<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/drake_nova/Eminem-Still_Dont_Give_A_Fuck.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Life is a Comedy to the hearts of those who think, and a Tragedy to the minds of those who feel.  So don't think that you feel what you are thinking.  Feel what you think you are feeling.
-Drake Nova   The Neosapian
Greetings, and welcome to the place that your parents told you to stay away from.  This site will teach you stuff like;  how to recognize a Scoochie from a mile away, 5 is a deamon, and what to do when you are being tenticle raped.

To make a long story short, you gonna love this place as long as you have an open mind and if you like to read.  Oh yeah... if you a person that people hate to love and love to hate, then we might actually be kindred souls.

I am your host, Drake Nova, and I will be attempting to enlighten you on the possibilities of the Multi-verse and guve you a bit of comey relief at the same time.   If it don't work, then I will not take responsability for the possible mental defects that may occur due to the fact that some under-developed minds cannot stand the barage of info that will come forth shortly.

That being said.... Have fun.  And don't forget to chill.  ^_^
For all of you who do not know me, you will soon find out that I am nothing like the 'norm'.  "But Drake, what is the norm?"  Well, I'm glad you asked that.  The Norm is what the majoraty of the population believes in and practices on a daily basis.  Did you know that 78% of the population of the United States are Supersticious?  That is a common and normal thing, and it is also NOT me. 

Please check out the Fnords to the right there and help ya self to the rest of the site.  I'll continue to do my best to bring you the most chaotic of topics and keep bustin ya guts with funny shit that just might not be funny unless you find it funny.  You get all that?  Do you understand me now?  Good.

Oh yeah... be a tad bit patient cause I just started this and it will take a while to be fully complete.  Rome was not built in a day and I don't think they ever finished New York.  What does that have to do with the price of camel shit in the middle east you say?  I have no idea.  Holla.  ^_^
The Hacker Prayer
Our modem
Which art in puter
Eathernet be thy name
Thy Kingdom.com
Thy will be none
Lag hurts
As it did at Eleven
Give us this day
Our daily pron
And forgive us our hacks
As we forgive our hackers
Lead us not
Into arrest
But deliver us from Feds
For thine is the electron
And the proton
And the neutron
Black Superman
Mental Art
That's right... this is me... handsome huh? Please stop by the Adopt-a-Scoochie Foundation.  Alot off ppl look at Scoochies like they are nasty sluts, and they might be, but they got feelings too, and don't deserve to die.  You can adopt a Scoochie today and help save this once proud type of ppl.  For more information on how to adopt your very own Scoochie, please check the Fnord above.
Do you have a question for the Wise One?  Would you like me to post your site in the links section?  Do you have a few comments for me?  Any suggestions on how to improve my site?  Would you like to buy a magical Chia Pet?  If so then simply click on the Guestbook thingy to holla at me and let me know what's up.