.: Welcome

Welcome to the Home of Jiliam. Jiliam are small, slender dragons that love to perch upon your shoulder or just curl-up in your lap. (You know you want one XD)


.: Rules

#1 - You must be a member of Shivuez Clouds.
#2 - You must have each Jiliam paged within one (1) week on your own webpage. Preferably on seperatd pages. (See Information for more details)
#3 - A link back here is nice XD Also a mention that Jiliam belong to me (DXL) is also a bonus.
#4 - All Jiliam images are not to be changed or used in anyway. They are Mine! lol
#5 - Have Fun!

.: Shivuez Clouds

Jiliam can ONLY be adopted through The Shivuez Clouds Market Place. All Jiliam and related are copyright to DXL.

.: Thank You!

Thank you for visiting. If you think there needs to be more of something or if you have an idea about anything Jiliam related please feel free to email me: deusxlacuna@yahoo.com.au

Web site contents © Copyright DXL 2007, All rights reserved.
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