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Dave Pelland.com

Writing, Editing, Web Design

What's New With Dave:

May 22: The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has a member named Orson Swindle.

In other news, e-mail still not working right.

May 20: Potential e-mail problems: I'm changing hosting providers, so that seems to have thrown a wrench into the works of my e-mail account. Please stand by.

May 17: Stupid, no-shit headline from today's New York Times: "U.S. Officials See Signs of a Revived Al Qaeda." Like maybe this one from Casablanca:
Or maybe we can check Saudi Arabia:

April 30: If you're gonna rob a bank, it might be a good idea to make sure a cop isn't banking at the drive-through window.

April 29: A London-based Arabic newspaper is reporting that former Iraqi information minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf would like to surrender to coalition forces, but is being turned away because he's not on the 55 most wanted list. In other al-Sahhaf news, he has a standing job offer with the Al-Arabiya channel in Dubai. He couldn't be worse than Geraldo.

April 3: Connecticut's kielbasa crusade continues! While there's no response from McDonald's yet from a local petition campaign to add it to the menu, undaunted kielbasa fans are now calling on Burger King to offer the tubular delight. Hey, they already offer an Italian-themed chicken sandwich. I'm sure the folks at Wendy's can expect a call shortly.

April 1: Without public hearings or input, the mayor of Chicago ordered the runway at Miegs Field to be ripped apart by bulldozers in the middle of Sunday night, closing the airport and stranding more than a dozen planes at the former facility. While the move was supposedly made in the name of homeland security, the possibility of developing waterfront property might have crossed the mayor's mind as well. On a lesser scale, the move is sad for fans of Microsoft's Flight Simulator game, which used the field at a default airport. On my PC, I've taken off and kinda landed from that field hundreds of times. Here's some Tribune coverage and photos.

March 29: Saturday’s NY Times introduced us to Sgt. Eric Schrumpf, 28, a sharpshooter with the Fifth Marine Regiment:

But more than once, Sergeant Schrumpf said, he faced a different choice: one Iraqi soldier standing among two or three civilians. He recalled one such incident, in which he and other men in his unit opened fire. He recalled watching one of the women standing near the Iraqi soldier go down. "I'm sorry," the sergeant said. "But the chick was in the way."

March 26: The U.S. FTC's nationwide "Do Not Call" list is going to start taking online registrations on July 1. We have a similiar law in Connecticut, and it really made a difference in the number of people harassing me for alarm systems and replacement siding. A few pollsters still ring through, but you can get rid of them right quick by asking if they intend to compensate you for your time and opinions.

March 21: It's not every day when you get to read this in a news story: "A registered nurse from Wantagh was convicted by a jury Thursday of public lewdness for engaging in three-way sex with relatives on a moving Long Island Rail Road train last September." Here's the rest.

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