Dialogue of the deranged

So you really want to know what goes on around here huh? Well its you're sanity not mine, since its already gone ^_~. Well if you insist come on and join the fun! ::evil pipe organ music plays:: (oh that was subtle)

~Conversation on the morning of April 16, 2001~

HI EVERYONE!!!!! God do I feel horrible. I've been sick the last 5 days! THIS SUCKS!! WHY DO I HAVE TO BE SICK!!!!???? ITAI!!! Oh my poor sore throat. (note to self don't ever yell like that again. I have been really sick and Pretty Eyes isn't here to take care of me T_T. So I haven't been able to hardly work on my site.
Matt: Not like you work on it when you are "healthy"
Drakin: GOD! Why do you have to be soooo mean?
Matt: Cause Tai's not here.
Drakin: well who's fault is that?
Matt: Well I didn't think he would've gone to his parents for Easter in the first place. So I didn't think encouraging him to see his family would hurt.
Drakin: Yeah well to bad he did. SUCKS TO BE YOU! HA HA HA ^_^ I feel happy now, thanks Matt!
Matt: Yeah well I don't see Pretty Eyes around here either buddy.
Drakin: -_-* You evil cruel sadistic bastard.
Matt: Hey now I feel better
Drakin: You just wait till I get better, I'll kick your ass from here to Japan!
Matt: Like you could kick my ass!
Drakin: Ummm remind me who had who pinned down and screaming for mercy like a little french girl just last week?
Matt: eh he he ^_^"
Drakin: Just as I thought, so sit over there and brood all by yourself.
anyways I'll add more interesting sound of the house when I can see straight.

Conversation on the night of April 17, 2001

Drakin: MATT!!
Matt: WHAT?! Stop shouting I"m in the damn kitchen!
Drakin: oh, uh anyways tell your damn little brother to get out of his little "Death to the world phase" and to leave me the hell alone!
Matt: what are you babbling about now?
Drakin: Goth TK, tell him that eating pins is soooo not the cure to the commmon cold!
Matt: oh, well its not like he'll listen to me or anything ya'know
Drakin: yeah well if he doesn't cut it out I'm gonna have to go and drag him to a tanning booth and force some sunlight onto that little vampire wanna-be. Oh and tell him that black is not his color-shade-or lack of color, or what ever in the hell you want to call black.
Matt: whatever
{Goth TK is sole trademark of Clare at THE LOST TEMPLE OF ISHIDA, any pictures of him are usually created by Clare or Koani. I only borrowed him for a little bit not used him for my own means, well not much, yet. SO CLARE IF YOU READ THIS DON"T GET MAD AT ME PLEASE!!}

Argument heard from a block away on May 8, 2001
Tai: Its about damn time I knew you couldn't resist me for that much longer.
Drakin: o_O Huh?
::Matt and Tai rush over and try and glomp Drakin::
::Barely in time to save his skin, drakin jumps up out of the chair he is in and manages to jump out of the way just as the dynamic duo crash into the chair he was just in::
Drakin: what the hell are you two talkin about? And just why are you trying to kill me!?
Matt: You came out, aren't you happy?
Prety Eyes: Don't even try it, he's not going to come out of anything cause I"ll be there to smack him right back in!
Dakin: ^_^" Its nice that all of you care, but I WAS TALKING ABOUT ANIPIIKE YOU HORMONALlY CRAZED SEX FREAKS!!! I finally got my site up at anipike, just what did you two think I was talking about?
Both: Nothing
Drakin: I worry about them sometimes, and it scares me what I finally decide about them. They are soooo weird at times

June 8, 2001
Well I just finished BIG UPDATE #3!!! YAY!!! I"m such a hard worker!! AYAAA! My poor fingers their sooo sore from all this typing. ::rubs hands:;
Tai: THats not how they got sore from what I heard.
Drakin: What are you talking about?
Tai: ::looks at Pretty Eyes then at Drakin and Smirks:; he he well if you don't want to say I wont
Drakin o_0, I think I missed something there
Tai: From what I Hear you don't miss anything at all, in fact that you are quite thurough, isn't that right Pretty Eyes?
Pretty Eyes: ^_^" Now now Taichi, that is quite enough out of you for one day. ::presses her fingers to her lips when Drakin turns back around:; I told you not to say anything if I told you.
Tai: What can I say I"m jealous.
Pretty Eyes: ::starts to go for Tai's throat intending to choke him to death::
Drakin: What are you two wispering about over there?
Both: Nothing. ^_^
Drakin: I wonder about you two
Pretty Eyes: ::whispers to Tai:: You just wait till he's gone, your ass is grass and my foot is the lawnmower!
Tai: If I had my way he wouldn't ever leave this house, isn't that right my soon to be boy toy
Drakin: What was that Tai?
Tai: ::realizes he actually said that out loud:: ummmm nothing
Pretty Eyes: Back off Tai he's mine, you already have a boyfriend.
Tai: Yes, but you know what they say don't you?
Pretty Eyes: And what would that be?
Tai: That two heads are better then one :;smiles evily::

