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Saturday, August 31, 2002

Today was a pretty interesting day. After getting up at about 9 AM CST, me and my parents talked for a bit. I took a shower and weighed myself on their scale. Can you beleive I weigh less than my MOM!!! OMG there is something seriously messed up with that. Anyway my parents wanted to go out but they wouldn't really tell me where they were going. I just assumed we were going to go out to eat lunch. Well we finally pull up to a Mercedes dealership and of course we are driving our really OLD MB. I just assumed they had to get it checked up or something. So we all go inside to take a look at the latest and greatest. MB is really not my style so I wasn't really impressed with their cars. For a while my mom had her eyes set on one of those new C230 Kompressor hatchbacks that have a all glass top roof. Pretty ugly car if you ask me. Basically looks like the BMW 318 ti of Mercedes Benz. Just has awkward written all over it.

Anyway I notice we don't have an appointment for our old car, and I ask my parents if we were here to "really" look at new cars...and they just kind of smile and nod their heads. I'm not too excited because I know all the cars are WAY out of my "price appreciation" level. So we are about to leave but just then one of the dealers becomes free, and my parents sit down to talk to him. Turns out they already went through the negotiations and just needed to sign papers and stuff!!!

So we drove home with a brand spanking new C240. This is the first time my parents have boughten a new car for themselves in a looong time. In fact I'm kind of shocked they didn't buy it used. I'm glad they got a new car. It's about time they get a nice good quality car...and one they'll both enjoy and be safe in.

But just when I thought my parents had made the most informed, well-planned and executed decision they could possibly make, we drive off and immediately my dad notice something unexpected. It's a new car so nothing should be wrong with it. I asked him if he test drove the car...and he tells me that he test drove a different model car and not the one we just bought! But nonetheless it's a sweet car.

Oh man it's so nice to be back home with parents. I've eaten more already now than I have throughout the whole week last week. I won't say it was all the pleasant though. They are practically forcing this stuff down my throat. I hope I do get a little better while I'm here though.

My parents are pretty upset that I have to go through all this. I'm kind of glad they can kind of see what I go through. I really hope they get an idea of what the problem is...and somehow bring me a cure :)

Plane ride wasn't all that bad I guess. I think I like US Airways better than Continental though...since my flight is on multiple carriers.

Well maybe I'll give another update later on today.

Friday, August 30, 2002

Time to go back to mama. San Antonio here I come. Flight leaves at 1:55pm...but gotta run an errand first. Can't believe I woke up like at 8:00am.

Thursday, August 29, 2002

Today I actually woke up kind of early. I got to work at 10am. I went to bed last night really early and decided I'm going to stop taking my medicine because it clearly is not helping me. However I kept waking up through out the night because I had to rinse or spray my mouth. Today I weighed myself and to my surprise I'm 150 lbs. My normal weight is around 170-180. That's 20-30 pounds I've lost. So many of my friends have commented on me looking too skinny as well. I looked as some old pictures of me and I realize how "healthy" I looked then. But because my diet has suffered so much it's little wonder I lost so much weight. Today I had one can of Pepsi, a little bit of Coke, and a cup of rice pudding for lunch. Last night I tried making scrambled eggs because I thought that'd be soft enough to eat, but even that wasn't as easy to eat as I thought. Today my canker sores don't hurt as much I think, but they don't seem to be healing either.

I'm so freaking skinny. I weigh as much as I did my freshman year in college. Instead of gaining the freshman 15, I lost it...due largely because of my anorexic girlfriend. I tried so hard to get her to eat, but you spend so much time with someone with that problem, then it kind of rubs off on you too. One the one hand...I don't see anymore flab on me =) but on the other hand, I don't see much muscles on me either. =(

Well time to take my vitamins...and pray to God for a cure.

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

My life is getting so difficult. I do not enjoy eating anymore. In fact it's becoming more of a chore. Today all I've had is a bottle of apple juice diluted with water, and a cup of pudding for lunch, and oh yeah...my medicine, and a bunch of squirts of Cepacol spray to numb my canker sores. I hate it when it comes to meal times, because as I eat I want to cry, because I can't eat normally anymore. Swallowing in general is always painful. When I'm at home, I'm constantly rinsing my mouth out with salt water solution. Makes it feel a little better and cuts through all the thick saliva that develops in my mouth. I've lost so much weight I'm sure. My clothes are all too lose on me, and I'm always so cold at work. Pray for me please.

Here's something I read that was pretty funny from the Our Daily Bread Site.

It's been said that in the former Soviet Union the peasant farmers often enjoyed telling a humorous story to lighten their dreary lives. It seems that one day a government official came to a farmer and inquired about the year's potato crop. "Oh, it was wonderful," the farmer replied slyly. "It was so big it reached up to the very foot of God." The commissar's countenance quickly changed. With a scowl, he said, "But comrade, this is a communist state and we are atheists. You must not forget, there is no God!" "Ah, that's my point," the farmer replied. "No God—no potatoes!"

