My Puppy Draiman!
This is my puppy.
In this picture
he is only 7 weeks old.
He is a Cavalier King Charles.
His name is Draiman
after the lead singer of Disturbed
David Draiman.
Part of Stephy19uk Webpage!
Page 3 - 12 to 17 Weeks!
Part 2
Page 5 - 7 months old!
Page 6 - 8 months old!
* This is my breeder Allan, He is cool but he is headless as you can see lol *
Page 7 - 8 to 12 months old!
Part 1
Page 8 - 8 to 12 months old!
Part 2
Page 2 - 9 to 12 Weeks!
Page 3 - 12 to 17 Weeks!
Part 1
Page 4 - 17 Weeks and up!
Check out his Photo Pages for some really cute pictures of him!
Page 1 - 7 to 9 Weeks!
Page 9 - Various Photo's!