Link to page

Well since I went to html school, I"ve decided to put up buttons and banners and the like. on a separate page from the text link, one cause the text link will load faster and two cause I have most likely spent 5 hours on that damn page so there was no way in Hell that I was going to trash it. Anyhoo Here is the links to the text link and the text/banner links pages. I like to click on the banner link page and just watch all the cute little buttons move and swirl ::drools:: soooo re....laxing.......

text link page
This is the link page that has nothing but text links, it loads fast but is VERY borring.

This is the better looking page, sorta, it has all the pretty banners and buttons on it, if the site has one that is, other ways its still a text link. It loads very slow but like I said its very nice.