Last night after work I went to a wake or viewing service for my friend's father. The room was packed with people...and filled with emotions. At the end when we all walked past the casket I had such a hard time holding it all in. Several times I had to just think of something totally random to take my mind off it all. Death hasn't ever really hit so close to home for me before. I think that's the first time I've been so close and seen the deceased. I could only take a quick glimpse, but I was so confused as to what death really means. There's this person in front of me, and the only difference is that he's not moving...but he's still the same person right? So how does death mean that person doesn't exist anymore? It really is a hard thing to accept.

This morning I woke up earlier than usually to attend the funeral service. I took part of the morning off of work. I think CK is taking this really hard...but I know they will be okay because when I look at her brother, he seems like such a rock. Honestly he's been too busy with arrangements lately that I think he hasn't really had time to grieve.

I pray that they will remain strong. If you are reading this please pray for them too. Thanks.

Tuesday, August 27, 2002

Well yesterday was such a difficult day. I don't know what it was, but the whole day just seemed to drag on. I was so tired and dozed of so many times at work. At one point I had to just go to my car and rest because I was feeling so tired and kind of sick. When I got home it felt so good to just rest in bed.

Today I'm going to help out at my friend's wake in honor of their father. I was hoping to get into work early today so I can put in a full day, but even still I couldn't get out of bed. I came in a little before 11am.

God give me strength to finish this day.

Monday, August 26, 2002

This weekend was a good and bad one. On Saturday, we had a leaders retreat for Emmanuel Church. My good friend CK was also there at the retreat. Before we were to break for dinner, we got news that her father had passed away due to a massive heart attack. My heart really goes out to her and her brother. One thing I'll never forget is when I heard her wailing behind the double doors of the auditorium. Just broke my heart. All of us got down and prayed really hard for them. I think there is even doubt that the father was Christian. I truly hope that CK and her brother will look forward to seeing both fathers in heaven.

The next day at church I looked in disbelief as I saw both of them walk into morning service. To think that going to church that morning was more important to them than staying home to grieve blew my mind. The day before I was thinking this event might shake them from their foundations of faith, but coming to church that morning just showed me how strong they truly are. And even as I talked to SK (CK's brother) I was amazed at how composed and collected he was. If I were in his position I'd be crying like a little baby. I'm concerned that he now has these enormous pressures to pick up where his father left off as head of household. If you could, please offer a small prayer for my friends, for comfort, understanding, and healing. CK, if you or your brother is reading this...please know that I'm here for you, praying for you, hoping the best for you.

Also another thing to dampen the mood even further is that another of my good friends dtlee109 is leaving town today to go to school in Boston. Yesterday we had a fairwell day which started off with a fairwell lunch at Houllihan's and then we went off to King of Prussia again, even though none of us really wanted to go cept for the girls...then killed some time until dinner at Seo-ra-bol. Amazing how many people came out. Like 30+ people came out to join him. Later they went to noh-reh-bang...and after that ended, dtlee109 drove out to PC Bang to meet me and Spiderman. We all played for a few hours with tk1, turdle, and turtlespec who joined in from home.

Saturday and Sunday I had to wake up really early for, so today I just slept in until like 12:30 pm. I packed my lunch and then forgot to bring it with me, so not it's just sitting in my apartment getting warm...but I think I deserved to sleep in. It feels so good to just sleep and get up when you want.

Friday, August 23, 2002

Got a few minutes to burn before I get to go to church. I gotta pick up Paul on the way though. I hope he doesn't mind though that I'm going to probably go to PC Bang after Phileo tonight for a little bit with Doug and Ted maybe :)

I'm a bit sad that my friends are leaving. Doug is kind of the guy that seems hard to get to know. He's very quite and reserved, but when you hang out with him sometimes he just cracks the funniest, most unexpected jokes. And although it's hard to appreciate him at first, he begins to grow on you. I only wish I knew him earlier.

And my friend Ted is gone too. He was kind of a quite and reserved guy too. Very down to earth, and very talented. I have no doubts he'll do well for himself.

Well time to get out of here. Got a leaders retreat to go to on Saturday, and Sunday is going to be hectic, so maybe an update will follow on Monday. Later.

