>This site you are about to enter contains yaoi/shounen ai material. For those of you that have no idea what that is, its simply stating that I support a gay coupling on the anime show DIGIMON. If you don't like that please leave now by clicking the I decline link below. If it doesn't and you are fully ok with hearing seeing and reading about Tai and Matt in a relationship then read on cause I still have a few more rules. I {meaning you the reader} hearby acknowledge that I am about to enter Drakin's site and give him full authority to teach me a lesson in proper edicit on household manners if I piss him off in anyway. Be it a simple reply email with the word "whatever" written in it or to a verbal ass whoopin on his flames page. I have read these terms and agree fully. So being the responsible taito fan I will now click the smilly face after the word "Yamachi" in the title at the top of the screen. So that I may enter and be mentally disturbed by what Drakin has on his stite.