Study carefully how the oak grows, And you will know what the druid knows.

Roots in the past, both myth and prose, Strong trunk of thine, not these nor those.

Limbs that can move when the wind blows, Branches on high, each grows and grows.

Nurture careful how the Self grows, And you will know know what the wise oak knows.

"Elemental Power",
By Amber Wolfe
Founded in the mid 2001, Dragon Oak Grove is the first and only Druid based coven of its kind in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Working to bring together those people of an Old way of life and learning more about ourselves. Hand and hand with nature, we will walk this path together.

Everything from Philosphy, Ceremonies, Studies and simple friendship can be found within this Grove.

To teach the world more about the Pagan beliefs, is merely one small part of this group. Remembering and celebrating the Old Ways while we reopen the Druid History and bring it forth into this day and time.

All Pagans wishing more information may contact us through email or the Guest book within this site.

Anyone from any belief or religion is more then welcome within this Grove.
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