July 20, 2002
YES! Update #2! AND IT'S IN THE SAME WEEK AS THE LAST TIME! WWWAAAAIIIIII! (Yes I know I went crazy with the caps, leave me alone! I'm deprived of actual affection OK! Writing in caps makes me happy so there!)ANyways. . . . I added some more to Kat's fics, the Digital Runaway's portion. I've also put them in order, so if you were wondering before why the story seemed kinda missing some of it's plot. . . that's why. So it is now in order, I think (HOPE) SO go read and I'll have some more fics up soon. I only have two more to post then I'm out. YOU HEAR ME?! I. WILL. BE. OUT. OF. FICS. IN. TWO. DAYS! SO SEND SOME IN! (I told you I was starved for affection. God I need to find someone to cuddle with on these lonely nights. Night?! HA! Try EVERY DAY ALL DAY! yes I know I'm sad. . . The truth hurts though.
July 15, 2002
I'm BBBAAACK! ACTUAL UPDATE THIS TIME! albiet a small update, but it's still an update! I added the next chapter of TO DEFY DESTINY, for those of you who actually care about my fics. Sorry that's about all I have for now. I'll have some more of Kat's fics up soon. After that, I have NO fics to update with. NONE! However I DO have some other things that I can throw up around the site,so don't fear. The above link is a link to a fanfic archive that is just BEYOND WORDS! especially the original fics section, I have read most of what's in there. IT"S ALL GOOD! (and I don't mean that in slang terms either) SO go there and wait for my next update. WARNING however, some of the fics have some HIGHLY adult themes and stuff. Read the warnings on the fics to see if you want to read them or not OK? GOOD!
Well I must be off to wreak havoc upon the lives of the foolish ppl that live around me. TA!
March 4, 2002
WWAAAHHHOOOOOO look at me less than a month with updates, a miracle ne? anyways I DID update for you. mostly fics, hell that's all I updated with this time around. To defy destiny has a new chapter, Licat has some new fics, Broken angel, o.O, Katmon and that's it I believe..... I'll be updating again soon, I have recently aquired some extra free time, thanks to some person problems and things I don't care to discuss at the moment. SO yeah bye bye.
February 11, 2002
WOW it's been a REALLY long time! I'm sooo sorry about that guys but like I said on the main page I've been busy and stuff. soo. anyhoo I DO have a update for you ^_^. I added a fic to laby's section, one to Katmon's section and I added a pic to the various ppls seciton. Ummm I'll get on Nekochan's and broken angels fics as soon as I can, I have a week off from school coming up soon, so if you want anyting posted up send it now so it can be ready for then. I have also added a couple new dialogues, in fact I have indexed it so you can pick you year. umm for those of you who are wondering, I did some back adding in there so that is why there is old dated stuff that is actually new. I also added some more stuff to the evidence section with the assistance of Labyrinthia. THANKS GIRL! You guys have GOT to read it, I have like THE evidence in there it just makes so much sense! I'll be around still trying to update for you!
December 23, 2001
WWWAAAAAIIIII! I'm back babby! That's right the host with the most is once again kicking in action and boy oh boy do I have an update for you! I told you it would be a big one didn't I? I ALWAYS try and keep my promises! SO here we go! I DEFFINITELY know I updated Katmon's fic section! LOTS ADDED TO IT! Added new archive by the name of o.O? thats her name. ehh Labyrinthia had a new kawaii fic! as well as the next chapter of loves tragedy in Crows section. I know it was alsmot a month in between updates! I am REALLY SORRY aobut that one but I had lots to do. I worked really hard to get these updates going and my fingers are the size of polish sausages. New dialogue to help with some explanations. and the index page has once again been remodled. I am totally out of stuff to update with so send some more stuff in! I have the next chapter of to defy destiny ready, but I want the person good with graphics and who watches the WB show CHARMED to contact me! PLEASE! OK TIME TO GO! MERRY CHISTMAS!! if you can get into a snowball fight for me cause we dont' have any snow here. T_T and I live in the north too!
