RUSSIA An individual by the nickname of "Spider" in Russia has claimed that he will run for an election, in which he claims he will "reclaim the majesty of the Russian Empire". "Spider" also happens to be a Death Metal musician, who's next album will be entitled "The Antichrist". It appears as if he wishes to re-usher in a feudal system in which he will be Lord & ruler. Well, that's a Satanist for you! It would be very interesting to see what would become of this.
Reverand Andre Schlesinger of The Men In Black Grotto in New York was a guest on The Art Bell Show. Satanism was the focus for about a good four hours. Mr. Bell was a gracious host, cordial & polite. Callers ranged from idiotic, though entertaining xians, to effervescent Satanists. Questions ranged in all manner of predictable forms, but most predictably, are the blindlighters' inability to seperate the semantics of Satan from the literalistic mythology, but this always makes for a good hearty laugh. Visit the Art Bell website @ www.artbell.com for more information on the show, & how to attain a copy. Check local listings for air time.
Washington, D.C.
Eleven people were struck by lightning at a coliseum, which was holding a Tibetan event, that were demanding that President Clinton send aid to that country, to save prisoners from China. I say, it's none of our business. We have enough of our own concerns, without sending aid & millions of dollars to this & that country. Let them take care of their own problems. The U.S.A. shouldn't have to act like a babysiter to the world. The only time an outside country should concern us, should be in matters of trade, immigration, or war. Otherwise, if someone else's government cannot cope with their national problems, they shouldn't come crying to the U.S. for support. The real problem lies in giving anything to anyone who may not be trustworthy enough to return your support. Is it feasable that we would be payed back? Would it be truly appreciated? Or would you be used as a sap? Lest we forget Satanic Statement #4: "Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates!" As well as Dr. LaVey's question, "Que Bono?" Who benefits? Indeed, if this was the critera a government would employ, as indeed many do, there wouldn't be any deficit! A great example of this was with the french. The U.S. helped keep Hitler out of their derierres. Was there a payback? Yes, only fuck-faced attitudes & ingratitude! And there was no shortage of xian influence in this intrinsically unnatural "humanitarianism". Give 'em an inch, they'll take a mile. People will always take advantage as much as they can, nomatter what it is. Better to use than BE used!
Coachran, CA Charles Manson transferred from Pelican Bay to Cochran Prison, which houses some of the most infamous criminals in history, such as Sirhan Sirhan & The Son of Sam. He was transferred because he was caught selling drugs to another inmate.
San Francisco, CA An 11-foot steel wire fence has been installed on The Golden Gate Bridge, as a suicide deterrant. Does anybody truly believe this will prevent suicides? It is a tradition that has been ever since it was built. It provides a service to the community. The trapezoids will continue to take their due. Placing this fence thereupon will not avoid suicides from occurring there, especially this wire fence, which anyone can just step through, anyway. Whomever is responsible for its construction might have known this, but had to have it built, as a motion of consideration to the parents of that girl who fell to her death through an opening ON THE WALKWAY. There's somewhere to consider! Those rather hidden openings should be corrected, lest anyone else's child find their way to oblivion. But building a fence to prevent ADULTS from taking their own lives? Ridiculous. Society continues to attempt to save people from their own stupidity. Beurocrats continue to think for the herd. This is incredible presumption, to say the least. Let them be. May they continue to provide the watery creatures of the bay with something to nibble on. Better there than taking up tax dollars, & the most-often wasted energy & time of "councelors" in "mental health" programs. Why waste resouces on those who are bent on killing themselves? Let them do so & be done with it. They will be relieved, there will be more space, more air, & more natural resources for those who WANT TO LIVE to partake in. This latest development will only make it a small bit more difficult for suicidal losers to jump. No matter what is done, if someone desires to take their OWN life, they WILL, one way or another. Get a clue.