OMG...something scared the living crap out of me this morning. These past couple of nights have been on the cooler side, after being in such a long series of heat waves. So I decided not to use the air conditioner. My bedroom is generally a bit warmer than the living room when I have the sliding glass door open. So I was sleeping out in my living room this morning when I hear this loud noise (kind of like a pop and then a reverberating echo). At first I thought maybe my guinea pig suddenly jumped up into the air hitting the water bottle and cage or something. And then like 5 seconds later I hear the same noise twice. So I hear pop............pop....pop. And then I realized it wasn't my guinea pig, but it sounded more like GUN SHOTS. My eyes opened up wide and I fixed my eyes on the sliding glass door...afraid someone might barge in. Needless to say that didn't happen, but boy was I scared. At that instant I'm thinking boy is it a bad idea to have a gun in your house. I listened carefully for the next few minutes for sirens, but never heard them. I'm guessing nothing happened. I'm hoping nothing happened. Man I live in a ghetto apartment community.

Well I came into work at the usual 11am today. Last week I'd come in at 10:30. Maybe next week I'll start coming in at 11:30am. Anyway I spent part of the morning reading my friends web logs. I think two of my friends are kind of fighting, according to one of their web logs. My other friend that's leaving the area soon is feeling a little blue about leaving I think. But I just laughed at how his day is so easy to decide. Should I go to PC Bang or AC? Dang...what a life. Maybe I'll go with him tonight or tomorrow night. Only problem is I'm kind of busy. Well we'll see.

Thursday, August 22, 2002

This morning I had difficulty again getting up in the morning...due partly to the fact that I had Burger King yesterday. I got sucked into the 2 King Supreme burgers for $2 deal again. If this kind of food wasn't so unhealthy, you could literally eat this all the time and save way more money than shopping and cooking food yourself. Anyway I got suckerd into buying one of their 99 cent BK Love Shakes, whatever that's supposed to be. I think they said tastes like chocolate covered cherries, but I didn't taste no chocolate. Anyway I forgot that a shake is really a MILK Shake, and well being Asian and all, man that stuff works better than any laxative in the world, accompanied by the worst case of abdominal cramping you've ever had. My abdomen was making sounds louder than I can pass gas. Crazy huh?

Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Just had some blood drawn from me at the lab. Boy that is not fun.

Last night was so restless. I basically tossed and turned in bed for several hours last night until finally I decided to just watch TV. I finally fell back to sleep around 4 in the morning. I almost thought I'd be able to stay up and go straight to work at 6am, but that didn't happen. Instead I strolled into work at 11:15 AM.

In a few hours I'm going to go and get my blood test, because of this drug I'm taking, as a precaution. I hope the results come back fine because I don't think this drug is working.

Tuesday, August 20, 2002

Boost, the supplement and energy drink also smells pretty bad like Slim Fast. There's just something about the smell that ruins the taste.

Well I bought two plane tickets today. One for San Antonio for Labor Day weekend, and another for the end of September. My friend is getting married in Atlanta. I hate spending so much money all in one month...but can you imagine all in one day. My credit card bill ain't going to be funny next month.

Half an hour more and I'm on my way home.

Yesterday after work I finally decided to try and install my new 100GB hard drive. Only it didn't work. I hate having to deal with anything other than the default, because then you gotta actually sit there and read the freaking manual, for something you don't really want to learn. So my computer won't even boot up at this point. I also cut my hair yesterday. Oh man it feels so good to have that vented feeling on the back of your head during the summer...and what's better is the feeling when you only have to use like 2 drops of shampoo to do your hair...and if it didn't get any better, your hair dries lickity-split. Oh and for dinner yesterday I thought I'd indulge myself with Kentucky Fried Chicken. I ordered a 6-piece family value meal and guess what I got? ONLY 5 PIECES. I tell you, amazing these people don't know how to freaking count!!! No joke, next time I go there I'm going to ask for an extra piece, and I'm not leaving until they do.

Anyway today, before work, I went to ShopRite to get some stuff. Boost (because I didn't see any Ensure), Pop-Tarts, cereal bars, and Pepsi BLUE. I'm eating my Subway sandwich right now, and trying the BLUE. It's just a-ight! If this is Pepsi's answer to Vanilla Coke, then it's rather lame I think. It's more of a kiddie drink than a real man's drink.

Monday, August 19, 2002

This weekend was pretty relaxing for me. After Friday night I went to PC Bang for a couple of hours and got home around 2am. I went to bed and slept and slept and slept. I got up around 2pm on Saturday. I was supposed to go to a company picnic, but instead I just stayed in bed. Plus I didn't really feel like eating or talking. My mouth has really been bothering me lately.

I vaguely remember having a dream about me and some friends walking along the shore of a lake. When we got up to the beach I was washing up and everyone surprised me throwing stuff on me and wishing me happy birthday. I was so caught up in the surprise that I didn't realize until later that it wasn't even my birthday. I thought that was kind of funny how you want something so much in a dream, but it doesn't matter if it's true or not.