November 26, 2001
Well guys guess what? I like didn't know it was thanksgiving last week, don't laugh I have been under lots of stress and studying CONSTANTLY! besides I'm not as bad as my anatomy and physiology teacher, she doesn't even know when christmas is! ANyhoo....ummm I only had time to do a little bit of the work I wanted to do. NOT THAT THE WORK I DID DO ISN"T QUALITY WORK! anyways...I added some more art to Licats art section, I added two new fics to MY fic section. I added a new section completely called adopted. SO KAWAII! ahem,,, anyhoo I also acrchived two more guestbook pages. I don't really know when I'll have the next update, the next three weeks are going to be tight for me. semester is coming to an end and they are all trying to squeze as many tests as they can in before finals. so maybe by mid december I'll be free. but know this next update will be BIG!
November 12, 2001
WWWWAAAAAIIIIII UPDATES!!! BOUT TIME HUH? well I am ALIVE AND BACK IN ACTION AS THE MOST TALENTED AND COOLEST TAITO WEBMASTER EVER! Yeah right >_> any hoo I have been hard at work all for YOU! ok so here is the rundown of what I have screwed over on the site, I mean updated.....FANART: It has gotten a face lift with it's very own site, plus a new archive by the name of megan.FANFICS: ok BIG update here....new archives by the names of Yamai and Tygerszark, plus more fics added to MY section. Licat, labyrinthia, leticia, Ginger snap. I have added also to the evidence section, the help the webmaster section, I have added some more of my buttons to the links pages, I have also added a new email addy to contact me by. I have also rearanged the main page as you most likely could tell....LOTS MORE TO UPDATE! prolly new update this weekend. I HOPE!
>October 4, 2001
YAY UPDATE FINALLY!!!! Well I've added some more chapters to Ginger Snap's stories, as well as to LIcats stories. I've added TWO NEW archives! Labyrinthia and Leticia! EVERYONE GO READ AND ENJOY! I told you that I was updating while I was renovating SEE! I DO WORK!K gtg. MATTE NE!
September 4, 2001
To appease the great Katmon and my own conscience, I HAVE UPDATED! Well its not a BIg update or anything, I just threw some stuff that I had sitting around up. So here goes...Katmon has new fic, I added the next chapter to my fic a little bit ago but never told anyone. LiCat has a new fic, Crow's Love's tragedy has been updated. I added a new Dialogue. Ok I have TONS more stuff to put up. Some really GREAT fanart, but I just have to get to it. GOMEN! I'll be working this week to get it up. Pray that my addiction with Final Fantasy VII doesn't get in the way...>_> Its almost NOTHING Like FF VIII. So yeah I'll be around. BAI BAI!
August 26, 2001
WELL BIG update this time. New fic in Katmon's archive, three new fics in LiCat's archive. new awards section. changed the front page around. I have lots more to do though. Expect another update soon, but not too soon.
August 21, 2001
Alright I did this yesterday, but I"m putting the update on today cause I got bored and had to keep myself busy. OK I added chapter two to my fic Destiny for those of you who are actually reading it. THANK YOU! You really need to tell me what you think of it. Word of warning chpater two in LLLOOONNNNGGGG.........GGG! Got carried away ^_^;. OK bye bye.
August 20, 2001
Added two new fics to LiCat's fanfic archive. GO READ!
August 16, 2001
ALRIGHTY!!! AN UPDATE!! WWWWWWAAAAAAAIIII!!!! OK i'm calm, just have some pent up energy from not going to work today, its raining like crazy here. Ok updated the following fanfic archives, Trinity's, Crow's, and added two new archives by LICAT (YOU RULE GIRL)and EscagirlUK, she wrote the first part of a very lovely jyoushiro. Oh and Saya the Demoness sent in some answers for the WHAT section, I added another dialogue and some more evidence/theories to that section. More fanfics and some other stuff coming soon. Just don't know when, since classes are starting nezt week I will have some more time to work on the site, since I won't be working during school. Oh yeah speaking of fics, JUST WHY DIDN"T ANYONE TELL ME KATMON"S ARCHIVE LINK WAS ACTING STUPID???!!! THE SITE LINKS DON"T GET FIXED IF YOU DON"T TELL ME ABOUT THEM!!
