Most excellent ritual & dark meditation musick. This album could quite possibly be the theme score of The Satanist. From one song to the next, it does not falter one bit, but instead, continues with inspirational & impressive pieces that feeds the dark soul. This is timeless musick that will survive the ages.
No redundant monotones, no weaka garbage, & no pop-culture trash. This is purely black. There aren't even lyrics, which leaves the use of this masterpiece entirely up to the Individual. It WILL enhance your Magical workings, guarenteed.
There are horror-movie type of arrangements, erotic middle-eastern soundscapes, & just overall, ever-consuming PASSION behind it all.
With song titles such as "The Return Of The Evil One", "New Dark Ages", Leatherstrip certainly gives The Devil His due. In fact, all members of Leatherstrip are COS members, which comes as no big surprise, considering the degree of talent presented here.
Indeed, one could play this recording over & over again, back to back, & not easily tire of it. It magnifies that perfect diabolical mindset, conducive of all possibilities. Candles & incense go well with this opus. This is true atmospheric musick. Enjoy.