Sunday was a bit interesting. We ushered in a new season by welcoming new-comers to our church and dividing the fellowship into smaller more personal groups. It was also the day we started our new afternoon service. Well not really new, but moved up from 2pm to 12pm. I think the move was a bit premature considering the new chapel didn't even have carpeting and more importantly didn't have air conditioning. Furthermore I think the design could have been a little better. The sound booth is awkwardly hogging up the middle back portion of the sanctuary, even more conspicuous than a baptist setup. After service I went to The Cheesecake Factory with some friends. I don't understand what all the hype is about that place. Food is good (I wouldn't say GREAT), but for the price, the traffic, and especially the wait in line...I'd rather go somewhere else. I think I've made up my mind never go to King of Prussia again. Just doesn't make sense to.

Time to get some lunch.

Friday, August 16, 2002

Here I am at work again just bored off my butt. I had to run back home during lunch really quickly to get my medicine. I don't think this medicine is helping me at all. I've been on it for about 2 weeks now. Shouldn't I start seeing results? Anyway it's funny how my social interaction has changed. People pass me and say Hi and all I can do is wave my hand or some other primitive form of communication. I just try and avoid eye contact altogether.

Tonight will be interesting. I'll be going to church for our Phileo Friday fellowship. I'll see how many people I can NOT talk to :) Hopefully we'll all just go to PC Bang afterward like last week.

Tomorrow our department is going to have a picnic. Last year's picnic was fun. It was the first time I think they did such a thing, and I even won a door prize. Our department head was calling out the ticket numbers, and when he called out my number I went up very eager, and then what does he pull out? He opens the box up and inside is a very elegant desk clock. But it's what he says next that haunts me to this day. He says, "Wow...a clock, now maybe you won't be late to work so much". Our company is very flexible about work hours, but I must admit that I do come in a bit later than most folks. Sort of like how my friend Ed comes to morning Sunday service. ;)

I wish I could remember my dreams because I swear I have lots of wierd dreams. The one I do remember was about me and my ex. I don't know why, I think we might have been arguing and I was trying to force my way into the bathroom where she was. I could see in the mirror that she had a pan in her hand and was going to hit me over the head and knock me out. But instead as I came in, she only tapped me on the head with it. I wrestled the pan out of her hands and held her still. That's all I remember, but I'm surprised she didn't knock me out cold. Even my dreams confirm I have a way with women...he he he. j/k

Anyway yesterday after work I went to Best Buy again. I got a 100GB harddrive for $100 after rebate. Originally $120...but knowing how Best Buy rebates work I wouldn't be surprised if I never see my rebate come in the mail.

While I was there I got to play "Medal of Honor" again. Man that game is cool. I played two games each time not getting further than the very first time I played. The game is getting smarter!?!?!

Got home and fixed my computer, well sort of. At least now it's able to boot up. There was something wrong with the registry which wouldn't even allow me to boot in safe mode. I don't know what I did differently than past attempts but somehow Windows detected the registry problem and restored it to a previous setting. I still can't play Counter Strike though since a new version has come out since and I have no hard disk space left on my current hard drive to install the upgrade. I'll copy everything to my new hard drive and wipe the old one clean.

Thursday, August 15, 2002

Went to Best Buy after work yesterday to get a new harddrive but the one I wanted was out of stock. Pretty good deal too I think. Anyway while I was there I got to check out the game Medal of Honor. That game is pretty neat. I might actually think about purchasing the game and giving the whole thing a try on my computer, but my computer might not be able to support it. I went to Han-ah-reum to buy some stuff too. Aloe Vera juice, some snacks, and some sushi. When I got home I tried fixing up the emachine I got from church. I need to fix it up and make it useable again. I tried installing the game America's Army on it too, which I downloaded...but it didn't work. I guess apparently the integrated AGP video card really isn't a bona fide 3D graphics accelerator. I tried doing DirectX diagnostic tests and I kept getting this one error. Oh...I just had a thought. I'll reinstall the "original" driver, and not the one Windows Updater wanted me to.

Anyway got up even later today. I'll be here until at least 7pm, and my throat hurts a little more than my lips and tongue. I think lips and tongue are getting a little better...although I still don't feel like talking. My cubemate talks to me throughout the day and usually all I do is nod my head or just grunt. Life is difficult. I think I need to read the story of JOB again for inspiration.

Wednesday, August 14, 2002

Dang...my canker sores hurt so much these days. If you bump into me and say Hi and all I do is nod my head or mumble something, you know why. The sore that I cauterized with Debacterol yesterday hurts now just the same as before I cauterized it...although there was that period of no pain. I'm wondering if cauterizing it again is worth the few pain free hours. Someone please find a cure for my canker sores.

I was also just looking at submitted designs for the WTC memorial from anyone. Go to the CNN.com site and look for the design on there. Some were pretty interesting.

Well time to go to Best Buy and Han-ah-reum.