August 5, 2001
k I UPDATED!!! Aren't you all sooooo proud of me? ok I added another fic to katmon's and mine archives, two new links, two new answers to the what in the hell section and LICAT HAS HER OWN GALLERY NOW!!! MINNNA GO SEE IT AND GUESS WHAT!! she drew all us here at tt/y!!! yup she did!! I will update again soon, with some fics and some other mindless nonsense!!
July 30 2001
ummm I forgot to put this on the main page, but I'll be putting updates here again. So lets get too it. I know I said 4 fics, but I was getting ready to push "save" on the fourth and my comp "blinked" and the whole thing was gone, so I have to load it again. Licat has sent in a pic so its in the otherppls art section. and I HAVE ANOTHER BUTTON NOW!!! ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU LICAT!!! AI SHITERU!! Katmon has two new fics in her archive and a totally new fic archive by CSMars. So go have fun. If I didn't get to you I'll be updating Wednesday with some more fics. I will have some more links soon. and I have some more stuff for the site in mind so I AM THINKING ABOUT THE SITE, JUST HAVE TO GET THE TIME TO DO IT!!
July 12, 2001
Until further notice please read the main page announcements for updates. Thanks, not that any of you read these damn updates anyways.
July 8, 2001
I told you I would be back to update didn't I? You should start learning to trust me from now on. Added a new poem to Katmon's fic section, added a fanart to the various ppl's art section. Changed the front page around, I HAVE RECIEVED AN AWARD!!!!! I can't believe it!!! my site has earned an award!! Thanks Licat!!!! I"m soooooo honored!! *starts to cry* Oh hell I"m get so emotional these days. I think I have chemical imbalances, oh well enjoy I'll try and write some more fics soon, however I seem to be at a shortage of time these days. Getting up at 4am for work tends to take it outta you. If you don't want me to try and write any more stories just write me and tell me. I"vve recieved just two reviews about THAT fic, both liked it so I"m gonna try again. OK I"M leaving now mate ne!!!!
July 7, 2001
Ok no big update today, just tinkering with some stuff, I archived the THIRD page of my guest book!! WWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIII I LOVE ALL MY VISITORS, EVEN THE FLAMERS!!! umm I will do a better update tommorrow, sorry. HOPE EVERYONE HAD A VERY SUPER FUN HAPPY 4th of JULY!! (for those of us in the states, YAY PYROTECHINICS!!!! it is the one time of the year I can be a pyro)
July 1, 2001
Well I would call this a big major fun happy update, but its not. I updated Katmon's fanfic section and added my own fanfic section to the fanfic archives. Gggrrrrr damn you Katmon, I didn't want to post that fic but she was determined to see it up one way or another so I hope you aren't mentally scarred by it. ENJOY!!!
June 24, 2001
I wsa gonna wait till Monday, but as I already stated I got depressed so I updated today. SUPER BIG FUN HAPPY UPDATE!!! I have a totally new art section by the name of Taiora, IT IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK TRUST ME!!!!! REALLY BIG UPDATE IN KATMON'S SECTION IN THE FANFICS SECTION. oh and I spent all day redoing the links section so stop in and look at it at least just so that I get a sense of accomplishment ok? THANKSSSSSS GOTTA GO AND SEE IF I CAN FIND SOME CHEAP PROZAC!!!
June 21, 2001
I"M SORRY!!!!! GOMEN NESAIIIIIII!!!!!!!! I haven't updated in over a week, I hate not updtaeing every week at least. Well I added some of this yesterday actually but here it all is, new fic in Katmon's section, new dialogue two new liks and I"ve archived the guestbook for page two!!! I"m sooo happy look at all my visitors!!! I'll add more soon I PROMISE!!!!
June 14, 2001
Well I didn't really update anyting just went around and did little touch ups on the site here and there. Once ppl send some more stuff in I"ll put it up.
