Fics For Other Fandoms

Well, it had to happen eventually, didn't it? Sooner or later, we just had to write character-based fics from outside the LOTR universe. But don't think that we've abandoned LOTR or the actors from it. Quite the contrary. As this page comes together you will see what I mean.

Anyway. Hope you enjoy it! It's a bit different, but just as delicious as the rest. :)

Taking the Plunge

Author: Aphrodite

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: Graphic sex

Summary: They're both strong-willed, but who will best who in the end?

Comments: The first time that I saw the Inspector Morse episode entitled "Absolute Conviction", I was absolutely smitten with the character of Alex Bailey, so brilliantly realized by a then relatively unknown Sean Bean. So smitten, that I felt a hot and horny story was definitely in order. :)

Riding the Waves

Author: Aphrodite

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: Graphic sex

Summary: They have a date for dinner, but seem more interested in dessert.

Comments: Yes, you guessed it. A sequel to "Taking the Plunge". Hot, horny, and chock full o' smut. :)
