You are about to view pictures of questionable and possibly offensive nature. None of the pictures here are of my own creation, so don't flame me damnit!! The creaters name can befound somewhere around here. oh yeah back to the point! THe following pictures are for MATURE PEOPLE!!! I don't want to get any mail saying "EWWWWWW THAT WAS GROSS" IF YOU DON"T LIKE SEEING MATT AND TAI IN THIS WAY DON"T LOOK ITS THAT SIMPLE!!! None of these pictures are hardcore nudity, yet. that is why I gave it the name HENTAI-ISH and not HENTAI! ok they may have their shirts off or be in suggestive, make that VERY suggestive situations. so be warned if I get a flame about this all I can say is you are such an ass for looking in the first place! If you are ok with seeing Matt and Tai groping eachother then go ahead and look, if not just press the magical back button on your browser and you will be spared. SEE? ITS THAT EASY!!
ok sorry I had to harp on you like that but I don't want some slowmo writing me about how they will have nightmares thanks to me. so go and enjoy ^_^