Salt Lake City, Utah In the continual demonstrations of xianity's death-throes: a southern-baptist agenda has brayed loudly for "wives to submit to their husbands". This is an ancient scripture reference in the moldy babble, for weakened "men" to subject women under their will. What are they afraid of? That maybe a female may happen to be superior to them? That the only way they can contain their "sinful" lusts is by dominating women who may not necessarily want to be dominated? Superiority is not a gender issue, it is based upon individual criterion. Anyone who thinks that it is, has personal insecurity problems. This is what I mean when I say xianity takes one step forward, & two steps back. If one is TRULY dominant, they will find someone who will WILLINGLY submit OF THEIR OWN WILL, rather than be irrationaly subjected by some out-dated "moral code". This is how their men can gain any semblence of what would be a delusion of masculinity. If one is truly superior, or more talented &/or skillful in one area, it will NATURALLY show. If one lacks in another area, then perhaps your partner can fulfill that area for a mutual benefit. Taking responsibility for ALL decisions, solely based upon genitalia, would only place certain decisions in the hands of the irresponsible, or those who may not be mentally equipped to handle it. Such is the incompetence of xian "thinking". If you are comfortable being male OR female, you will not need, nor desire to conquor or dominate the opposite sex. It would not even occur to you. What is important is what is between the ears, not between the legs! This xian agenda is sexist & bigotted. The very fact that they must address a gender issue to decision making, is because xian males are de-masculated by a homosexual religion that worships a dead male jew. "Let him love you", "give yourself to him", "surrender to him", "his will is mine", "accept him into your [heart]", & so forth, are typical xian statements of submission, which has sublimated deep into the psyche. It is no wonder they seek to dominate women, for the terrible fear that they may actually be homosexuals! No doubt you've seen the xian love-ins at "camp meetings", as parishoners bask in the sexually-subconcious ecstacy of the nazarene feminized "god". It's a mental orgy. With Buddhism, xianty is a belief-system that worhips a sterile, impotent, passive deity. But even Buddhists may practice Kung Fu, & know how to protect themselves. xians must not, because they must "turn the other cheek". Period. A self-proclaimed "xian" who practices the Martial Arts, is a hypocrite. In the modern world, the developing post-xian world, when persons {regardless of gender or race}, are increasinly being considered because of their personal merits {as in meritocracy}, an individual will be judged & placed according to their skills & talents, not if they happen to have an appendage in their pants.
Self-proclaimed "supremacists", i.e., backwoods slack-jawed yokle white-trash, have been arrested after a manhunt that lasted several days & nights, for the murder & mutilation of a man who happened to be of African descent. This is only mentionable because of the motive for the murder. They had coaxed him into their pick-up truck in the guise of providing a ride. The man knew one of the men in the truck. Unfortunately, he trusted these three subhuman rejects, & accepted the ride. What followed has now become one of the most gruesome mutilations in regards to illogical hate crime history. The cleti managed to tie the victim with a chain, & hooked him to the back of the truck, & proceeded to drag him two miles down a concrete road. As a result, he became ground beef, as 75 pieces of him were found strewn throughout the murder trail. Orange markings indicate the various parts found, such as "dentures", "head", "arm", & so forth. The only way to identify him was to go searching for the head, as only one arm & no head were on the torso.
"Why hate people for the color of their skin, when you can just give them a little time, & hate them for what they really are?"
---Magister Vincent Crowley. Bullseye.
Dr. Jack Kevorkian aided in the voluntary suicide of a quadroplegic who had been addicted to morphine for years. The body was taken to a local hospital missing some vital organs. They were removed at the patient's request so that they may perhaps aid in saving other lives. Dr. Kevorkian stated that such a generous donation can save two or more lives. Very noble. Even in death, a patient can provide a positive & productive service. The Doctor was NOT incarcerated.
