By: Jo Ann/Draka/Drak/Joni Harker

Fanfic Rules Created: 8/24/99 Updated: 9/06/9

Okay, so, you want to write some Drak Pack Fan Fiction, huh? Well, if you want to do that, and expect for me to put it on this site, you need to follow some rules:

Rule 1: I don't like censorship any more than the next person. It's just plain wrong. But this is a Kid Safe Site, so:

a). NO bad language. If you MUST have your characters swear, go the way of the old comics and use symbols. Example: @#%*&! No words, just the symbols. And only the bad guys swear. Never let the heros say bad language. The safest thing is to do what Dr. Dred does: Say Drak's name (or the Drak Pack's name) with a starting letter other than "D" (Clack, Slack, Track, etc. Calling Drak, "Drip", is also exceptable.)

b) NO sexual situations. I don't mind kissing and embracing between male and female characters --even playful flirting is permissible-- but for the benifit of kids and their parents, let's not go any further than that. No homosexual behavior, either. I'm not against homosexuals --if that's the way they want to live, let them. I just won't advertise that kind of behavior to kids.

c) NO strong violence. No blood, gore, etc of any kind. The Drak Pack cartoon was very mild in it's violence. Drak and Dred swordfought with mops; Frankie doesn't like to smash things up, even when he gets mad. (In "Night of the Terbites", Frankie was in a glass tube. Howler got Frankie mad enough that electric bolts were shooting out from the bolts in his neck. But Frankie got out of the tube by letting the electric bolts act as glass cutters, making a clean break.). If a character has lost a body part, don't write a description of HOW he/she lost it. If a character DOES have a missing body part, let them have it from the start.

d) DO NOT describe the reproduction/birth process. Births can be included in the story, but DON'T describe the birth taking place. Have the other characters do something else during the birth (ie, pacing in the waiting room, fighting the bad guys, rushing to the birthing place, etc.), then announce the birth as having taken place.

Rule 2: DO NOT talk about Dracula, Drak, and Vampira drinking blood. Yes, I KNOW they are vampires, but the blood diet was never shown in the cartoon. Dracula even expanded his diet into other foods (the T-Bone steak he ordered in "Mind Your Manners, Dr. Dred".) Also, there was a gag in one of the episodes about plasma and diet drinks. It's in the Quotes section. For the most part, assume that Dracula has a blood supply stashed away somewhere (his fangs are dull, so he can't bite people anyway) that is never seen or heard about. As for Drak and Vampira, I'm suspecting that they are dhampirs --half vampire, half human, and so, don't NEED blood to drink. It also explains why they can run around in the daylight, when Dracula can't.

Rule 3: Anyone familur with vampires (via "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer", maybe) knows about the process of turning a regular person into a vampire, called "Siring". This process requires that the vampire drinks the victem's blood, and then the vamp-to-be drinks the vampire's blood. As with Rule 2, above, this should not be written about. It can still be mentioned, like, "(vampire's name) sired (victem's name) into a vampire." DON'T explain the process in the story, just say that it happened. Sire, by-the-way, is the termed used to refer to the vampire that did the siring. Along this same note, it may be possible that dhampirs (like Drak and Vampira) can sire other dhampirs, using the same process. The rule would apply to them, as well.

Rule 4: NEVER let the heros lose. The heros must ALWAYS win in the end. The major bad guys (like Dr. Dred and O.G.R.E.) can get away, but minor villians must always be caught. Major villians are allowed to escape if they are suppose to be an on-going threat.

Rule 5: NO alcahol, drug, or tabacco use, even by bad guys. Remember Count Dracula's old movie line: "I never drink...wine!"

Rule 6: NO preaching or emphasizing any one relegion. This is always a touchy subject in cartoons, and relegion is either barely mentioned, or else, not used at all. Best to follow their example. (I'm not athiest, by-the-way. I am a member of a Christian church. It's just best not to espouse any one relegion to people who don't want to hear it. If you want to hear a sermon, go to church or a church site. This is fan fic, written for entertainment perposes only.)

Rule 7: Most important for Drak Pack is to KEEP IT LIGHT! Drak Pack is a light-hearted show of comedic, super-hero action. Don't do dramatic things unless they can be made comedic. Both Drak and Dr. Dred can make dramatic speeches, but they are always more humourous than thought-provocking. If your fic doesn't get any laughs, it's not fic from the Drak Pack show.

Admendment to Rule 7: Okay, I admit it. Not everyone can write comedy. It's not as simple as one would think. I have just as much trouble writing comedy as anyone. So, go for the action/adventure angle, if you want to write it that way. As long as you keep the violence down --about the tone of The Superfriends or Scooby Doo, and follow at least Rules 1 - 6, it will be fine.

Admendment to Rules: Maybe it would help if we had a Ratings System, like movies, T.V., video games, etc. have. Using the T.V Ratings System as a guide, here is a Fanfic Ratings System:

Rating Meaning
FF:GGeneral Audience
FF:Y Appropreate for all children
FF:Y7 Children age 7 and older; may contain intense fantasy violence.
FF:PG Parental guidence suggested.
FF:14 Parents strongly cautioned; may be unsuitable for children under 14.
FF:MA Mature Audience only

Other indicators:

Indicator Meaning
V Violence
S Explicit sexual activity
L Strong, course language
D Suggestive dialogue

or combination, thereof. I expect the majority of the fics to be in the FF:G to FF:PG range. Hopefully, the other ratings will never be used. But just in case, at least you'll know. This is the best I can do to keep the rules censorship-free and the site as Kid Safe as possible. (A real juggling act, I can tell you!)

Those are the major problem areas. If another problem arrises, I'll write a rule to deal with it. Right now, that's it. You can send entries to me at the above address.

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