Conversation of the afternoon of June 12, 2001
Drakin: DAMN! I just realized that there are two #38's in the "What in the Hell" section. Now I have to start all over and redo the numbering. Alright everybody lets go! ::Drakin, Pretty Eyes, Tai and Matt all line up take off their sock and shoes so They can count::
HEY wait a minute we can only go up to 80 with all out fingers and toes, so how did we get to 105?
Matt and Tai have slighty guilty looks on there faces::
Alright you two just how did you get the other numbers?
Matt: Well Tai and I went and got the ruler and took three messurements and we added those together and thats how we got the extra 25.
Drakin: o.o anyone else confused? Measurments? What did you measure? ::both look a little embarrassed::
You don't mean you measured, oh God I don't really want to know, wait a sec, you said you took three measurements, where did that third one come from? Is one of you endowed with a extra "apendage?"
Tai: O.O huh? Oh nothing like that, however that would be interesting, anyways we.....:;mumbles intelligably::
Drakin; What did you say?
Matt: Lets just say that the padlock you put on your bedroom door isn't quite as effective as you thought it would be.
Drakin: @_@ ::Goes into silent shock::
Tai: ::waves hand in front of Drakin:: Mosh Mosh?
Pretty Eyes who has bee watching everything is silent wonder decided to knock the living shit out of Matt, ::WHACK::
Tai: Hmmm... with you all helpless like this Drakin why don't I just help myself.
Pretty Eyes: :: knock Tai into the other room with Matt then looks at poor stone still Drakin:: Well When Tai has a good idea he has a good idea. :: drags Drakin away upstairs::
Tai: well I"m not going to be the only one not getting any, ::drags Matt into the kitchen remembering that Drakin and Pretty Eyes just bought some whipped cream, Ice cream and a whole assortment of syrups:: I feel kinda kinky today.
Matt: When don't you feel kinky?
Tai: Lets go you fine-playboy-sex-bunny of mine.

June 14, 2001
Drakin: WWWWAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!! I"m soooo PROUD Of Pretty Eyes!!! She just graduated with a 3.9!!! YAY!!! I got a 3.5 when I graduated/was booted out of High school. YOU DID A GOOD JOB MY LOVELY!!! ::GLOMP::
Pretty Eyes: Thanks hon, but I like breathing too you know, :;gasp:: air....must have air...
Drakin: O_o oops, sowwy, I JUST LOVE YOU SO DAMN MUCH!!!
Taichi: ::grabs caculator and feverishly starts to punch away at the buttons:: DAMN!!!
Matt: Whats wrong?
Taichi: Even if I got straight A's for the rest of school, I"d only get a 3.3, but I wanted a hug from Drakin too!
Matt: HEY! I hug you all the time, you saying you don't like it when I hug you?
Taichi: Well considering that you and I don't just hug, a hug from you isn't as satisfying.
Matt: >_< Thats it ::grabs Tai::
Drakin: WHere are you two going?
Matt: ::still dragging Tai upstairs:: To make Tai appreciate me more
Tai: oooooo Yama, you're so forceful, I like this side of you, but you know, no matter how hard you try I end up on top.
Matt: We'll see about that this time.
Drakin: Well have fun, just don't break anything!
Both: No promises!

August 16, 2001
Drakin: WOW haven't written in here in a while, lots have actually happened around here, but its all too much to tell. Anyhoo I had the day off from work today cause of rain, I work outside. Anyhoo I"M HAPPY!!!! I can actually update the site! WWWWAAAAIIIII!!!! *starts to sing* "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands *clap clap* If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet *stomp stomp*
Matt: I think he's finally lost it....then again was he ever all there to begin with?
Tai: I think it's cute, look at him, he's just sooo kawaii singing over there.
Drakin: *notices Matt and Tai, runs over and puts an arm around each of their shoulders* come on you two join in!
Tai: wwwaiiii! I'm so happy right now!
Matt: -_- Don't count on it.
Tai: come on Matt don't be a spoil sport, join in and have some fun
Matt: I'd rather not.
Drakin: ^_^ oh he had better or else *pokes Matt in the ribs*
Matt: *starts to sing like there is no tomorrow*
Pretty Eyes: * walks in* Hey guys whats goin on.......*looks at the sight in front of her.* *slowly back right back out the way she came in* Some things are just better left unexplained......

