Archive of Licat

These are all the stories sent in by Licat

Sleepin Late
Pairing:Taiora, Taito
Rating: PG
Comments: Not done yet, first chapter is great, YAY ANGST!

Heartbeats and Rose Thorns

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six

Pairing: Kekari, Taito,and others.
Rating: PG
Comments: YAY SLUMBER PARTIES!!! Wonder what could ever happen there >_> ? I'll be good....for now *wicked laughter*
OOOOO PLOT TWIST!!! YAY!! I'm interested big time in this one!


Chapter one
Chapter two of now its GOING to be yaoi....but....
Rating:As of now G, but that COULD change..*hint hint*
Comments: Well just a prologue and first chapter so it's short. You get the point.

Burning Within

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Comments:Didn't know meeting Tai for the first time could be so....dramatic? *looks at Tai* On second thought.....

Watching the moon rise prelude
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Raiting: pg-13ish
Comments:Well Matt and Tai are STILL together and are quite close too. Well some friends come over and they go out and well some very bad things happen while on the road.....