August 11, 2001-August 18, 2001

A/N: OK! Yes I know battles scenes are super cool, but WHERE THE HELL IS THE PLOT?! I have heard your thoughts and now is the time where the plot (what little of it there is, for now) begins. Once again Kirin is about to do battle with the Digidestined.....which means .....MORE KICK ASS FIGHTS!! WWWWWWWWAAAIIIIII! Ok I’m calm. anyhoo on with the fic! Oh yeah! once again, if I beat on any of your fav characters, TOO BAD!!! I’M HAVING FUN!! *maniacal laughter*

Disclaimer: Ok you all know what’s not mine already, I’ll have a list of the attacks that I DIDN’T create on my own at the end so you can get on to the good stuff quicker. Well that and I don’t want to give anything away.

Dedications: I really want to thank LiCat for EVERYTHING she has done for me. YOU RULE GIRL!!! I love you like the sis I don’t have yet....*looks at lil sis who happens to just be one year old*

ummm Dance of the Curse from Escaflowne will still work for this battle scene, however you can get the opening/transformation music from Jubei-chan, the Ninja girl, secret of the Lovely Eyepatch. either one works pretty well. (JUBEI CHAN RULEZ!!!! GO JUBEI!!!) OH and you might want to have Run Around handy from the Digimon movie (North American version) You’ll see......

Words in between ’...’ and in italics means it is thought not said.
bold words are words said with strong emotions, such as anger and hate and so forth.
Words in between *.........* means it is an action.
Words in between {...........} means I’m being stupid and interjecting in the story to ruin the mood.

To Defy Destiny
By Drakin Tenryu

The three DNA digimon surrounded Kirin. There seemed to be a moment where all stood still, nothing moved. Even the very heartbeats of those who watched seemed to have ceased to exist.

As if on queue the DNA digimon sprung into action. Paildramon rushed at Kirin with it’s hand spikes ready for action. Silphymon powered up it’s static force attack as Shakuamon sent out it’s panchita bombs.

Kirin rushed in to meet Paildramon head on. He jumped into the air, with his right hand he used his lance to slice off Paildramon’s spikes. He spun off the motion his lance was carrying him in and lashed out with his left leg hooking Paildramon in the head with the heal of his foot. As he spun he let his lance fly at Shakuamon who was behind him, the lance sliced through the medal disks knocking them out of the air. Kirin continued to spin and kicked out with his right leg, landing a kick right on the side of Paildramon’s head sending it flying through the air. Silphymon hurled it’s static force attack at Kirin as he landed. He caught the pink energy ball and yelled “MAX OUT!” The pink energy changed into a dark blue, he then sent the attack back at Silphymon. The over charged attack knocked Silphymon to the ground.

Kirin looked in the direction of Shakuamon just in time to see the Thunder Lance slice through the thick metal on the large DNA digimon’s shoulder.

‘DAMN! He’s still too strong for even three DNA digimon. have to come up with a plan. And fast or we won’t live to see tomorrow‘. Tai desperately tried to see a way out for them, not many options seeing how Kirin seemed to just either absorb or send attacks right back at their digimon. Suddenly it hit him. ‘He can’t have a infinite amount of power, he has to be tiring at least a little. If we try and attack him all at once again we just might make it through this one.’

“EVERYONE ATTACK! HURRY!” He yelled to all the other digimon standing on the sideline watching the beating their fellow digimon were enduring.

“Tai we already tried that once and it didn’t work remember? We’ll just get creamed again!” Joe yelled back at him. {If your thoughts went to something else, you are just as perverted as I am, YAY HENTAI THOUGHTS!!! *evil grin*}

“This time we’ll have all our digimon at the ultimate level! TOGEMON DISTRACT KIRIN SO WE CAN GET READY!” Tai yelled across the sound of metal hitting other metal and the explosion as Silphymon was hit with it’s own attack.