Within an expanse of three days, there were TWO incidents of impalement on Southland freeways. The first occured two days prior {6/4/33}, when a car kicked up a metal rod that was laying out on the freeway, into the car behind it. thrusting through the windshield, & into the chest of an eleven-year old girl. Fortunately, the wound was not as severe as you would expect, & she left the hospital the next day. The second remarkably simular incident occurred just a couple of days later under the same circumstances. I.e., a car in front propelled a metal bar into the front windshield & into a man's chest, this time around. He is also expected to fully recover.
El Monte, CA - Church Burns
The First Baptist Church of El Monte went up in an inferno early this morning. It was determined that it was a definite arson. No one was present within at the time. The resident pastor recounted an identical incident to the day, a year ago in this same church. ".........and Promethuis brought down the bliss of fire & light unto the earth, that mankind may be enlightened........."
Compton, CA
What makes this particular murder mentionable, & as out of the ordinary for this crime-ridden cesspool, is in how the body was discovered. It was classic. A pitbull came happily prancing up to his semi-human companions with a rotted human arm in his jaws. "Hey, ma! Look what the dog dragged in!" All that is known about the victim, is that it is female, & very decomposed. It was left in an empty desolate field by a freeway. Not even buried. It is surmised that the recent & persistant storms buried the corpse.
VI/III/XXXIII A.S. Proposition to get prayer in schools fails!
A proposition to get "prayer" put into schools was refused by The Supreme Court, with a lack of 61 votes. Thank Satan for that! There is no room in schools for "prayer". It would only disrupt a logical thinking process with xian mumbo-jumbo. Religious expressions should be kept in their proper places, i.e., in church or in the home. To implement prayer in schools would be disrespectful to atheists as well. xians are so bent on intermingling church & state, to the cost of individual constitutional rights. They press their agendas in the most dispicably underhanded ways. Aptly named, "snakes of x", as in the Danzig song. No, prayer will never again be allowed to corrupt a public intellectual institution. We have moved beyond that. Blindlighters always take one step ahead, & two steps back. They may give the illusion of progress, but ultimately, xianity only serves to devolve the humanimal race with their pipe-dream nonsense, servility, enforced stupidity, hypocrisy, repression, & weakness. It is a white plague, & every resource should be employed to eradicate it from societal prominance. We are nearing such an apex now, as the Age of Satan ever culminates.
Catholic Church sued!
Los Angeles, CA
The Catholic Archdiocese is once again being sued. This time, by American Indian natives who are justifiably infuriated that it would allow for a church {"Our Lady of Angels"} to be built on a sacred Indian burial ground. According to a Chechone chief, this is a blatant violation of the seperation of church & state. Agreed. This burial ground is holy to Amerinds. It is so typical that the Archdiocese would show no respect for another's religious culture. American Indians are among the few primal Pagans who have retained their original religious teachings, & have stood outside the xian corruption. Not much has changed since the days of Bill Hickock & Colonel Custer. And you know what became of THEM......... The desacration of American native culture continues. The bishops these days should count themselves fortunate that a tribe of braves don't ride up to their churches, burn them down, take the nuns, & scalp the whole lot! Although THAT would be very pleasing to watch! It is said that a curse befalls those who violate burial grounds. Interesting that L.A. Bishop Roger Mahoney has recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer.........
A Manson Family Update: Leslie Van Hauton, who took part in the Tate/LaBianca murders in '69, went up for a parole hearing today, but was denied. The parole board took some pity on her however, & agreed for another hearing in one year's time, instead of the usual two year meeting.