Well yesterday was just another boring day. Went home at about 7pm, watched TV and ate dinner, watched more TV and went to bed. Since the air conditioner is in my bedroom I'm always in there especially during the hot days. I need to fix up my computer, but it's in the living room where it's a lot warmer.

Lockheed Martin is once again offering it's Continuing Education Program (CEP) classes, which topics range from engineering, to programming, to general wellness classes, like aerobics, CPR, Tai Chi, etc. I need to decide which one to take.

This morning was particularly hard to get out of bed. I just want to sleep in all day, although I get like 9 or ten hours of sleep. I'm thinking that the more sleep I get the more tired I am.

Also my mouth has been hurting a lot lately, to the point where I just don't want to talk. Eating is very difficult. Yesterday my mouth was hurting so much that I cauterized a canker sore on my upper lip. After a brief moment of excruciating pain, the pain goes away...well at least for a couple of days. I don't think the medicine I'm taking is really working. I just hope it's not harming my body.

Tuesday, August 13, 2002

Okay this really sucks again. I think I need to use a script to record my entries. I just saved my changes and then made a few more changes only to find out thist stupid GEOCITIES didn't save my changes the first time. This is the second time this has happened. I just really get PO'ed when stuff like this happens. Such a waste of time and thought.

Anyway yesterday we had our fairwell party for our friend Ted Hemmaplardh. He will definitely be a very missed person in our group. Especially the webteam. I don't think we'll be able to find another person as creative and artistic as he was. He will truly be missed. We all met up at Dave and Busters at 7:30pm and had dinner there. Afterward we hit the games. I only got to play PUMP once. PUMP is basically the Korean rip-off of DDR (Dance Dance Revolution). I found out that Sun Moon is really good. When I was playing with him He'd be getting A's and I'd be getting C's and D's. He crushed me!!! And I didn't think I was all that bad. Maybe I can take him on DDR instead...since it's not as awkward and clumsy as PUMP. Oh well. I need a humbling experience every now and then :) But on Counter-Strike...I'm untouchable!!! j/k

Monday, August 12, 2002

I was WAY late for a meeting today. I was supposed to meet with my team at this one building, but I got confused with building names and basically walked into the meeting just as it was wrapping up. How embarrassing is that!

Also I met with Cathy today for lunch. She had her interview and I think she has mixed feelings about the whole thing. I really hope this works out for her because everything just seems so right!

Anyway my friend Ted Hemmaplardh is getting another going-away party tonight at Dave & Busters. I guess lots of people are happy he is leaving! Also my other friend Doug Lee is leaving as well soon, so this is kind of for him as well. I'll let you know how things went tomorrow.

Oh my!!! This weekend was too packed. After work on Friday I got home to find one of my Guinea Pigs dead. Now I only have one left. We also had a BBQ at our church Friday night. It went pretty well I think. Lots of people came out and had a great time. I didn't participate in the food preps, but the food looked good, but I think maybe we were a bit short on food. I could blame the other officers that were responsible for the food but (as if this never occured to me) choosing not to care about it, or not letting it bother me is so much easier than trying to have things my way. I didn't feel overworked, and I was trying not to make other people feel overworked either. After the picnic Ted Kim had the briliant idea of going to PC Bang and playing counter strike, so we played for 4 hours!!! I didn't get home until like 3AM.

Woke up the next morning early to go to church for our beach trip. I was shocked to see most everyone there were girls. Out of about 20+ of us only 6 of us were guys. We drove in the red church van and one car. A few of the NJ guys drove up separately and met with us there at Ocean City. We had lunch and played out on the beach for the rest of the day. Had some Rita's water ice and played a little bit of PUMP (the Korean DDR game). Around 6pm when we agreed to leave, we had trouble finding Sue Ha, one of the girls that came with us. She said she was trying to find the bathroom. I think she might have gotten lost though...because we send out "search teams" to find her. We decided to drive back to Cherry Hill and have dinner at Empire Buffet. That too was a lot of fun I think. At first some people sounded like they didn't want to go, but at the end I think everyone was really happy. After that I tried to teach a girl how to drive stick shift in my car. All I'll say is that I try not to remember it!

Sunday was a lot of fun too because we took one of our friends out to all you can eat sushi lunch buffet at Oasis in Center City. It was MUCH better than I expected and that too was a lot of fun. About 20 people came out and after lunch we lounged on the sofa chairs for a bit. After that we went over to Ed's place to play video games for the rest of the night.

Friday, August 9, 2002

I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo bored at work. I have work i can do but I'm stuck...and no one is around.

