useless babble of year 2002

January 2, 2002

Drakin: eeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......*crawls over to the comp*why do I hurt all over?
Tai: Hangover?
Drakin: You know as well as I do that I DO NOT drink, one I'm under age, two I just don't see what the big thing is about drinking.
Matt: Don't knock it till you tried it.
Drakin: If you need alcohol to enjoy yourself, there is a problem.
Matt: HELLO! Look where we are! we all definately need alcohol just to stay sane! In fact I think we are required by law to be liquired up a little 24 hours a day.
Drakin: >_> somehow I don't think that that will hold up in a court of law.
Tai: Well he has to try something to give him an excuse to drink. Seeing as how you won't let him.
Drakin: Gee if he's this charming when he is sober imagine how he will act when he is drunkenly charming.
Tai: -_- you have a point.
Drakin: Speaking of points, I never did get an answer as to why I hurt everywhere.
Tai: ^_^" Well maybe you just toss a lot in your sleep and you hit things....>_>
Drakin; Taiiiiiii, what aren't you telling me?
Tai: Oh nothing much.....*runs*
Drakin: You can run but you can't hide! I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!
Tai: *sounds a little distant* DAMN!
Drakin: *beams* Overlord: 563863209864, Tai and Matt as a collective whole: zippo ^_^.

January 5, 2002

Drakin: Well here I am again with nothing much to do at the moment, just thought I'd fill you guys in on my latest conquests. I am currently playing Legend of the Dragoon and it ROCKS I mean it's practically better than any of the Final Fantasy games. the storyline is WAY better and makes a hell of a lot more sense. I mean come one FFVII was just weird, FFVIII TRIED to have a complex plot, but it just ended up being weird too. and well I haven't played nine yet so I shall get back to you on that. You have GOT to play Legend of the Dragoon, it's sooo cool, only downfall is the ending, Sure it was cool and all but lets just say I can not stand Shana whatsoever. Stupid no good goody goody having to go and be the weak little heroine. I am SO a Rose fan, that lady kicks major ass, LITERALLY!
taI: exactly how long do you plan on ranting about this game?
Drakin: Long enought to make the promotional ppl at Prima Games happy so they'll cut me a share of the profits if and when they make a legend number two.
Tai: >_> this is indeed a sad day, Drakin as sold out to commercial advertisement.
Drakin: I never said I was against it.
Tai: Oh....
Matt: Hey quit laying into my bitch!
Drakin: -_-* oh yeah, Matt has made the most interesting new years resolution to piss me off as many times as possible. He has decided to do this by speaking ghetto. It's working to a tee.
Matt: That's right you betta keep ya grubby hands off my shit! *points at Tai* That's my bitch! You lay ya hands on him and I'll have to give you an ass whoopin old school style.
Drakin: Anyone want to guess as to what my resolution was?
Matt: Who gives a fuck what you do, just as long as you aint be up in my business.
Drakin: *Picks up Matt's guitar* I've decided to pick up playing. *starts to pluck at the strings*
Matt: AAAAHHHHHH! What are you doing?! Put that down!
Drakin: Just as soon as you decide to take back your resolution, I'll take back mine. *smiles evily*
Matt: You can't do that!
Drakin: Oh really? *starts to pluck at the strings again*
Matt: @_@ *high pitched voice* WWWHHHAAAAA! OK OK OK OK I take it back! Just put the guitar down.
Drakin: Admit it and all will be well.
Matt: fine, Drakin rules and I sound like a back street boy. There you happy?
Drakin: Overlord: 563863209865 Matt&Tai: zippo.
Matt: *takes the guitar and walks away grumbling*
Drakin: *takes out an object* I wonder if Sora would like this for a late Christmas present? *waves Matt's harmonica around*
Matt: YAAAHHHHH! *runs for it*Drakin: *dodges* Lets here it gel-boy
Matt: Not only do I sound like a back street boy but I look like a realy bad member of Hanson.
Drakin: 56386320986 and6

February 7, 2002

Drakin: *crying* I don't wanna!
Tai: but you HAVE to, I mean it's not like you can change the universe or something, just accept it like a man.
Drakin: Easy for you to say, you're an anime character, so until they draw it, you stay the same age forever. And who says I CAN'T change the universe? I can do anything I damn well want to! I'M THE OVERLORD OF TAITO AFTER ALL!
Tai: That doesnt' entitle you to fate altering powers -_-
Drakin: DAMN! Then what good is it being the overlord if I dont' get any wicked cool powers.
Tai: You get the loose control over us!
Drakin: You I can live with, Matt that is far from a consilation prize.
Matt: You're just pissed cause you are turning twenty tommorrow. *smiles*
Drakin: I HATE YOU! You're so cruel! *starts to cry*
Tai: You know you are a little cruel
Matt: Hey someone has to expose him the the harsh reality of the outside world.
Tai:somehow I think you just enjoy tormenting him.
Matt: guilty! *smiles*
Drakin: *hugs Tai* tai-chan make it stop! I don't want to be old!
Tai:It's ok *rubs him soothingly* hee hee, this is it! The chance I get to take advantage of his weakened state! HA HA HA HA HA!
Drakin: echi.
Tai: Did I say that out loud?
Drakin:-_- I think I'm looking forward to being old, maybe it will turn you off.
Tai: NOPE, just makes it more exciting cause now I'll be trying to get into the pants of an experienced man.
Matt: HEY! I know what I'm doing!
Drakin: Happy birthday to me -_-* God bless all and good night.

February 9 2002

Drakin: Well day after the dreadful day, and I fill....ok. I KNOW I'm older, but I feel the same, so I guess it's not that bad. In fact I am enjoying it, cause now I get to look down on all the snobby idiot teenagers around here who can barely drive.
Tai: I think you've matured greatly.
Drakin: WHO AM I KIDDING?! I WANT TO BE ONE OF THE STUPID TEENAGERS AGAIN! This is HORRIBLE! I am so old! It just gets worse from here! There's no turning back! Just all down hill from here.....*runs away crying*
Tai:Well he sounded mature, for a second there.
Matt: Yeah and I ENJOYED being with Sora.
Tai: well you don't have to be sarcastic about it.
Matt: yeah well forget it, lets go upstairs.

March 2002

Drakin: Yeah I know it's been awhile. I HAVE GOOD REASONS THOUGH. I've had personal illnesses, friends illnesses. Having to practically run a friends business for them while she got over pnuemonia, which we later found out she had on BOTH lungs. Then I got sick myself for a week. No one really sent anything in to the site for a while there. WHICH BTW really made me depressed. But some very niceppls made me feel better when they sent in a shit load of stuff the last two weeks in March. April has been a well....just BLAH. I existed that is all. I've been writing I've been reading and that is about all. So I've updated for you so you can stop putting together the lynch mob I know a few of you are organizing. I'm back and I've got some good stuff in store for the site so just keep yourself posted ok! GOOD!