If you have ever watched digimon, and you should to even know what the hell this page is about, then you notice some weird things that are just out there. Or sometimes not out there but just like HUH? Anyways this is my section where I get to ask questions and see if anyone knows the answers to them.

To see what the lovely ppl that visit me answered to these questions go here,the library of brainy thinking ^_~

OK here goes... ummmm I might have a little pent up hostility towards certain things and I may just go on into a mini rant about it just out of no where. So be warned.

OK first up... TOEI!
1 does anyone like Toei animation after they what they did to digimon??
2 Will anyone ever trust Toei animation ever again??
I can't stand the ppl that work at Toei animation!! They all should rot in Hell for what they did to Tai and Matt!! ::visciously starts to stab a pillow with the words "Toei Animation" written on it::
Ok moving on...
3 Why does Mimi drop the "cowgirl" look for a Britney Spears look-a-like get up them switch back to the cowgirl look?
4 Why does Mimi's son look like willice?
5 Why does Mimi's kid look like Micheal too?
6 Does anyone else find Togemon annoying, yet would go out with Lillymon in a hot second?
7 What kind of attack is "NEEDLE SPRAY"?
8 And how did it get the black gear out of Monzemon?
10 Were the producers and Toei on ecstacy when they thought of the ending to digimon?
11 Why does Digmon say "the Drill of Power" when he used the digiegg of Knowledge?
12 Why does Flamedramon's "breastplate" look like a bra?
13 What the hell kind of a name is "X-Veemon"?
14 Is thinking that Angemon is hot as hell a sin?
15 What was that black thing Piedmon stuck into Gennai's neck?
16 If the Dark Masters were around way pack in the beggining, why didn't they attack the Digidestined in the first place?
17 Does anyone else think Entemon was a freak?
19 How does Tai's hair defy gravity and the simple fact that when hair gets wet it tends to droop?
20 Is anyone else this bitter towards Toei animation?
21 Why does Venommyotismon's crotch talk in the end of the Myotismon arc?
22 What the hell kind of name is "myotismon"?
23 Who in God's name came up with Iori's hair style?
24 How did Joe and TK get so damn hot in 02?
25 Is pixiemon gay?
26 Is sylphimon a guy or girl?
27 Why aren't there more female digimon?
28 Does anyone else hate Digimon tamers just because of the fact that the original kids won't be in it?
29 Why do they keep referring to Gatomon has a rookie when she is actually a champion?
30 why is Gatomon always in her champion form?
31 in the beginning of 02 they said that they couldn't digivolve into champion with the control spires around, yet gatomon was a carefree little champion?
32 Why do they give Submarimon such a stupid voice?
33 Why do ppl make fanfics about digimon getting it on with eachother when they obviously have no sex organs? Well the rookies and bellow have no gender identifying stuff, but some of the champions and above do where some clothes, as willice so pointed out that Gargomon wears pants ^_~
34 Why does Gabumon have a removable fur coat?
35 Does Ikkakumon have an endless supply of horn torpedoes?
36 Why does poromon have this preverse fasination with Miyako's butt?
37 Does anyone have the number to Gennai's plastic surgeon?
38 Is thinking Gennai is hot beyond belief a bad thing considering his actual age?
38 How old is Gennai anyways?
39 What is Gennai, digimon, humon, alien?
40 Why in God's name did they make Leomon so damn fine?
41 How old is Miko?
42 How old are the digidestined? they keep changing their damn ages around!
43 Why in God's name did Matt's dad divorce Nancy??!!
44 Why do they say TK and Matt are half brothers then say that they are full brothers?
45 If Matt is supposed to be so skilled in the Martial arts, why does Tai kick his ass all the time? Like we don't know ^_~
46 Does anyone else think that Garudamon looks VERY manly?
47 Are those wing-like things on the sides of upamon's head: Hair, wings, hands, ears?
48 Does anyone else think that Hawkmon is gay?
49 Why does Matt have slanted eyes but TK doesn't if they are full brothers?
50 If all the Kids are Japenese why don't they all have slanted eyes?
51 Is Matt a real blonde?
52 Who is smarter Izzy or Ken?
53 Who would like to see a wrestling match between Ken and Izzy?
54 What kind of name is Izzy?
55 Who knew TK was so damn aggressive when he kicked Ken's ass?
56 Is Tokomon part shark since he has a couple rows of teeth?
57 Did anyone else totally freak out when Tokomon yawned and we saw his pearly whites?
58 Why does Tsunomon have such a BIG horn for such a small body?
59 Why does yokomon have a flower growing out of its damn head?
60 Does anyone else wish that datamon would have killed Sora?
61 Is Joe really allergic to that much stuff?
62 If Joe is in fact allergic to all that stuff shouldn't he be dead by now?
63 How does Mimi get her own cooking show when she doesn't even know a digivice from a pocket watch?
64 What the hell does mimi have in that big ass purse of hers in 01?
65 Why does Joe say he doesn't want to be a doctor and yet becomes one anyways?
66 Who else thinks that Jun is satan?
67 Why doesn't Jun know how to take a hint?
68 How old is Jun anyways?
69 Does anyone else think that Tai and Matt secretly get it on when no one is looking?
70 Does anyone else think that Mummymon and Arukenimon should get it on?
71 Did anyone else think that the announcer made mummymon sound like a child molester when he asked "what does mummymon have in store for this young boy"?
