>Ok ppl I have a couple of requests to make before you write me.
(Help me find out where that damn music is coming from!!)
1. PLEASE KNOW WHICH ADDRESS YOU ARE WRITING TOO! I have a SEPARATE address for fanfics and other stuff...so please pay attention.
2. Do not ask to speak with Tai, Matt or Pretty Eyes. For one thing Tai and Matt are busy ::coughs:: and Pretty Eyes has to watch Matt and Tai while I'm on the comp trying to update for you ppl.
3. If you are writing to me to explain html or anything else computer related you must speak in little words and act like you are addressing a five year old. I mean it I need a lot of help when it come to html.
5. If you are writing to say hi please write in english, although I know wnough Spanish to survive a week in Mexico and a couple of Japenese choice phrases I"m not going to pretend to be some sort of master languist.
ummm that pretty much it for my requets. Oh and if you have any suggestions for my site please feel free to tell me. Other then telling me to close it down and to get the hell off the Internet. well anyhoo I can't wait to hear from you.
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Like I'm actually going to write this freak as if