“Right Tai! NEEDLE SPRAY!” Togemon sent it’s large deadly needles flying at Kirin.

Kirin turned at the sound of the attack and saw the death point needles flying towards him. He held out his hand as the Thunder Lance whistled back to him, he then grabbed the center hilt with both his hands and turned it. The Lance separated into two large swords. He held out his arms and flicked his wrists, the two swords flew out of his hands and circled around him spinning in a tight circle around Kirin. The needles met the blades and were sent flying in all directions away from Kirin.

As this was going on the digidestined wasted no time in having their partners digivolve to ultimate.

“Togemon digivolve to.....LILYMON!”
“Kabuterimon digivolve to.....MEGAKABUTERIMON!”
“Birdramon digivolve to.....GARUDAMON!”

Wargreymon flew at Kirin slashing out with the large metal claws on his hands. Kirin barely got out of the way as Wargreymon’s claws ripped into the ground where Kirin had been standing a split second before.

Kirin spun and held one of the large swords down as it sliced through the claws on wargreymon’s hands. He then kneed Wargreymon in the head. Kirin barely had time to recover as Shakuamon moved in and tried to grab Kirin. Kirin held out the swords and cut the claw like fingers on Shakuamon’s hands off, he then dropped to one knee and sliced off the large digimon’s hover-jet like feet. The huge metal digimon fell over and didigivolved into Patamon and Armadillomon, both looked defeated. Their digipartners ran over to save them from being smashed as Megakabuterimon moved in.

Paildramon moved in for a clear shot “DESPERADO BLASTER!” It shouted and started to fire and Kirin.

Kirin back flipped out of the way, he continued to back flip as Paildramon kept with him with it’s attack. He quickly jumped into the air and let the two swords in his hands fly at Paildramon. The swords flew at the DNA digimon and cut off the twin guns on it’s hips. they then continued to spin and connected with each other and formed the Thunder Lance again. The lance whistled back to it’s owner. Kirin was waiting for it, he caught it and had to dive for the ground as Garudamon’s wing blade attack scorched the air where he just was.


Kirin watched the two attacks come at him. He held out the lance in front of him and it started to glow white. “DEFLECT!” He yelled at batted the two attacks at Lillymon. The flower digimon was totally unprepared for the two attacks as they crashed into her and sent her spiraling to the ground. She didigivolved back into Palmon. Mimi rushed over and dragged her friend away from the fight.

“I’m sorry Mimi, I couldn’t stop him.” Palmon said through a tear stained face.

“Oh Palmon, its ok, you did your best. We’ve always pulled through before. We can do it again.” She looked at Tai for reassurance. He nodded his head in agreement. Mimi smiled and looked back at Palmon. “You see? We’ll be ok!” Palmon nodded and hugged her long time friend.

‘I wish I could be reassured as easy as Mimi is. I really don’t think we will pull through this one. We need help and we need it fast. God I wish Matt was here.’ Tai quietly contemplated yet another choice they could make. Surrender.

‘I know Tai is just putting up a brave front for us, but we have to believe and not lose hope. WE HAVE TO! Oniisan doko de?’ TK the bearer of hope prayed that his brother would show up to help save the day. ‘I can’t lose hope, I just can’t, I refuse too!’

‘All my knowledge and I can’t find a way for us to win, what good am I? Tai I hope you were right when you chose to start this fight.’ Izzy looked at their leader with a worried look, he too was contemplating surrender.

meanwhile the battle raged on.

Megakabuterimon not wanting it’s attack used against his fellow digimon again decided to use it’s horn as a spear and try and impale Kirin with it. It quickly charged at Kirin intending to stab him in the midsection and mash him into the ground. Kirin sidestepped and grabbed the large digimon’s horn. He spun still holding onto the horn and tossed Megakabuterimon into Garudamon. Garudamon was crushed under the massive weight of the bug digimon and digivolved back into biyomon.