72 What happened to Mummymon's other eye?
73 Does anyone else wish that Yolie would have let Sora fall to her death when she fell off of Garudamon?
74 Does anyone else find Arukenimon sorta attractive? {the human version damnit!}
75 Does anyone ever wonder just what the hell arukenimon spends on shoes? Thankyou mummyomon when you mentioned her damn feet!
76 Is it wrong to want to fire-bomb Toei animation?
77 If mummymon is a mummy jut why the hell does he have assault rifles that shoot static pulse thingies? (oh yeah drake that was really technical of you)
78 Is Paildrmon near-sighted? He can't hit the broad side of a barn!
79 Does Arukenimon have bad breath? She does shoot that acid mist stuff.
80 Will Drakin ever stop asking these useless and pointless questions?
81 If the digimon are a reflection of the human counterparts, and patamon armour digivolves into a horse.... what does that say about Takeru? I couldn't resist I just hada ask x_x I am such a pervert!!
82 Did anyone else notice that in the movie just before Tai reaches Wargreymon they show most of Wargreymon's ass? that one was for all you wargreymon lovers!
83 Does anyone else think that angewomon looks like Kari? You can see her face in the movie when she digivolves to magnadromon, just put it on slow speed, it works better if you have the DVD, no distortion.
84 If angewomon does look like Kari does that mean that angemon and all his other divolutions look like TK?
85 Is drakin actually this disturbed in real life? Well my pyschologist says no, but my pyschiartist says yes. The difference here is that a pyschologists is the one that makes you sit down and blame your parents for all your problems and a pyschiatrist pumps you full of medication then says you'll be fine. YEA PROZAC!!!
86 Is anyone else willing to sign a petition to make Toei bring back the original Digidestined kids in a digimon 04? I don't care how they do it just that they bring them back, except Sora, they can kill her for all I care.
87 Is anyone else dying to get their hands on Arukenimon's flute? you can control bug-type digimon, oh the possibilities!!!!
88 Does anyone else wonder where in the Hell all these other digidestined kids were when our very brave Japanese digidestined were risking their lives to fight the dark masters?
89 Why haven't they brought out a subtitled uncut digimon yet? I mean look at the ratings!! ITs popular as hell!! I think that the companies are just fighting over who should get it. I hope pioneer gets it, they do good work, and they already do some of my fave anime: Cardcaptur Sakura, Sailormoon, anything to do with the Tenchi seiries, and lotsa others.
90 Ever wonder why Magnamon's "breastplate" looks like a bra? Seems to be a fashion with veemon when he armour digivolves to have a bra.
91 Is imperialdramon the frankenstien of the Digiworld? I mean look at him he looks like they took a bunch of pieces from some other cool lookin digimon and just mashed them together and called it Imperialdramon. Oh and Kymaramon doesn't count cause we know Ken made him when he was coming down from a acid high. Or was it LSD? Eh oh well either way he was pretty fucked up.
92. Who did they ask to edit the Digmon movie? I mean there are sooooo many abnormalities in the storyline that throughout most of the second half you are confused cause you know that most of that stuff didn't happen in the right order, like the fight scene at the end.
93. What were those tile things that the digimon were putting together in the episode where blackwargreymon dies? I think I missed the part where they explained what they were doing, I was actually working on this site and trying to watch the show at the same time, and well we all know how that turned out, just look at this site, I obviously shouldn't try and do two things at once.
94. Why does Biyomon have these ankle chain things on her legs? Does anyone else think that Sora chains her up and beats her?
95. Who wouild chip in to help pay for Drakin's therapy bills if the option was offered?
96. Having Matt and Tai living in your house isn't mentally wrong is it, seeing how they are anime characters and all?
97. Why does TK cry so damn much in 01? It seem like every other episode that kid was crying his eyes out.
98. Does Tk have a secret crush on Matt and Tai? That kid spent most of his time in matt's crotch then looking around, and then when Matt left, TK immediately went on to Tai.
101. Who would like to see a mud wrestling macth between 01 Izzy, Joe and 02 Ken? Battle of the super nerds!!!!
102. Does anyone actually think that Matt and Jun should have got together? IF YOU ANSWERED YES, WAIT RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE WHILE I GET MY GUN!
103. Why is Usagi such a klutz? Oops wrong series ^_^"
104. Is anyone else really freaked out by the fact that little freak-job Iori actually had a kid? THAT IS REALLY DISTURBING PPL! I swear that child would fit right in with the children of the corn!
105. Why didn't agumon and gabumon just digivolve into OMNIMON and kick major ass in the end of 02? ooooooo Thanks to my friend, I can't think about omnimon without shuddering, THANKYOU CHAR!!! JUST FOR THAT I HOPE TERRY BOGARD GETS A WOMEN WHO DOESN"T DIE AT THE END OF A FATAL FURY MOVIE!!(inside joke sorry)

WEll that all I have for now, I'll put more up when I think of some more weird quetions that occur to me, or just when I"m bored out of my cottin pickin mind.