June 12, 2001
AAAwwww the big update spree is over. SORRY. I added lots to the What in the hell section, a big fight to the Dialogue section, however you really should go read the what in the hell section first, and I added a new archive to the Fanfics section. THANKS FOR YOUR FIC KATMON, oh and read her responses to the what in the hell secion. they are up an the WITH section. I got tired of writing out What In The HEll. Ok bye bye
June 8, 2001
WWWHHHHHEEEEEEEEEE big update #3!! I really had better be careful or I might hurt myself. anyways I added a totally new archive to the site in the fanfics section, THANKS BROKEN ANGEL!! A new link, a new fanart section in the fanart section , and a dialogue in the dialogue section. HAVE FUN!!!
June 2, 2001
WOW ANOTHER BIG UPDATE!!! I better pace myself before I rupture something.
Tai: Well if you rupture your pants thats ok ^_~
Drakin: -_- Whatever Tai, Anyhoo, I added a bunch of art to the koani sections!!! I haven't been to her site in like a month and I just went back and boy has she been busy!! I added a pic to the matt gallery, two to the Taito section and a bunch to the hentai-ish section. So go have fun!!!!
May 27, 2001
BIG UPDATE!!! YES I"VE FINALLY UPDATED!!! WHOOOHOOO!!! OK, I was gonna do this like a week ago but crap kept on coming up. Anyhoo- two new links, 3 new fanfics, I redid the evidence and the no way sections a little due to new info. I redid the main page as you prbably already have noticed. oh and I now have a FLAMES secion!! Yes I finally got a FLAMER!!! ^_^ I don't know wether to be happy of pissed. Ah oh well enjoy!!
May 15 2001
OK all I did was add the first page of the guestbook. There are still entries in the "viewguestbook" option. I won't archive it until I have at least 8 entries for a new page. So SIGN THE BOOK DAMNIT! I have over 600 hits and only 9 entries {two of which I wrote!} Oh yeah, I'm still waiting for more ppl to send in some fics so I can get them up! COME ON HAVE COURAGE!! I don't care if it is one a million other sites, I want you story here damnit!! Ok I'm don't ranting, bye!
May 12, 2001
I FINALLY HAVE A FANFIC!!!! GO READ IT!! I added two new sections, they're on the main page. I added a gif to the hentai-ish section. hee hee, I think its appropriate don't you? I even added some stuff to the warning page. I think it explains my site a little better don't you? I NOW HAVE A BUTTON THANKS TO CROW SKYWALKER AT THE KENSUKE FILES!!! ARIGATOU CROW!!! OK I have to go now, lots to do today!
May 8, 2001
WOW!!! I'm finally on anipike!!!! YIPPIE SKIPPY!!!! I got over a hundred hits in one day!!! I"m about to explode cause I"m soooo happy. ::Pretty Eyes comes in and smacks Drakin for being so silly:: Thanks beutiful I needed that. umm no updates today, just wanted to express my joy, oh I wrote a new dialogue, ppl tell me if they are good or just plain out annoying.
May 7, 2001
Well not much today, I added a pic to Zeras galleries, both of them, the normal pics and the hentai-ish one. They are at the top of the pages so you don't have to scroll all the way to the bottom. ummm I'm workin on a very big new addition to the site. Well its huge on my part cause I have to write all this hotmail coding and stuff. so it should be ready within the week, I hope. well thats it for now, sorry I don't have any stories to put up, but no one has sent any in.
April 22, 2001
did everyone like the new gallery?? haven't gotten any flames yet, but then again like only ten ppl visit this site soo.. Anyhoo I added some more silliness to the WHAT IN THE HELL section, I have lotsa fun when I do that section, well thats it for now bye.
April 20, 2001
::starts to blush:: Oh LORD DID I JUST PUT UP WHAT I THINK I JUST DID?!! Oh God no good can come of this, umm just go to the fanart section and you'll see what I mean. :;turns an impossible shade of red:: I have some more sections coming soon, none that are that important anyways, but the section I put up is the one I've been talkin about for the past like two weeks. anyhoo I gotta go hide and wait for the flames to blaze up. I am such a bbbaaaadddddd boooooyyyy ::evil grin::
April 18, 2001
YEA!! I"M FEELING BETTER!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!! Good for me bad for you, that means I can now work on this site some more, LIVE IN FEAR LITTLE WEAK MORTALS!!! Ok that delusion has passed. ummm I did another little conversation, tell me if those are good, cause I haven't really put much thought into those right now, when I get some time I will put up some really good conversations that have occured around here. Oh I added the disclaimer page, its not the one section that I was mentioning earlier, so don't think that this is the big thing I was talkin about. ITS NOT! So stop freaking out. The disclaimer page was a result of my outrage at Toei, well some of it, I have a lot of rage, I think that is like my unspoken nickname, RAGE!! Yeah that sounds cool. anyhoo I'll be around bye bye.