Yesterday night I met up with some NJ friends. There were 7 of us all together. We ate dinner at Moorestown Mall, but since some of the girls came late, we didn't catch the showing at MM. Instead we drove back over to Cherry Hill, where the Lowes Theater was. We watched Signs. If you haven't seen it yet, I would encourage you not to miss it...definitely worth watching. The director (the Indian dude that directed Unbreakable and Sixth Sense) did a great job I think. When I got home and climbed into bed, I actually felt scared for a little bit that someone could easily intrude into my apartment. And then I thought, well if aliens were to bust into my apartment, hopefully they'd take my guinea pigs only. Which reminds me. Before I left for work, I was going to just give my guinea pigs water, since I ran out of food. Occasionally I'll just pull some grass from the backyard and give it to them when I run out of food too. One of my guinea pigs was definitly sick. Rolled up like a little fur ball...and when it woke up it kind of wobbled around trying to gain it's balance. Most of you would know that I hate having my guinea pigs now, but that was such a sad site to see. I'm going to try and take care of them much better. And even though they are good for nothing else other than eating, sleeping, pooping, and annoying you, that would just be mean if I killed it by neglect. Although taking care of one of them instead of two of them definitely has it's upside. Oh I don't know what to think. I just hope when I get home it's not dead. BTW...I found out yesterday that my fish was dead too. I'm so terrible at taking care of things.

Thursday, August 8, 2002

Going to go hang out with my friends at the mall. Maybe go watch a movie with them too. I'm not sure. I need to go to Best Buy and look at hard drives. Need one for my computer which has been on the fritz for a while...darn shame too since I'm still paying for like $60 cable modem internet service which I haven't used for more than a month. I hope the FCC goes after that monopolistic bully Comcast. Can you believe they raised the rates of internet service so that it's MORE expensive than internet service and cable TV service combined!?!?! How does that make sense! Comcast is so screwed up. I hope the CEO takes a dive or something like all the other corporate execs. $6,000 shower curtains...how outrageous. That should make you think twice before buying another Tyco toy.

Wow...I just read this from the USAToday website about the Spirit Airlines promotion.

Travelers snapped up all 13,400 seats Wednesday after Spirit Airlines announced flights would be free on Sept. 11, a move hailed for patriotism and promotional savvy. More than 100,000 calls poured in over the airline's 300 reservations lines during the day in hopes of reserving a seat on one of the 90 flights to 14 cities, officials said. The airline's Web site became overloaded. "The reaction has been phenomenal," says Spirit CEO Jacob Schorr. "We had to do something to grab everyone's attention."

Yesterday night was such a restless night, just kept tossing and turning, not to mention my annoying neighbors above me making the floor squeak almost as if to get on my nerves. Anyway after work I wasn't feeling so great so I thought I'd try and nap before eating dinner. Then finally around 9pm I'm still not hungry but force myself to eat. I think the medicine I'm on is really bad...and really screwing up my routine. I'm not sure if it's the pain in my mouth or the medicine, but my appetite is like totally gone.

The other day my friend Tim thought the whole Spirit Airlines promotion was kind of funny in a strange scary kind of way. Thought the name of the airlines was just a bit spooky to be offering such a thing. he he he

Wednesday, August 7, 2002

It's funny what some people believe.

Curses on the sewage
LIVERMORE, Calif. ?Adam Fortunate Eagle Nordwall, who put a curse on the city's sewer system in the early 70s, said he will remove it if the city apologizes. Nordwall claims the city mistreated a totem pole he gave as a gift. Workers restored the pole, and in 1995 upgraded it with new paint. Still, Nordwall is holding out for an apology ceremony, which Mayor Marshall Kamena supports. ''I'd rather not mess with something I don't understand,'' he said.

Oh BTW...Spirit Airlines is offering free flights on Sept. 11th. Go to their website spiritair.com

Haven't gotten a notice from the office yet, so maybe, just maybe they accepted my rent check late, but I'm still holding my breath because they could send a notice today or maybe even tomorrow. After that I think I'll be in the clear.

My friend Cathy, who is new to the area from DC is/was looking for jobs. She gave me her resume and I pushed it through to this one manager at Lockheed Martin. The manager was interested and wanted to set up an interview with her. I was so excited. Then she calls me last night and tells me she already accepted an offer somewhere else. Argh...she wasn't sure what to do, but we both felt that LM would definitely be the better choice...however she didn't want to back out of the position she had just accepted. Today is supposed to be her first day of training and signing papers and whatnot. Hopefully she called in and deferred her decision. She has an interview with LM on Monday. I hope it goes well and they offer her a position. Because then the Lockheed Martin influence on the church will grow and before you know it...we'll have our own Lockheed Martin "specialty" small group...he he he. j/k

Tuesday, August 6, 2002

These canker sores are such a pain in the...@#%$@#%$ (mouth). What...did you think I would say a dirty word? I tried to eat my lunch, foot long subway sandwich but it darn near impossible to eat the whole thing in one sitting because my mouth hurts which makes me eat very slowly and carefully, so after taking about 30 minutes to finish half of it...I'm already tired of eating and not really hungry anymore. Usually I buy a foot long and eat half of it for lunch and the other half for dinner...but these days I'm trying to put back some of my weight, and so I tried to eat the other half. Can you believe I was sweating like crazy just trying to finish? Beads of sweat literally falling off my head. I think part of reason is because my hair is long though. I think I'm going to cut my hair tonight. I think I just might cut it really short. Summers been unbearably humid and hot so far, so I think a nice 24/7 air conditioning hair cut is just in order.

