Kusina ni Manang
Baking Recipes
Cooking Recipes

1 qt (2 cups) heavy cream
1 cup sugar
5 eggs, beaten until foamy, with a dit (about 1 tsp) of salt
4 tsp vanilla

Beat the heavy cream under moderate speed until foamy (about 2 minutes). Slowly add the sugar then the beaten eggs and continue beating for 2 minutes, then add vanilla and beat for 30 seconds more. Pour into ice cream maker and wait until the ice cream is set according to your preference (took us about 30 minutes for the soft-serve ice cream.)
From the kitchen of: Stacey Ayotte
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Canning Recipes
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You can use the heavy cream that forms on top of fresh cow's milk left sitting in the fridge for more than 24 hours. Or you can buy heavy cream from the grocery store.

As usual, buy only fresh eggs.
Home-Made Vanilla Ice Cream
heavy cream on upper layer of fresh milk left sitting in the fridge for more than 24 hours
beat the eggs and add the salt
beat the cream until foamy
add the sugar
add the beaten eggs
add vanilla
beat some more
pour into ice cream-maker
process til the right consistency (about 30 minutes or so)
check from time to time. When it is of soft-serve consistency, it's done.