::get OVER it!!::
::Okay, the html might not be working right now, but here's what some people have sent me! ^_^ Thank you everyone, you're the ones that make this site possible. Submissions!! =d Yummah...::
Let me start by saying that yes, Takari is blatantly obvious. Yes, there's a hell of a lot of proof, yes there's practically no proof that Hikari likes Daisuke even the slightest bit and yes, I AM AWARE THAT ALMOST EVERYONE AGREES ON THIS.

That's why it's so annoying. If you see enough of something, even something you agree with, it can be too much. And let me tell you, I've had about as much as I can take of Takari. It's everywhere. I'd rather have something odd like Kenkeru or Takori. Or maybe even Daikari.

I've always been one for odd couplings. Even now I tend to stay away from the standard Taito or Jyouimi stuff. I'll take any sort of unusual couple, even if its yaoi or yuri. I've even settle for human/digimon pairings (when I'm desperate) in my endless search for new pairings. But I think even someone who likes the obvious pairings can get sick of Takari. There's just too much of it and it's just too perfect. Heck, nothing can be THAT neat.

Let's have a shot at something new fresh and interesting. Give the Takari a rest for a while and give poor old downtrodden Daisuke a chance. You don't have to give your heart and soul to Daikari, you don't even have to really believe. But just give it a chance.
::Because after all, destinies change, lives change and Toei never mentioned anything! Do you agree with Rocke? Want to share your juice? E-mail me your thoughts here ! Please put "guava juice" in the subject line! Include where you're from, what you do and your alias::


Affiliate - Australia
There's something endearing about Daikari. Maybe it's not the One True Love(tm) that we've all heard about for a million years, but hey, it's new. It's fresh. It's exciting! And what do we all love the most? EXCITEMENT!

Besides, can't we all relate to Daisuke? We've all had this unrequited crush and we all know the feeling of "Does he/she love me? Will they ever? Why can't they see how I love them? Why can't they return it?"

We've only got dubs here in America, so it's not like we know everything, but it's clear that words have been changed. Maybe all these American Taikari shippers have missed out on something beautiful. Maybe they're just wrong. We'll never know for sure, but we can guess. And we can believe.
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