Sora ran over and scooped up her pink digimon and ran for cover. “Biyomon are you ok? Please say something!” Sora pleaded with her digimon.

Biyomon opened her eyes and saw that her friend had saved her from further danger. “I’m ok Sora, just feel a little squished.” She then smiled at Sora.

“Oh thank God, I thought you were going to die! Don’t you ever dare scare me like that again! I just don’t know what I would do if I lost you......just be.....careful” She could barely get out her last words as she started to sob uncontrollably.

Megakabuterimon tried again at rushing Kirin. This time Kirin wasn’t going to let the him off as easily. As Megakabuterimon charged him, Kirin once again sidestepped and sliced off the horn on it’s head. He picked it up and hurled it at Silphymon who had came out of it’s daze. Silphymon was trapped under the horn as it dug into the ground. Kirin then jumped up and used his elbow and smashed Megakabuterimon in the back of the head. The huge digimon was thrown to the ground from the force of the blow. It then didigivolved back into Tentomon.

Tentomon didn’t move. Izzy ran over to see if all was ok. He discovered that his friend was unconscious. “That’s ok pal, you did great.”

Zudomon threw the two halves of what used to be his hammer at Kirin. Kirin flipped onto his back letting the two halves fly over him, he then lifted his legs kicked out and was back on his feet. Only to have to quickly jump out of the way as Paildramon punched the ground where Kirin was just laying.

As Kirin dodged Paildramon’s attack, Zudomon ran over and pulled Megakabuterimon’s horn out of the ground freeing Silphymon. He intended to us the horn as a spear and try and hit Kirin with it. However Kirin anticipated this and sent the Thunder Lance spinning at him, knocking it out of Zudomon’s hand. The horn then vaporized.

Kirin turned back to Paildramon and rushed at him. he punched him lightning quick 8 times sending Paildramon flying back landing on it’s stomach.

“whoa eight hit super combo!” Davis said in awe. He was then smacked in the head.

“DAVIS NO BAKA!” we could all very well be killed soon and all you can do is stand there and make jokes about your digimon getting beaten to a pulp?!” Yolei screamed at him. Ken and Kari had to literally restrain her from beating Davis within one inch of his life.

‘God, if we can’t rely on each other then who can we rely on. This isn’t the time to fight amongst ourselves! We have to try and find a way to win’ Joe shook his head at the sight of Kari and Ken keeping a death grip on Yolei while Davis stood there with a nervous grin on his face.

back to the carnage....

Kirin held out his hand to catch the incoming Lance, but was thrown off balance as Silphymon’s astral laser attack hit him in his side. the lance spiraled out of control and headed straight for TK.

There was no time to jump out of the way as the spinning razor sharp disk came whistling at the blond man. Just as the lance was about to rip TK in half something slammed into TK knocking him to the ground. The lance slammed into the ground just where TK had been standing only second before The lance stood on end quivering from the force of slamming into the hard rock earth.

TK looked up at his savior. “TAI!” he shouted happily, he gave his “brother” a huge hug of gratitude.

Tai pushed TK away and looked him over, trying to see if he had been hurt anywhere. “You ok TK? You aren’t hurt are you?” He smiled as TK nodded and they stood up.

Kirin looked over at the two men standing up. ‘Seems that luck is on their side today, but just how much do they have? Only one way to find out.’ He then ran at Silphymon.

Silphymon saw Kirin coming and got ready “STATIC FORCE!” it shouted and sent the energy ball flying at the charging boy.

Kirin held up his left arm and crashed right through the attack without even slowing down in the slightest. he then jumped up and came down punching Silphymon in the face with his right hand. The force of the punch was so strong that it cracked the face visor on the DNA digimon’s face clean in two. Silphymon clutched at it’s head in pain and fell to the ground, didigivolved back into Gatomon and Poromon.

