
You decide to pay a visit to Flurry. Her path seems relatively short, so you skate the distance on your feet. Soon, you reach a pond, only partially iced over. Trees surround it, so you step off the ice and around the semi-circle of trees, looking for Flurry.

Soon, you come upon something promising. It's a cave in the ground. You look in, and find yourself gazing into two glistening yellow eyes. Startled, you draw back, but are even more surprised when a white dragons slithers out of the opening.

"Greetings," the dragon says curiously. "What brings you to my home?"

"I'm touring the ice realm," you explain hurriedly. "You're Flurry?"

"Yes," Flurry replies, sitting down on the rock above the cave. "I am Flurry. I'm a KingdomDragon from HurricaneWing's ODA Branch. I was adopted along with Dancing Flame, Flurry, and Tikkia. We were lucky to be adopted because, several weeks after we arrived at Dracogrex, HurricaneWing's ODA Branch Closed. Anyway, Amaryllis brought me here to the Ice Realm, thinking that I would like it here. She was never more correct, and I find my pond and cave to be the most peaceful places I've ever been."

Indeed, it's almost silent when no one speaks, and the only sound that can be heard is the whistling of the cool breeze.

"Don't you get cold here?" you ask, but Flurry laughs.

"Sure, it's chilly sometimes," she admits, "but I'm tough, and, when it's too cold for me to be aboveground, I retreat to the lowest cavern of my cave system and huddle there for a while. I take regular trips to the Ice Realm, anyway, to see Flaar." Flurry grins. "You should go see him, he's wonderful."

You nod and say you will.

"Well, run along, then," Flurry says kindly. "It's chilly out here, to say the least." Waving her tail, she bounds back into her cave.

With that, you make your careful way to the solid ice path and slide back to the signpost to continue your ventures.


Name: Flurry
Breed: KingdomDragon
Color/Type: Striped White
Gender: Female
Age/Stage: Adult
Mate: Flaar (Lightning Realm)
Parents: Orphaned
Adopted At: Silentwings Adoptions
