bytes)
April 21, 2000

easter_hsh.gif (26380 bytes)
Thank you Michelle

kelthanx.jpg (16170 bytes)

happyeastertrish.jpg (13102 bytes)

ourangelsdomety.gif (29249 bytes)


happyholidaysglobe.gif (46570 bytes)

hobbies.bmp (120054 bytes)

faelollytyou.gif (12509 bytes)


pikklebabythanks.jpg (15198 bytes)

mylifethanks.jpg (14645 bytes)


leahsplthankx.gif (15471 bytes)

smile-thank.gif (11678 bytes)


kellywarzone2.gif (22234 bytes)

warzonethanks.gif (27190 bytes)

mothersgift_drealmfairies.gif (37827 bytes)
Mother's Day May 14th, 2000 from
DRealm of the Fairies


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