Numerology / Mathematics / Philosophy / Sociology
By Draconis Blackthorne
And what of the sinister 666? Well, it truly IS the number of the beast, as it
coincides with 9. Add the three sixes together, & you get 18. Add the one &
the eight, & you get 9! You will find, by adding each quotient unto itself, it
will constantly be a derivative of 9 - Satan's supreme number.
666 represents the beast within, Man the animal. The Satanimal unleashed. It
also represents The Antichrist - the rebellious, liberating spirit of Satan-Lucifer.
The rebel who brings liberty. The Satanic Warrior.
666 is the number representing all material existence. Six protons, six neutrons,
& six electrons that comprise matter.
The Infernal Trinity
The trademark declaration of self-divinity can be found in the words "I Am that I Am." This statement can be found in ye olde testament as supposedly said by "God."
Since Midieval times, grimoires of reverse-Christianity have described the existence of an "unholy" or "satanic trinity" consisting of "The Devil, The Anti-christ, & The Unholy Spirit", often depicted as a triple-faced demon. Perhaps in the imaginings of judeo-christian mythology, but not as part of Satanism, which is a carnal, rational belief-system, not a spiritual pipe-dream.
While the moldy babble asserts a worship of "The Father, Son, & Holy Ghost", Satanism asserts the worship of The Self as God absolute & supreme.
Therefore, it makes perfect Satanic sense that an "Infernal Trinity" would be "Me, Myself, & I", as symbolized by Satan's Pitchfork, accomadating "666" at each point, & as significant of the number of man. The Self.
WWW = 666
"Coincidentally?", the medium {the world-wide web} by which you are viewing this article, adds up to "666" by 'Quabbalistic numerology'...
Therefore, as an experiment, it would be interesting to affix the "Number of the Beast" as part of a given URL, whether .com, .org, or .net - for instance, while coded <http://www.name.com>, it should read 666.name.com when linked, to add an occultural momentum, while granting additional perspective and credit where it is due, to this iconoclastic [read: Satanic] technomancy. Those "in the know" will realize what is being stated.
However, to retain perspective, just remember to keep "The Unknown Known" chapter in The Satanic Rituals by Dr. LaVey in mind.
13 IS a Satanic number, in that it is associated with all things dark & mysterious,
& inspires fear in the populace. It is considered an "unlucky number" by the
masses, yet they do not know why. The dread of 13, or, "triskadictaphobia", is
so entrenched in culture, that laborious efforts have been made to avoid any
association with it whatsoever. Floors of buildings are spared the curse of 13.
The number is skipped altogether. But like it or not, that's STILL the thirteenth
The number 13 conjures up images of witches & black cats, & even death. It
stimulates unexplained {unrealized} primal fears through subconscious saturation.
The number thirteen represents the thirteen cycles of the moon, as deified by
Hecate, Dark Goddess of Witchcraft & The Underworld. On the full moon, Hectite
Witches would gather in the night in covens of thirteen, to work the Magic {the
weakans of today attempt to replicate the ancient rites with their miserable
little spells, but fail miserably in their neo-Amerind hippie-haze}.
By historic origins, the modern basis for the aura that surrounds Friday the 13th stems from Friday October the 13th, 1307. On this date, the Pope of the church in Rome in Conjunction with the King of France, carried out a secret death warrant against The Knights Templar. The Templars were terminated as heretics, never again to hold the power that they had held for so long. The Grand Master, Jacques DeMolay, was arrested and before he was killed, was tortured and crucified.
Friday The Thirteenth is the day when people would rather stay in their holes,
instead of having to face the evil this day would bring them. For they have
created this curse for themselves.
Haunted Houses are often portrayed as having thirteenth in their address, such
as "1313 Mockingbird Lane". Johnny Cash sings about the number thirteen in
the album, "American Recordings", {"Thirteen" written by Glen Danzig}. Such
an American musical icon crooning of it is testament to its pervasiveness. The
number thirteen is synonymous with fear. It is the patron number of Shadowmancy.
As Satanists, it is wise to utilize this powerful tool to its fullest potential.
In Nomine Satanas,
Draconis Blackthorne
{c}Copyright Draconis Blackthorne February/Friday 13th/XXXIII-XLII Anno Satanas / 1998-2007 {c.e.} All Rights Reserved.
The Satanigram is {c}Copyright by Draconis Blackthorne. All Rights Reserved.
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