Zudomon went to grab Kirin, but the boy was too fast for the large Ultimate. He ran around him and grabbed Zudomon’s long tail and pulled. The ultimate was sent into the air and slammed onto it’s back. Kirin then just seemed to appear on his chest. He raised his right hand and a large purple horizontal circle formed on his hand. “FORCE BLAST!” he shouted and slammed his hand down onto Zudomon’s chest causing him to didigivolve back into Gomamon. Gomamon was laying helplessly at Kirin’s feet. Kirin moved to grab the small digimon. Just then Wargreymon got back to his feet and saw his friend about to be taken captive. He flew at Kirin with everything he had. Both Mega digimon and Kirin were launched into the air.

Joe rushed over to his partner. “You ok little buddy?”

Gomamon looked up at the sound of Joe’s voice and smiled. “Well Joe maybe I should try and put him to sleep with my knock knock jokes”

Joe frowned not really understanding what he was talking about. He then smiled at his friend’s attempt to lighten the seriousness of the situation. “Well since you are making wise cracks I assume you are ok then.” He then reached down and picked up his friend and ruffled his wild Mohawk type hair.

Kirin and Wargreymon were flying through the air. Kirin was flying with his back to the ground, Wargreymon was slightly above him looking down at him. The mega digimon started to attack Kirin with deadly punches and kicks. Kirin blocked as best he could, but Wargreymon landed a couple of hits here and there. Kirin like wise succeeded in hitting Wargreymon every now and then.

Both were steadily flying out of sight of the digidestined and the rest of the digimon. They looked after the two and started to run after them when Ken had a stroke of brilliance. “Paildramon digivolve!” both he and Davis held out their digivices and the DNA digimon sprung into action.

“Paildramon megadigivolve to.....IMPERIALDRAMON!”

//Everyone quickly, get on!\\ The large dragon-like digimon said to the running humans. Once everyone was loaded onto Imperialdramon they took off after Wargreymon and Kirin.

Tai looked back to where TK had nearly been killed, the Thunder Lance suddenly ripped out of the ground and flew off in the direction of Wargreymon and Kirin. “IMPERIALDRAMON WE HAVE TO GO FASTER!” He was now very worried about his digimon, alone with a seemingly invincible enemy.

//We’d like to Tai, but we aren’t exactly sure where we are going . We are following the course that they went in, but we are not sure if that is where they are. If we got too fast we could very well pass them up and end up on the other side of the digiworld.\\

Tai just gave a growl of desperation and punched the wall nearest him. ’Try your best, we’ll be there soon. PLEASE DON’T DIE!’ Kari put a hand on her brother’s shoulder and gave him a understanding look. No one wanted to begin to imagine the state that they might find Wargreymon in.


Kirin and Wargreymon exchanged blow for blow now. Kirin narrowed his eyes and focused. He could picture his lance sticking out of the ground. ‘come’ he thought and felt the lance answer his call.

Wargreymon took advantage of the distraction that Kirin was having and grabbed him by the throat. He surprised Kirin and landed a punch right on his jaw. Kirin snapped back to where his attention needed to be. he grabbed onto Wargreymon’s hand around his neck and kept it from squeezing. He then held out his left hand and focused and a red ray of power shot out of his hand. Wargreymon narrowly avoided being hit as he turned onto his side. Kirin managed to get the upper hand as he kneed Wargreymon in the stomach with his left leg. He then bent his right leg up to his chest and kicked Wargreymon in the chest. The motion sent them spiraling towards the ground. The crashed into the hard stone floor creating a large crater. Kirin had managed to use Wargreymon as a shield and had positioned him under him.


A large ray of light shot up into the air.

//THERE THEY ARE\\ Imperialdramon informed everyone.

‘Just a little more, we’re almost there. DON’T GIVE UP!’ Tai tried his best to remain calm, but his fear showed through and TK patted him one the shoulder reassuringly.

“Don’t give up Tai, we always have hope.” He smiled at Tai.

Tai just nodded in response.


