Archive of Drakin

these are all the stories sent in by yours truly-
ME...Drakin Tenryu

What Dreams May Bring
Paring: Tai x Matt
Rating: PG-13 for violence and some HEAVY lime.
Comments: Well I can't really believe I wrote this...sheesh the only reason you are reading this is cause Katmon threatened me to put it up! Last time I have someone preread anything! Well if you want to read one really bad fic then read this. Which means if I can write this then anyone can write a fic so get crakin ppl!

OK LISTEN AND LISTEN GOOD! DO NOT JUDGE MY OTHER FICS BY THIS ONE! This is my FIRST FIC! SO It's very badly written and makes hardly ANY sense. Personally I HATE this thing. My writing has gotten better since this stupid piece of crap OK?! PLEASE READ MY OTHER ONES!!!!!
To Defy Destiny

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Pairings: To be determined (Yes I know I'm the most rotten person in the world)
Rating: R for violence and some other stuff.
Comments: Well I wanted to try again at the writing a fic thing and so here it is. Everyone read and review PLEASE!!!!

When Anime Collides
Rating:Well....I guess R for violence and HIGHLY suggestive content....HEE HEE
Pairing:ehhhh...too many
Comments: Ok this is and isn't a crossever kinda thing...a bunch of crap thrown together during one of my more odd phases.....YOU NEED THUROUGH KNOWLEDGE IN THE FOLLOWING ANIMES:
Tenchi Muyo-OAV
Sailormoon-unedited up to stars
Saber Marriontte J and J-again
Ranma 1/2
Project A-ko

Price Of Love

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Rating:pg for now.... >_>.....^_~
Comments: Oh You know this ain't gonna be pretty.... however after reading this first chapter here you'll know where it's going. Poor Taichi is having some probs and hopes Matt can help him.

Best Chain Mail Ever!

Comments:NO this is NOT a digimon fic at ALL. In fact it isn't even a FIC period. It is a chain letter I got some odd months ago from a freind. I DID NOT write this so just read it for the jokes and be happy.