Hearing Tests

Hearing Professional

Your hearing test should take about 45 minutes to an hour to properly do.

First, your history should be taken...name, address, how long had hearing problem, how well you hear on phone, seen a doctor, etc...

Next, you should be instructed to listen for different pitches of sound-usually a beeping sound-and to raise your hand or press a switch when you first hearing the tone. Now headphones are placed over your ears.

The next test involves you indicating when a comfortable volume on each side. You are usually instructed to indicate a comfortable sound level through the headphones via a microphone.

Another test under the headphones is to determine when the sound is uncomfortable on each side. This is usually accomplished in a similar manner as the previous test.

The last test with the headphones is the discrimination test to see how well you can understand amplified speech with an adjustment in pitch. You will be asked to repeat the words outloud at this point.

The final test is with the headphones off, and a small oscillator-”vibrating box”- will be placed on your head and behind your ear. There will be about 3 different pitches on each side that you will be asked to indicate when you hear them and on what side. The testing is over!

You will be working with this person over a long period of time on and on, so you need to feel comforable with them. If you-for no rational reason-have a “funny” feeling, then select another professional before you get your hearing aids.

Questions you should ask are:

1) How long have you been in the hearing healthcare field?

2) How long have you been with this hearing aid center?

3) Will you always handle my case, or will there be some other person that sometimes sees me?

4) Do you have the final authority to make final decisions regarding our transactions? If not, then who does?

5) What days are this office open and what are the hours? What circumstances do I need an appointment and what circumstances can I just drop-in?

6) Are you Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences©?