LiCat: okee ppls here is part 4.......its getting more and more strange *giggle* but blame it on my muses (Meko, Nova & Blue), its not my fault *G*...........ARIGATOU Drakin for the little japanese lesson.......


Whole new world ( a k a Mirrors) (Part 4)

Tai was really acting weird and he looked pale, hope that nothing was wrong. I had just washed my hands and was fixing my hair, when I noticed black smoke coming from the chink in the bottom of the door. It smelled strange and it was making me cough.

I heard a muffled scream and opened the door, the smoke hit me as I walked out of the bathroom. I looked around, it was hard seeing something at all, but I saw somebody in the corner of my eye. It was a man in black robe, he was carrying something and I followed him out to the hall where he to my suprise walked right through the mirror wall. I looked around, my ears tensed, but I didn't see or hear anything so I walked up to the mirror wall and put my hands on what's suppose to be a cold surface, but it wasn't, it was flaming hot. My reflexes took my hands of the mirrors, so I didn't burn them.

I noticed that the smoke had disappeard. I looked up into the mirror and saw myself looking back. A mirror shouldn't be warm, did I imagine it. Slowly I put the tip of my index finger back to the mirrors surface. And a load voice started to chant

"concentrate, walk through, concentrate, walk through, concentrate, walk through, concentrate, walk through, concentrate, walk through"

I tried to shut it out but it didn't work. I took my index finger from the mirror to cover up my ears, but then the chanting stopped. Where was the voice coming from? Was it coming from the mirror, was I about to become insane? I concentrated on a song and put my indexfinger back on the mirror. I could feel the compact, strangely warm surface. I pressed and to my suprise my index finger and my hand went through it, I could feel the mirror around my arm, I pulled it back and took a good look at my arm.

What the f**k was happening, I was asleep, yeah that must be it, but was this any different then the Digiworld? It looks like we digidestined where destined to always end up with insane adventures. I called out

"TAI! T.K!" they didn't answer so I walked to the living room. nobody was there and I found some small red spots on the floor. Was it blood? Had that man in black robe kidnapped them? I suddenly decided, I walked out to the hall again and positioned myself two steps in front of the mirror. I concentrated and closed my eyes, If this didn't work I would get a killing headache and would have to pay Nova for a new mirror. I took one step forward, still with closed eyes, I took one more, then one more and another on. Was I through? had it worked?

I opened my eyes slowly, yeah I had to admit that I was a little bit scared, I didn't know what to come. I was in a huge bedroom in a Medieval style, but it was completely trashed. It looked like some maniac had been let lose on it with an axe. I noticed a tapestry hanging on one of the walls, it was almost ripped apart but I could see that the scene was the same scene as the wall painting in Nova and Blues living room.

While I was studying the tapestry I heard a movement behind me and I turned around. There on the huge bed sat a strange cat, it was the size of a small tiger with sky-blue fur, and some black streaks. It had stone cold blue eyes, they reminded me of someone but I couldn't place them. I stared at them and it was like I was being hypnotized by them.

The Cat blinked and suddenly I was looking at myself, I was pale and my eyes looked glazed. I could hear a scratching sound in the walls and my nose told me that it was a mouse. I sensed movement in a room a bit from here and my memory told me that it was in the Lady's room. What was happening?? I had someone else's memories? and the high senses of a animal and the most strangest thing, I was watching myself with the interest a animal shows another. I was beginning to feel a touch of panic, but right then I heard a low smooth voice almost like a cats purr.


I don't know what happened but suddenly I was looking at the cat again from my own eyes, I looked down at my hands, it was my hands, not paws. I looked up at the cat again. It looked like he was smiling at me, yeah for some odd reason I knew it was a he. What was I supposed to do now? I had to find Tai, T.k and the others. I was staring at the cat, avoiding eye contact, just looking at the shimmering blue fur.

To me it seemed like he was waiting on something, I didn't know what and frankly I didn't want to know. I sighed and walked up to a door and peered out. I remembered that the hall to the left would take me down to the kitchen, I started to shiver, how could I know that. I hadn't been here before. I calmed down and was about to walk out into the hallway when senshi no kokoro took hold off my T-shirt and pulled me back into the room, yeah I don't know why I called the cat that, I just did. I tried to pull my T-shirt out of his mouth, but it didn't work. Then I heard footsteps and people talking. I peered out trough the door again and saw two men in black robes, one had a silver rooster on his robe and the other one had a rat.

"so they didn't find the Empress?"

"No, just some kids, and they took them instead"

"but why bother, they could just have left them, the jail is full enough! They put them in the jail, ne? "

They had walked past and I could not make out what the other one answered, when they vanished around a corner. Senshi no kokoro let go of my T-shirt and looked up at me. I looked back at him. What was I supposed to do? Could I possibly just go down to the prison and save them? And was my friends down there? Wouldn't I be caught if I tried and save them, guess I could be caught if I stayed here too. At least then I would be with them and wouldn't have to worry about them.


LiCat: yepp that was part 4 *glares at Blue* you can blame Blue for this chapter so if you wanna flame it address the flames to him.......

Blue: yea flame away *giggle*....I've never gotten a mail before.......