Pasadena, CA
A new planet has been discovered. It is 2-3 times larger than Jupiter, & is young. One astronomer stated that "we are witnessing the development of a planet". Speculation still surrounds its atmosphere, & whether or not it is habitable for human residency. If it is finally found to be simular to earth's atmosphere, then the strong possibility for colonization is emminent. This could quite possibly be the "space ghetto" Dr. LaVey spoke of, where the subhuman populace will be herded off to another planet, to alleviate over-population. This would inevitably happen, given the indications we've seen thusfar. So much the better. The more people are shipped off Our Black Earth, the more improved over-all life will be here. Perhaps blindlighters could be "raptured" off our Terra Satanicus as well, never to return. I may visit, but I wouldn't want to live there permanently! In any case, Bon Voyage, xoids!
the catholic pope took a trip in his popemobile to Turin, where the alleged shroud that was used to wrap the sweaty bloody carcass of the nazarene is on display. The reason for this excursion was a sinfully prideful one. It was to commemorate that blindlight pope john paul has been the one longest in the papacy. That is TOTAL pride. He broke one of the seven deadly sins. The hypocrisy never ends.
V/XXVI/XXXIII A.S. Danville, Illinois
33 parishioners were harmed when a bomb-blast tore though their church during services on Sunday, leaving a gaping hole in the western wall. Shards of glass were propelled as far as 100 feet away. One of the congreants was interviewed, who described the event as a loud "boom" folowed by a "bright light". Onlythis time, it wasn't the nazarene coming back, or an out of body experience. How ironic that would have been, however, that a bright bomb-blast light would send them into the blinding glare of their sterile heaven!
Dr. Kevorkian was arrested yet again for assisting a patient in her wish to be mercifully euthenized. He was transporting the patient's body, at their own previous request, to a dignified place of death. The oppression persists, but will continue to thin out as the months go by. I expect Dr. Kevorkian to be out within the week.
UPDATE: Dr. Kevorkian was released the next day.
Kevin Kelly, an 11 year-old camper of the xian "The Calvary Camp" fell into a river & was killed after falling 200 feet down a waterfall. Where is "god?" Certainly, "Camp Calvary" had itslef a sacrificial lamb on this day!
$120,000,000 is the amount the court ordered the Catholic Archdiocese to pay amongst ten altarboys, for their sexual abuse. The church was charged with gross negligence, malice, conspiracy, & fraud. This is by far the highest amount the church has had to pay yet. The perverted priest still faces criminal prosecution. The hypochrists are being exposed in these last days of xianty, & people are leaving the church in disgust in record numbers. xianity contunues to dwindle & teeter precariously over the Abyss. It won't be long now, until the winds of change blow again, & send the blindlighters falling to their oblivion. The black morning is nigh. Amen! HAIL SATAN!
3/30/33 UPDATE: Catholic Priest Randolph Kost was found GUILTY for the molestations. The Archdiocese is ordered to pay $120,000,000 to the molested altarboys & their families.
Glendale, CA
Efren Saldovan, a male nurse, & self-appointed "angel of death", stands accused of euthenizing from 40-50 terminally ill patients at Glendale Adventist Medical Center. Dr. Jack Kevorkian & lawyer have stated that they disgree with Mr. Saldovan's actions, because it was not consentual on the part of the patients.
Chimayo, New Mexico
Thousands of xian idiots make a masochistic lemming parade march to a filthy little chapel in the desert, enduring solar radiation, exhaustion, & even voluntary physical pain by literally carrying a cross to their slaughterhouse. Some were asked why they are there & what they are doing. There have been the typically moronic varying answers, one of which was "we're walking where jesus walked." New Mexico? The original "purpose" was to trudge along the dusty trails to that dirty little chapel, where there allegedly is a sort of "magical holy dirt" {sic} that they rub on themselves to cure their maladies. Too bad it doesn't wisen them up! They hope to "heal" their worthless bodies by compounding their injuries with such torturous treks? When they would be better off recuperating in a hospital bed or at home? Incurable disease? You can take care of that right where you are. The Power is within you, only if you have the courage to accept yourself as God.
V/III/XXXIII Corpus Cristi, TX
Some xian idiots in this town claim that a statue of the false "virgin" mary, which is perched on a cheuch pedistal, levitates & moves.
