DR_FWP: Neuro-Proctologist
                    ... TO DR_FWP's NEURO-PROCTOLOGY CLINIC
Interviewer from Weird Magazine (not to be confused with Wired Magazine): Is that a recent photo of you, Dr. FWP?

FWP: Yes, it was taken in the last year. But I have others.
Interviewer: Dr_FWP, what is a neuro-procotologist?

FWP:  A neuro-proctologist is someone who studies and psycho-surgically removes the impacted shit between the ears of those whose bowels are located on their shoulders.

Interviewer: Gosh, darn, doc, that sounds like a swell job How did you train for it?

FWP: Mostly you have to be very observant. The world is chock full of such people. There is no shortage of work for a neuro-proctologist.

Interviewer: Tell us about the cases you are most proud of.

FWP: They are found on the lists I moderate along with the therapy teams. Just contact me at <citizens@vcn.bc.ca> and I will get you on whichever one you need.

Interviewer: What do mean about the one I need?

FWP: Don't get your knickers in a knot. I mean that there are many sub-syndromes within general shit-for-brains syndrome or GSFB Syndrome.

Interviewer: Which case are you most proud of?

FWP: Currently, Maui Boy, the Premier of BC is on my case load.

Interviewer: Is he a hard case?

FWP: Thoroughly impacted and full of it....

Interviewer: Can we continue this some other day?

FWP; Yes, I would like to tell you about my religiocrat patients whose afflictions are even worse than those of political crapsters.