Archive of Broken Angel

These are all the literary works sent in by
Broken Angel

Heart Hidden in Your Eyes
Rating:Angsty, PG
Comments:Matt discusses his feelings for Tai, who has suffered much pain. JUST LOVELY! READ IT!

Dark Eyed Angel
Pairing: Matt x Tai, YAMACHI
Rating:PG, limish
Comments:Matt confronts Tai when the hardships of being leader start to get to him.

Last Chance Past
Pairing: Matt x Tai
Rating: PG-13, for some slight graphic discription of pain.
Comments:Matt tells Tai how he feels when Tai hurts himself badly and is near death.

My Perfect Flame
Rating:PG, and some discription on losing ones hope I guess is one way to put it.
Comments: Matt reflects about Tai who started to lose his inner fire due to the pressures of leadership.

Angel Of Innocence
Pairing: Matt x Tai
Rating: PG
Comments: Matt and Tai go off by themsleves and Tai gets very sick. Matt has time to reflect on his feelings for Tai nad Knows very well that he could lose him. WIll Matt be able to tell Tai his feelings? Will Tai die? OOOOOOOooooo yeah! Koani drew a pic that goes with this story! LOOK AT IT!!!!NOW READS THE STORY OR I'LL SENT JUN AND SORA TO YOUR HOUSE!!

You'll Never Be Alone
Pairing: Matt x Tai, YAMACHI
Rating:NC-17, LEMON!!!!
Comments: OK I pretty sure this is a lemon, I don't know, what do you think? Anyways Tai is getting over from a grave illness and feels that he should try and get along with Matt, Matt feels the same. And well it all just snow balls from there ^_^ I actually think that this was the first lemon fanfic that I ever read! Back when I was able to go to the shadowed forest! THANKS BROKEN ANGEL!!! Oh yeah this is the very first lemon fic that I've hosted!!!
:;goes to glomp story but stops and reconsiders it:;
God only know what will pop out of this story if I glompped it! (I have no idea it that is how you spell glomp in the past tense, seeing as how "glomp is a made up word, I wonder if we will ever know for sure)
Tai: Aaahhhhh come on Drakin its not like you wouldn't have seen any of that stuff before it you glompped the story ^_~
Drakin: -_- Oh for the love of...

End All
Rating: R for non discriptive rape and violence, suicide and blood loss...
Comments: OK this starts off as a REALLY dark fic. Tai doesn't have one of the greatest boyfriends....can Matt save him? Oh yeah there are some lyrics from a song in here but it's kinda not revolved around the fic..anyways ENJOY!

World Go Round prt 1
World Go Round prt 2
World Go Round prt 3
World Go Round prt 4
Pairing: TaixMatt
Rating: R for well just being sad...and lemon in prt 4
Comments: OK this has the same storyline as END ALL, but it IS NOT a continuation. Broken Angel wants END ALL to stand alone....THIS fic CAN turn into a series, but only if you ask her to. ummm ok so everyone knows that this fic and END ALL are not a series right? they just use the same storyline...OK?

Rating:PG LIME
Comments:Mmmm Matt and Tai have been together for some time, and they haven't BEEN together yet....Will Tai be ready to be in that way with Matt...Will Matt care if Tai is ready and force him?