V/IV/XXXIII The Vatican, Rome
A Vatican guard went on a rampage & shot one of his fellow guards, then himself. A candle was left burning pathetically at the spot where the cleansing took place. There was very minimal news coverage of this incident, probably as an attempt to mask the ill-effects of blindlight oppression. Too bad the guard didn't shoot MORE! Maybe that would have gotten him more attention. I question the motive for this attack, for there was no mention of it reported. Since the guard tergeted only one other, perhaps one possibility was that he was a spurned lover? After all, there have been high incidents of homosexuality throughout the church's history. Only this time, it was actually with somebody beyond pubescence! Plus, you would have to be gay to wear those ridiculous costumes!
Joseph Theoreli was sentenced to 26 years to life for the devil-worship murder & torture of a seventeen-year old virgin.
An oriental girl's body was found after missing for 3 days. She had committed suicide, because, according to her suicide note, she wanted to "meet jesus."
Elementary students who are fans of Satanic Priest Maralyn Manson, having been "casting spells on eachother" according to school staff.
A group of misdirected vampire enthusiasts were dragged from their coffins by the local magistrate. A young maiden, who belonged to this gothic group called "The Vampire Klan", was accused of pulling a Lizzy Borden on her parents. She confided her morbid secret deed to a "friend" of hers {Uneccesary Self-Disclosure}, who told someone else's mother, who turned the vampira in. The rest of the clutch was picked up for questioning, & other unrelated petty crimes, such as breaking & entering, & tresspassing upon an animal shelter, & despicably mutilating puppies therein, tearing their little limbs off & stepping on their small, tender, defenseless bodies. Classmates have stated, that, leastly saying, they were a "weird bunch", who believed in immortality, & were into "devil-worship." Which explain a lot. Yet another product of xianity. These wannabe's don't sound like any vampire I ever heard of, & believe Me, I've seen & met plenty of them, including Myself. But that "Vampire Klan" sorely lack the grace, refinery, sophistication, charisma, & aesthetics that is conducive to Our fold. Why would any self-respecting Vampire waste their time in some animal shelter, torturing puppies, of all things? Sounds like these twistoids have nothing better to do, than destroy that which is more precious a life than they are. "I'm eviler than you are" seems to be the game. "Look how evil I am, I can tear the wings off a fly!" Another says, "No, I'm eviler, watch me kill this mouse!" Another, "Oh, that's nothing, dude, watch me twist this cat's tail!" "Oh yeah? Watch me stab it!" "Cool! Hey, let's get high and go down to the animal shelter! There are plenty of victims there!" "Yeah, like dogs & shit...." Such moronic & pathetic deeds are unthought of by true Occultists, for there are so many avenues of expression that can cause an EFFECTIVE change in conciousness, but not like they had that in mind, anyway. The ignorant, compulsive immaturities of "the devil stage" can get quite extreme & riduiculous often times. These sound like Kentucky hicks, equivalent to the peasantry of olde. One with a mere modicum of an intellect can talk the idiotic "black SHEEP" into anything, it seems. Therefore, they all share a brain. This is a genuine cult situation, where individuality is promised, but not practiced. Where the members, much like the lowlife "gangs", enter into it for their own insecurity problems, & a search for an "identity" in numbers. No cabal here, that's for sure! The group was subjected to the humiliation of arrest, criminal national exposure-----a scandal. And for what? One of the members working her parents over like sean sellout.
Another band of vampire enthusiasts went on a blood-thirsty rampage. They kidnapped a seventeen year-old boy, raped him, & attempted to rip out his tongue. They were apprehended by police as they were transporting the victim to what would have been his death destination.
Minister Walter Reilly was accused of attempting to murder his wife by suffocation. The possible mtive was that he had a mistress {Lucy Papillon}, a blonde bimbo, whom he perhaps wished to marry. Another motive was, that he desired the life-insurance. He later attempted to commit suicide, but sadly, could not kill himself. In the suicide note, he blamed his irresposibilities & weaknesses of character on "demons", in xian habit. Get this: The jury found him not guilty, as the jury was predominantly xian.