September 4, 2001

Drakin:Hope you all had a fun and happy "vacation". Yes that is what the schools around here are calling the THREE DAY WEEKEND! >_> if you ask me it's just a way to make the kids think that they are somehow extending summer vacation....Anyways I DIDN"T! I had to read ALL weekend! @_@ OOOOOOIIIIII MY BRAIN!!! CAN'T.....PUT....ANYMORE....INFO...INTO....IT....
DRAKIN: ONE WORD OUT OF YOU AND SO HELP ME I WILL CHANGE YOUR HAIR BACK TO IT'S ORIGINALCOLOR! Now where was I? Oh yeah, well I wasn't the only one that had a horrible weekend, a girl in one of my classes had a five inch gash,three inches deep, ripped into her thigh. She was riding one of those four wheelers up north and she hit a bump and the handle bars inpaled her in the LEG! She said that she could see her femur BONE! O_O well thats med training for you, however I don't think looking at your OWN anatamy in that way is tha way to go about it...SO thats how things went around here.....>_> Um so if you had a sucky weekend, just remember that THINGS CAN GET WORSE AND WILL IF YOU KEEP TEMPTING FATE! Ok MATE NE!!!

November 12, 2001

Drakin: I'M BACK! I'm BOLD, I might even be beuatiful. I'm TOTALLY RECHARCHED AND IN YOUR FACE! I'm...
Tai: Drakin stop quoting sailormoon.
Drakin: *still is pose and speech mode, face faults* Thanks a lot Tai you ruined my entrance.
Matt: Well we had to stop you, I mean you were quoting DUBBED sailormoon for god's sake.
Drakin: Yeah well it was back when I liked dubbed sailormoon, I was 14 for goodness sake, I mean I didn't even know what subbed was.
Matt: whatever, I'm just going to remind you each and everytime when you lowered yourself to the level of quoting dubbed.
Drakin: -_- and I keep him around for what?
Tai: Cause he's fine as hell and we know it, and without him there wouldn't be as many rabid fangirls running around here.
Drakin:I still fail to see the bad side to this....
Tai:Of come one you know you would miss is tight pert ass strutting around here.
Drakin: If I want to see a pert ass I'll look at my own thankyou very much.
Tai: You and me both....^_~
Drakin:I set myself up on that one didn't I.
Matt: you know you did.

December 23, 2001

Tai:*runs up to screen and waves* HAIIIIIII MINNNNAAAAA! Did you guys miss us? Bet you did! Well...WE'RE BACK!
Matt:*Comes by and scouls next to Tai* Yeah imagine how happy they are to know that.
Tai: Awww my poor yama. *huggles him* It's ok! Just look over at how happy Drakin is! *points*
Drakin: *skips in and runs up to comp* HAAAAAAIIIIIIII MIIINNNNNAAAAAA! *victory V and wink* How you guys bin? Lots has happened around here! For starters I'm a SINGLE MAN!.
Matt: *glares* you must LIKE sleeping one the couch or something.
Tai and Drakin: *ignoring Matt, totally Smile like idiots*
Drakin: Ehhh not muct to tell about that one, just diffenrence of opinion and stuff and well Pretty Eyes and I have parted ways on a romantic level and are now just friends.
Matt: And exactly how many time do we hear about ppl being 'just friends'?
Drakin:*skips away humming stupidly*
Tai: Don't mind Drakin, he jus happy that he found one of the limited edition Utena movie DVDs. in a BEST BUY OF ALL PLACE TOO! He was so happy that he watched it over and over all week last week so that's where he was. And if you know Drakin, you know he is VERY much into Utena, I think that DVD is already started to wear our some, especially the dance seen and the seen at the end in the car with Himemiya. *looks at Drakin in back ground dancing with no one with Utena music playing in the background*
Matt: I swear he gets more weird each day.
Tai: Anyhoo he updated all for you guys! so go ckeck it out and have fun! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! HAPPY NEW YEAR! AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU CELEBRATE!
*Drakin come back in and throws an arm around Tai and Matt's shoulders*

~Some hours later~ Drakin: Ok guys I mean it when I said I had NOTHING to update with. All the fics I had, and all the hentaish pics I had are all up. I have nothing else to post so send it in!
Drakin: *twitch, growling* Finish that sentence and Hikari will be calling you Onechan instead of Oniichan.