I'd like to hope,
I'd like to pray,
the dragons have just gone away...
and will return some other day.
Then here there will be dragons...again!

Dragon: (drag' en) n. mythical animal usually represented as a monstrous winged and scaly serpent.

Dragons have been around in stories and legends worldwide for hundreds of years. In ancient times dragons were thought to be real. They were used to explain all kinds of natural events. A volcano must be a dragon breathing fire underground, and earthquake must be a dragon rolling over, a thunderstorm must be a dragon flying by. In ancient maps all unknown areas were printed with the legend "Here there be Dragons".


Once they all believed in Dragons
by Jack Prelutsky

Once they all believed in Dragons
when the world was fresh and young
We were woven into legends
Tales were told and songs were sung
We were treated with obeisance
We were honored, we were feared.
Then one day they stopped believing-
on that day we disappeared.

Now they say our time is over
Now they say we lived our last
Now we're treated with derision
where we once ruled unsurpassed.
We must make them all remember
In some way we must reveal
That our spirit lives forever-
We are dragons! We are real!


Adopt a Dragon Foundation
My adopted Dragon Kalyana....see her adoption certificate

I support the Dragon Lovers Dragons Need Friends

Free search engine submission and placement services!

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owned by Linda Bohm

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