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Draconis Blackthorne's Shadomantium

Malefik Musick Reviews by Draconis Blackthorne

The Cycle of Fifths
{XLIII A.S. Eternal Evening Records. Genre: Orchestral, Classical}

I. Exordium Eram Sententia, II. The Exodus of Duality, III. Through the Valley of Death, IV. Augustus, V. Her Ladies Roses, VI. Rotting in Pieces, VII. The Homecoming, VIII. An Evening Eclipse, IX. Death and Rebirth, X. Dreaming of you, XI. Walpurgisnacht, XII. The Age of Legends.

Le'Rue Delashay: The Cycle of FifthsBeginning with an orchestra tuning for a performance, concluding with enthusiastic applause, which this writer echoes. this opus is based on the principle of an enigmatic musickal theorem entitled The Cycle of Fifths, involving twelve tones of the chromatic scale, their corresponding key signatures, and the associated major and minor keys, often-times symbolized as an inter-corresponding dodecagon {seen on the cover}. I would posit that a hypothetical 'thirteenth tone' would be the 'sound of silence' [the lapse between the notes}.

An interesting occurrence when the CD was first placed into the player, is that it immediately traversed straight to track 11, the enchanting "Dreaming of You" , featuring eerie soprano Donna, hauntingly manufactured by a program conspicuously entitled "Prima" by Vocaloid. Donna is literally a virtual siren lulling the sound waves of the mind into ecstatic repose. Had such information not been related, perhaps none but the most astute would be the wiser. This amazing replication reminds Me of one Dr. Cecil Nixon and his automaton 'Isis'; personally, I feel a likened scenario applied for any possible live performances, and/or perhaps even a video presentation, would be a splendid inclusion to behold.

Also of note, 'Exordium Eram Sentencia' features a male chorus joined by a female choir, complimenting one another in a graceful fanfare of potent permutation. 'Her Lady's Roses' features a melancholy piano sonata where the ghostly Donna is again heard, sweetly blending with the accompanying violin, finally fading into the darkness of the chamber. ''Augustus' lends the impression of a martial sensation, with crashing cymbals, bells, trombones, trumpets, and war-like drums in perfect formation, steadily progressing towards inevitable victory. Walpurgisnacht' combines an almost tribal element, along with glorious rises and falls resplendent, asserting a grand celebration. Finally, the twelfth point is reached with 'The Age of Legends', a very 'sword & sorcery' piece, completing the cycle of fifths, as well as a vast span of passionate emotions.

Classic artistry arrays the booklet, along with a biography and portrait of the Composer himself, also including a depiction of 'Donna' weaving the notes with her magical spell.

Uses of choral voices, the music of an entire phantom orchestra, a chorus of dark angels, and much more, V is ingeniously arranged, ideal for the aristocratic libertine, complimenting one's nocturnal activities and overall haunted chambre. Another splendid masterpiece from the Malefick Maestro.

Le'Rue Delashay

Le'rue Delashay
The Revelations of Wave & Form

The Revelations of Wave & FormIt seems so appropriate that this CD arrives at The Noctuary upon the anniversary of the nativity of Magus LaVey.

Orchestral bliss, forboding, inspiring, empowering, each piece creates an intensely evocative and psychodramatic mood to enhance one's total environment and ritual activities. Besides the haunting ambience, this opus also contains a certain martial feel on a couple of selections, even inclusive of accentuating horse and sword sounds {He Rides Through Hallow's Eve}.

Among the treats, besides Magus LaVey's black anthem 'Battle Hymn of The Apocalypse', Beethoven's Sonata "Pathetique" also graces this opus, which was quite a delightful surprise as well, and 'Once Upon A Midnight Dreary' is a most fitting tribute to Edgar Allen Poe's pleasantly macabre poem. And for those who were not previously familiar with it, "Manifesting The Sorcerer's Lore" originally within Delashay's other project "Theatre of The Macabre" by the same name, is enhanced herein also.

Included on the CD is the musickal video accompaniment for Delashay's rendition of 'Battle Hymn of The Apocalypse', a profoundly inspiring homage directed by Magister Paradise, starring Delashay, Bill M, and Colonel Akula, who demonstrate the over-the-hip flip, as well as The Four-Crown Princes of Hell represented by the elements, and the striking statue of Magus LaVey created by Reverend Moore, displayed in the impressively replicated concrete jungle.

As mentioned in the splendidly ornate booklet, we can look forward to many more marvelous orchestrations, including an opera "Diablerie", and subsequent Magical compositions created especially for Ritual Chamber meditation.

The Revelations of Wave & Form is another musickal victory for Malefik Meistro Delashay.



Le'rue Delashay
Musick In Theory & Practice | The Court Composer | The Law of 8ve

Musick In Theory & PracticeFor those searching for fine ritual music to accompany your rites, nocturnal activities, or just to pass the time absorbing the eerily inspiring atmosphere these CD's create, I heartily recommend the works of Le'rue Delashay to compliment your ritual chambers and overall Lair, whether by overcast day or enchanted night. The Court Composer

The strains of these brilliant orchestrations are a definite pleasure to enjoy, bringing musickal artistry to resplendent life. Delashay is a living virtuoso who conjures caliginous visions from the abyss of his own tenebrous imagination to reflect our own dark sides. The infernal spark of diabolical genius accompanies each opus, easily recalling the legacy of the timeless masters of yore. The Law of 8ve

Satanists would gain great gratification from these compositions, for besides his works, it is known that Delashay is himself a Satanist, truly understanding the darkness within. So allow these manifestations to fan the black flame, and soar on the wings of daemons.

Theatre of The Macabre
Manifesting The Sorcerer's Lore

Manifesting The Sorcerer's LoreFor those who appreciate atmospheric Black Metal, Theatre of The Macabre offers a uniquely-stylized variation on the genre, blending classical orchestrations, narratives, and strobe light-paced symphonies of ferocious musickal onlaught sure to raise the savage beast.

Vocals similar to Emperor with instrumentations resembling sonic weaponry striking precise cerebral targets, this eclectic creation of Delashay's definitely establishes its place in the aphotic recesses of one's evocations.

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