Kirin was now standing with a foot on either side of Wargreymon’s torso. He held up his hand and the Thunder Lance whistled back to it’s master. He raised it up and prepared to strike the final blow. “Farewell digimon of courage.”

The lance flashed in the sunlight as it came down.


Imperialdramon came over the crest of the hill just in time to see Kirin catch the lance.

“WAREGREYMON!” Tai screamed in horror.

//Don’t worry we’re on it!\\


There was a crack of light and the sound of a small sonic boom as Imperialdramon slammed into Kirin. Kirin went flying and managed to land on his feet. He continued to slide backwards from the force of the blow.

“So you’ve come at last. Good timing, it appears luck is truly on your side this day.” he then just smirked.

Tai ran over to Wargreymon. “Daijoubu? Say something! WARGREYMON!” He shook his digimon as much as he could.

“Wargreymon’s eyes opened and looked up at Tai. “I’m ok Tai, just a little stunned.” He stood up and stood in front of Tai. “Leave it to me, I can handle him.” He turned to Kirin and took at battle stance. Imperialdramon finished unloading everyone and moved a little away from Wargerymon.

Tai surveyed their surroundings. They were in a canyon. ‘Great, if we need to run we can’t. Kirin knew what he was doing when he brought Wargreymon here.’ //Imperialdramon change to.....IMPERIALDRAMON FIGHTER MODE!\\

//Wargreymon you ready?\\

Wargreymon nodded.

Kirin looked from Wargreymon to Imperialdramon FM. He smiled. “YOSHI! asobimashou!” He then took his stance by twirling the lance in his right hand then holding it above his head twirling it still then holding it behind his back and bringing up his left hand across his chest.

Wargreymon was the first to move. He ran at Kirin with Imperialdramon FM not far behind him.

Kirin let the lance fly and ran at them head on.

Wargreymon dodged the lance. but Imperialdramon only had time to move partly out of the way as it cut a small rip in it’s chest armor.

Kirin punched at Wargreymon, he dodged them. Kirin then kicked out with his right leg intending to hit Wargreymon in the chest, but Wargreymon twirled and came up behind Kirin. He grabbed Kirin in a bare hug. Kirin had an instant to be surprised as he saw Iperialdramon FM come charging at them. He snapped his head back and head butted Wargreymon in the face with the back of his head. Wargreymon was startled from the sharp pain and loosened his grip on Kirin. Kirin pushed out with his arms moving Wargreymon’s arms from around him. he then moved them up over his head and grabbed onto Wargreymon’s shoulders. He then lifted and flipped over Wargreymon landing behind him.

Both Wargreymon and Imperialdramon FM watched Kirin as he flipped over Wargreymon. Watching this feat of agility was a costly error. Imperialdramon FM was still going through the motion of slashing out with it wrist claws, since Kirin was no longer in the area, the attack ripped into Wargreymon. He was sent spinning and crashed into the canyon wall.

As Wargreymon was knocked out of the way, Kirin lifted his right leg to his chest and concentrated. He seemed to glow a dull gray. He then launched himself at Imperialdramon FM. He kicked him a dozen times in succession and pushed him back still kicking him. Imperialdramon FM suddenly wasn’t in the line of fire anymore. He was there one second then gone the next.

Kirin looked around and saw Imperialdramon FM standing off to his left. He turned caught the lance and rushed Imperialdramon FM. Once again Imperialdramon FM seemed to disappear as Kirin reached him. ‘Kuso! Kare wa doko ni imasu ka?’


Kirin turned in time to see the huge beam of energy race towards him. He raised his hands to shield himself. The blast hit him right on.

“ALRIGHT! HE DID IT!” Davis cried out happily.

‘I hope so. There won’t be anymore help from Wargreymon. Please let this be the end. ONEGAI KAMI-SAMA! MOHAYA NAI!’ Tai pleaded to the higher powers as he looked at his battered and beaten digimon.

