Poem My wife Terry

Poem: My wife Terry



Terry is my wife
she is the love of my life

Terry is my friend
and the lover I defend


She is the mother of my children
I won’t trade her for the world

Terry means so much to me
I am happy when I'm with she


Terry is my other half
with her- we are a full staff

She is an understanding one
that I am blessed to have won

She makes me feel like a man
That, I can't withstand

She is the ideal wife
and with her, I spend the rest of my life

In good times and in bad
in happiness and when I'm sad
Terry is my wife and I'm glad!




Copyright ©2002, 2003, 2004 Dennis Arthur Dames

Nassau, Bahamas

E-Mail: dpoetry2002@yahoo.com

Web: Island Poems Domain