Dinosaurs and NAVDURGA


The fossils of more than 25 varieties of DINOSAURS have been found in the last century. Most of the varieties of dinosaurs were highly ferocious, gigantic and destructive animals who reigned from 30 millions to 100 millions years back on the earth and each variety somehow disappeared suddenly for reasons unknown to us as yet. No real living dinosaurs are available on the earth today. Scientists are trying to discover the causes of sudden disappearance of these species.

If we look at Indian Ancient Mythology, these creatures are very well described in our literature as various ASURAS. To name some of them Tripurasura, Vanasura, Bhasmasura, Mahisasura etc. Mythology very well describes the appearance of extremely powerful energies from the sky to kill them, in form of DURGAS as the behavior of these animals were harmful for the smaller creatures on the earth. These DURGAS appeared in various forms to destroy these asuras. The scientists believes that these powerful energies appeared as sudden severe Earthquakes, Huge Meteoroids, Freezing Colds, Dust hiding the Sunlight and such Natural Disasters.

This is just to give an initiative for further research and discussions on this subject from a practical point of view in future. If we meditate deeply, we find the reasons for the sudden disappearance of these gigantic animals and the heavenly energies described as DURGAS in our Mythology.