Help your lovable webmaster

Help! I nedd somebody [help] Not just anybody [HHHEEELLLPPPPPP] :;music goes on from there::

ummm that was an old Beatles song (I think) for those of you who were looking at me funny. Anyhoo this is primarily where you the visiter really gets to contribute to this site, other than the fanwork section. Well here goes.


before you go giving me the cards and numbers of psychiatrists and or psychologists...::Grabs phone book away from Matt, smacks the phone out of Tai's hand and rips apart the straight jacket Pretty Eyes was holding::.
Now can we be serious please? Anyhoo here is a list of the things that I need someone to fill me in on/tutor me in [don't you dare say how to getta life].

1. Tell me of a good server that provides LOTS of space for music storage. Preferably one that is FREE!

2 Help me upload the music so YOU can download it. I know how to upload MIDIS and WAVs, but MP3 are a bitch! I have a version of WINZIP it that helps any of you.
3. Anyone know where I can get my hands on a message board thing FOR FREE? I really want to be able to have you guys to have something to talk on and chat with one another while I am taking my leave up absensces sometimes. as you all found out that I too can dissapear from time to time, like an ENTIRE MONTH! It was hell not being able to update.

I'm sensing a trend here, anyone else wonder what I might be doing? There is more then one reason why I want to be able to do all this music stuff. You will see when the time is right. Or when someone tells me how to do the damn stuff!

I will add more to this list when I run into more problems.

I feel really bad for Drakin and I want to help him.
Thank you kind stranger

I'm going to be mean and keep Drakin in the dark
because I'm a selfish good-for-nothing!
well to hell with you too!!