I am very serious please read them and abide by them or I will be very angry!
Tai: oh Drakin you hardly ever get mad, you big overgrown kitten ::smiles at Drakin::
Drakin: ::turns head and his eyes turn into little infernoes of fire and flashes of lighning dance across his skin:: WHAT WAS THAT TAICHI???!!
Tai and Matt: @_@
Matt: Now you did it Tai! You just had to see if you could piss him off didn't you!
::Pretty Eyes walks in::
Pretty Eyes: Whats going on, Oh hell, it'll take a week to get those smoke stains out of the cieling. ::walks over to Drakin:: Ssshhhhh its ok.
Drakin: ::starts to drool then turns into big pile of goo on floor::
Pretty Eyes: I've still got it, he he I wasn't kidding when I said you would be putty in my hands Drakin. ::walks off taking Tai and Matt with her::
? Where was I? Oh yeah submitting. I will not except/post/lookat anything that has to do with Taiora/Sorchi orTaimi/Michi or Mimato/Yami or sorato/yamora. Unless its about Tai and Mat winning eachother from Sora and Mimi. Please don't send anything that is about Sora bieng with tai or Matt. Or Mimi being With Tai and Matt. Submissions don't have to be Tatio/Yamchi based, however I would prefer if they were. I will except just about any other pairing as well. except MattxJoe or MattxIzzy or Taixjoe. Those are just weird (its my opinion so live with it, I do). With that said please send what you have in.
One more thing! I worked very hard asking for/begging/pleading/stalking/coaxing/bribing/blackmailing/threatening/and stealing to get this stuff so you go ask too DAMNIT!! Stealing is very bad! (side note I was kidding when I said I stole this stuff) Anyways most of the stuff on here can be found on one of the sites in the link section so just go there and click and ask the nice ppl there if you can use the stuff to. I also worked my fingers practically to the F***ing bone putting this stuff up so ASK BEFORE USING!!