BTW...I figured out how to drink Slim-Fast. Drink it like you would hard-liquor. Chug it then chase it down with some water. I'm definitely going to buy Ensure next time.

My canker sores are so bad, my doctor has me on Cyclosporine. It's supposed to be an immunosuppressant drug, which is typically given to organ transplant patients so their body doesn't reject the tranplant. I think the reason behind the drug is that my body is too hypersensitive to something which is causing the canker sores. So I really don't know who to believe, my doctor or my parents (who are also doctors). My parents keep telling me eat healthy, exercise, and all this stuff that's good for my immune system. But apparently my immune system already is good. I'm so confused.

Went to Han-ah-reum yesterday and picked up some Aloe Vera Juice, sweet bread, bbong-ti-gi, a Korean video, and some ban-chan. Yesterday seemed kind of like a waste of time. Today I'm going to try and go to Best Buy and buy a hard drive so I can fix my computer. So hopefully I'll be a lot more productive tonight.

This morning was such a nice beautiful day. It was like fall weather. Nice and sunny yet the air was so cool and crisp and best of all, no humidity. I thought it had the makings of a perfect day. Then just as I drove past my apartment communities office, I realized I forgot to pay rent. I'm a day late...and the office is such a pain when it comes to that kind of stuff. I've had a check bounce (no fault of my own though, bank's fault, completely out of my hands) and they still charged me a $100 late fee, and said I had to get reimbursed by my bank. I have such a beef with my apartment management and I was so tempted to dedicate a website especially for them discouraging people from living here, I still might do that. Anyway I drove back to my apartment and wrote up the check and dropped it in their rent box...hopefully they won't notice, but I'm not really counting on that.

Monday, August 5, 2002

Hmmm...almost time to go home. I think I'll stop by Han-ah-reum and pick up some Aloe-Vera juice and maybe some Korean videos...oh yeah...and something to eat for dinner. Maybe I should wait later toward closing time, because I think the mark down their sushi...but I'll have to consider if it's worth the extra dollar or two savings.

Yesterday was kind of a cool day. Started off Sunday by getting up in the morning. It's the earliest day of the week that I have to get up so early. Did a fairly good job at the projector, except for accidently forgetting to display the Bible passages at the beginning of the sermon. I had prepared the slides at work days before, but I guess I forgot to email myself a copy of my own work. That was a little bit embarrassing but on a whole I think it went well. After service I went with my friends to Vietnam Restaurant and ordered like this beef mystery meat PHO bowl. I just ate the beef strips and left the other mystery meat in the bowl. After lunch we went to watch a movie, but even after watching "Austin Powers - Goldmember" I could still taste the beef PHO in my stomach. YUCK. Not to mention the movie was so stupid. I suppose if you were like still in 4th grade and you thought it was cool to make stupid jokes like putting your fingers together in a circle and using the other finger moving it in and out of the circle, then I supposed you might think it was such a funny movie. I seriously can't stand watching movies like that. Some of the gestures were just WRONG and I would say anyone that thought those kinds of jokes were funny are just immature and stupid and still living in elementary school. I will admit that some of the other jokes were hilarious and very original...but on a whole...not worth watching on the big-screen. Wait until someone else rents it for you.

Anyway the best part of the day was after we went to Cosi's at the King of Prussia Mall, (I had a S'mores arctic mocha, which ain't too bad, and bought 3 Yankee Candles which I subsequently left in Doug's car) we all went to the PC Bang and played Counter-Strike for 3 hours. I was doing very well at first and then when they restarted the round did very horribly.

Well I guess that's about all I got on my mind. After I got home yesterday I called my mom. It's come to the point where we talk about the same thing over and over and it's getting kind of annoying because sometimes after I hang up I just want to cry. Anyway time to get back to work.

Saturday, August 3, 2002

I'm at Ed's place right now waiting to start a meeting and I figured I had nothing better to do than to update my weblog, so here I am. Yesterday was a bit of a crazy day I think. After Phileo, I was feeling tired and wanted to go home, but I had told some folks that we were going to go to noh-reh-bang. Pil brought 2 girls up from Delaware, and Sun, Doug, and myself met up with Tae at the noh-reh-bang place. It was a lot of fun. Afterward Tae and myself went to a few more places and finally finished the night with suh-lung-tang at Han-chun. We both drove back to Tae's place where I stayed the night.