April 16, 2001
well I didn't do much, updated the main page slightly, and added one of the new sections I was talkin about. The dialogue thingy. I've got another great idea comin soon so don't worry that this site will always suck. I garantee that most of you will like this new section, if I ever get well and find the motivation to do it!
April 12, 2001
I added one of the new section I was working on. I told you I would work on the site, oh ye of little faith. Anyhoo I"m still working on that other section. Well bye bye. Oh yeah in case you are wondering I managed to write that rough draft I had to do. Not that any of you care. anyways bye!
April 11, 2001
OK so I was a day off with Zeras art, shoot me. ::ducks behind table as shotgun blasts are heard::. Sheesh you guys are serious! Anyways I put up the art I got from Zeras up. Well all the friendly art that is. THose others sections are coming soon don't worry. I have had sooooo much work to do this last week. Still have to finish my roughdraft for my term paper! >_< WHY!!!! OK I"m ok now. anyways I will be able to update some more tommorrow I hope. and those other sections should be done soon, once again I hope they will be. once I sit myself down and haul ass with these other sections.
Tai: and what a pretty ass you are hauling around too
Drakin: ^_^" eh heh heh, uh thanks?
April 9, 2001
Well I put up the hit gift I got from Purrsion, once again THANKS TO PURRSION!! Oh and no stealing it damnit! I know it may have my name on it and stuff but I know there are those fancy pants out there who can just edit that part right out. Anyways Zeras art is just about up, I will most likely have it ready by tommorrow. Those others sections are coming along too.
April 7, 2001
Lets see what have I done today. Ummm not much. I added a link and well thats about it. I'm still in the proccess of putting up Zeras art and working on 2-3 new sections to put up. I know I"m working really slow lately. SORRY, classes have gotten a little crazy so updates will slow a little. I probably won't be able to do another major update for at least 3-4 days. WILL MONDAY NEVER COME? GOD I SWAER ITS LIKE WAITING FOR CHRISTMAS! It never comes, but when it does it is over so fast. anyways I gotta go seeya around.
April 5,2001
I added Koani's are to the fanart section. Go look and have fun. I added two links. Um thats all I had the time for today. I will be adding Zeras art soon with a new section with it. Thanks again to Zeras for lettng me use her art. I hope she finds a new server soon.
April 4, 2001
YEA!!!! I finally did it!! I mastered the long lost talent of uploading pics!! :;does little boogie dance:: ::looks around:: I'm glad no one saw that. Anyhoo I added a bunch of fanart ^_^. Go see and check it out I'm still waiting to the ninth to go terririze anipike ^_~. So thats if for now.
April 3, 2001
Well I can't really do much without visiters sending stuff in. I don't have any fanfics cause no one has sent any in. I have some fan art just don't know how to put it up yet. I don't have many visiter cause anipike has reached their limit of submissions and I have to wait until the ninth to submit my site. Then I have to wait another two weeks after that to see if they will put my site up. OH &(*&*&%$((*&%
Pretty Eyes: edited for your innocence, or whats left of it I should say ~_^.
Drakin: Anyways I am working on some new sections, jsut going a little slow cause that turning the clocks ahead thing messed me up and I'm still trying to catch up on my sleep. Well the new sections will be coming soon I have some good ideas [when I'm able to have them that is]. well thats it for now.
Damage to site Drakin did as of March 31, 2001
Well updated just about every section. whether it was a major face lift or a minor tuck. Rant page is now a actual rant page. You can now contact me through the contact page. Added updates page ^_~. Added fanwork page, even though nothing is up cause I have none to put up. added evidence page too. So go and look over everything. ::goes back to work on comp::