Hearing aids have one main job and that is to provide you with better understanding. If they do not do this, then you have wasted your time and your money!

With that said, you will more than likely be given a choice of a few different models to choose from. Not everybody can use the incredibly tiny “CIC”-Completely In The Canal-model. Get the best hearing possible then make model choice secondary.

There are two main types of hearing aids:

(There are still a few body-fits in front pocket-and eyeglass hearing aids, but very few people use them...less than 2% of all hearing aid users.)

Behind the ear hearing aids are mostly used for severe hearing losses. This type of aid increases the distance from where the sound goes into the instrument-the microphone-and where the sound comes out-the end of the earmold. Also, the earmold can be made of a very soft material that seals very well in the ear canal. Both of these things are important to provide enough power without feedback, or “squealling”. (Behind the ear hearing aids are used often on children because it is less costly to replace an earmold as they out grow it than to have a custom aid reshelled!)

To add to the many choices, there are 3 different types of circuitry available. They are 1) Standard, or Linear 2) Programmable 3) Digital Each has its advantage and disadvantages.

In a grouping:

Standard: Lowest Priced, Most Common, Not Good In Noise, No major Adjustments Possible

Programmable: Medium Price, Major adjustments possible at any time, better than standard in noise because of adjustability

Digital: Highest price, Major adjustments possible at any time PLUS circuitry uses “brain” to automatically adjust to surroundings. Best hearing in noise because of adjustability & automatic circuit adjustments

Hearing Aids

1) Custom built in the ear styles

2) Behind the ear styles

The custom built styles include: (From largest to smallest)

A) Full Shell B) Low Profile C)Half-shell D) Canal E) Mini-Canal F) CIC (Completely In Canal)