One of the funny things that happened that night was when we were trying to find Music-town. None of us were very sure of where it was, but I had a good idea since I was there once. I was leading the way but the two cars behind me flashed me indicating that we had just passed the place (but I didn't think so) I was now the last one in line and when we realized it wasn't the place we were kind of lost. I pulled into a 7-Eleven store and called my friend to find directions. He didn't know where we were and neither did we...so I told them I would back track and lead from there again. We got to Music-town and as we got out of the car Doug and Sun were laughing. I asked them what was so funny, and they asked me if I saw the 7-Eleven on the way. Apparently we were only like a block away but we had to backtrack several blocks just to get our bearing. We basically made a huge circle just to get to the place that was literally just beside us. :)

Friday, August 2, 2002

Oh yeah...I just remember what my dream this morning was. Sounds silly but I remember we had this big banquet dinner at this place that looked like an old church I used to go to when I was a little kid. I was trying to get desserts, and I tried to pile up on a bunch of sweets like cookies and pastries and stuff. What I was really in the mood for was a nice, warm, soft, brownies. I saw this person opening the container and taking a HUGE piece. I was like OMG!!! I was trying to get to it too, but like suddenly there was so many people around the table it was kind of hard to get to. I saw this other guy kind of cut his way through and started to take a piece and all the while I was thinking I need to get there quick otherwise there won't be any left. Just when I get there, the guy leaves and I look into the container and it's all gone, but replaced with this other kind of chocolate bread or cake or whatever (which I already had on my plate). I whined out "No!!!!" I had just been duped by this other guy. Just then I realized there is like no one around...and like almost all the dessert is gone except for that one container. Interestingly enough the whole table was clean too...so I figured I'd take the rest of it. I hate the way dreams work. It's so cruel. The opposite of what you want happens. Like if a big scarey monster or murderer is chasing you, and you are an athletic person...but all of a sudden you can't move your legs and you have no sensation of them moving, so all you can do is try and crawl youself away from this guy who is running after you, but isn't really getting any closer (but you don't realize this) and so you continue and continue to try and crawl away!!!

This reminds me of a funny story when I was a little boy in Maine, I think I dreamed about food too much because I had this same dream over and over. I distinctly remember dreaming about this bowl of rice which tasted really really good, but it was time for me to go to bed, so I couldn't eat it. So naturally I tried to save it, and so I figured I'll hide it under my bed and in the morning when I wake up it'll still be there. But when I really did wake up, it wasn't there. I was so puzzled because I did this several times. Then one day I realized it was all a dream...and things in your dreams don't really occur in real life. I guess the thing that puzzled me was that I was dreaming about real life...and got confused about when I was really going to bed and when I was only dreaming about going to bed. Talk about confusing!!!

Dang...getting out of bed today was hard. Went to bed at 2AM after coming back from my friend's place. That fool told me he had a weight lifting bench but failed to mention that it wasn't completely built yet. So in order for me to use it I had to assemble the rest of it. So I didn't get to do too much. His bar was also too small for his "professional" grade lifting bench. Ed and Cathy also come over, and we watched the Korean movie "Chin-goo" (translates to "friends"). It's basically a movie about friendship between four gang members and how it evolves through time. It was okay, but if you want to see a GOOD gangster/love movie...you should check out "Yak-sok" (means "Promise"). Great movie!

Anyway a bunch of Tae's friends came over to play their weekly Thursday night poker game. Even though they were playing with quarters...it's amazing how much money was on the table during a given round. Often times easily over $50. Too rich for my blood.

Thursday, August 1, 2002

Slim-Fast smells nasty...but surprisingly doesn't taste as bad as it smells. One can a day is bad enough (and I've only done this for 2 days), I can't imagine drinking it twice a day. Also I realized Vit. B smells pretty bad. Why is it that all the good things in life are bad for you, but all the bad things in life are good for you? Hmm...that almost doesn't make sense.

Argh...stupid stupid stupid work computers and Yahoo Geocities. I just wasted like another 15 minutes writing a post that didn't even save because....argh!!!!! Anyway I guess I'll try and rewrite everything, but seeing how everything is just a ramble I'll be hard pressed to remember it all.

Yesterday I spent so much time working on the church website when I should have been doing work work. I need to really get focused on work because ever since I've been here I can't say that I've done anything really significant...and if I ever want to go to Korea, I need to learn the AEGIS system inside out. But what I was working on yesterday was pretty cool. For a sneak preview click here.

Tonight I'm supposed to go to Tae's. That's when they have their poker night. I get to finally see how bad Ted is at poker...he he he. Maybe I'll give it a try, but seeing how I'm so risk averse, I probably won't lose too much money. Tae just bought a bench press and weights so that's my excuse for going. I'll work out since my parents have been harping on me for the longest time to exercise more.