As the attack ended there was a huge cloud of dust due to the angle of the attack it had skimmed the ground. When the dust cleared Kirin stood there with a exasperated look on his face, well from what everyone could tell it was. Kirin was covered in dust. He looked up at Imperialdramon FM. “*blink* Are you *cough* quite *hack* done *choke* yet?” *blink blink* he let the lance fall to the ground and smacked his left shoulder with his right hand causing a small dust cloud to come off his clothes. He then smacked his right hand against his left shoulder creating another small dust cloud. He then shook himself making a large dust cloud.

Mimi couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of the boy covered in dust with that expression on his face. She soon was out right laughing hysterically, soon all the rest of the digidestined had joined her in her laughter.

Kirin looked at the humans practically rolling around in laughter. He put his right foot under the hilt of the lance and kicked up and caught the lance as it came up in front of him. He looked at Imperialdramon FM then at the digidestined and then back at Imperialdramon FM. He narrowed his eyes. “YURUSENAI!” he growled under his breath and charged at Imperialdramon FM.

// mate!\\ Imperialdramon FM sputtered.

Kirin was intent on slicing the huge digimon right in two, but once again the large DNA digimon seemed to vanish right before his eyes and then reappear behind him.

‘Damn! he’s fast, I’m week from all that fighting. That attack didn’t help. Have to slow him down somehow......THAT’S IT!’ Kirin smiled ruefully as he knew just what his plan of action would be. He held out the lance and it glowed white then sparked with small bolts of electricity. It then turned into a bar of light, shrank back into a ball of light and flew into Kirin’s chest.

“Alright you overgrown mutant, lets see just how good you really are!”

//Are you referring to me?\\ Imperialdramon FM asked the boy.

Kirin held his hands together in front of him as if he were praying. “SPLIT FORM TECHNIQUE!” he shouted and Kirin split into four. each looked up at Imperialdramon FM and vanished. They reappeared in the air around Imperialdramon FM.

“FOUR CORNER’S SEAL!” they all shouted together.

each held his hands together in front of him as if he were praying. They then intertwined their fingers except for their index finger.

“RETSU!” one of them shouted, he glowed white and a blue flame flared up in his fingers.
“DAN!” another shouted, he too flowed white and a red flame flared in his fingers.
“METSU!” another shouted, he also glowed white and a yellow flame flared in his fingers.
“HA!” the last shouted and glowed white and a green flame flared up in his fingers.

They all held out their hands as if they were firing a bow and arrow, the flames that each had shot out and streaked towards Imperialdramon FM. The four beams of energy met and formed into a ball of white light and a huge clear three dimensional diamond formed around Imperialdramon FM. The diamond was transparent except for the outline that glowed white. Imperialdramon FM seemed to be immobilized within the diamond.

The four Kirin’s merged back into one. He held out his hand and the ball of white light flew out of his chest and formed into the Thunder Lance once again. He moved in front of Imperialdramon FM and raised the lance.

The Digidestined had long since stopped laughing and now watched in horror as their only hope was about to be destroyed.


Kirin turned at the sound of the three attacks and flew out of the way. The three attacks flew towards the diamond holding Imperialdramon FM and phased through it and crashed into Imperialdramon FM.

//thanks a lot\\ Imperialdramon FM strained out.

everyone looked to the source of the attack.

riding atop of Seadramon was Micheal and Willice. On their right was Willice’s Mega Cherubimon and on their left was Willice’s armor digimon Rapidmon.

“Hey guys thought you could use some help!” Micheal called to them.

“ARIGATOU KAMI-SAMA!” Yolei called out. “You guys are just in time!”

“Glad you could make it.” TK said to Willice as he and Micheal jumped off of Seadramon.

“Long time no see TK, hi everyone!” Willice said.

“You guys have the best timing!” Tai said. “Just when we need help the most, it shows up.”

“Right!” Micheal said. “OK you guys you know what to do!” Micheal shouted to the digimon.

They all nodded and headed out to face off with the person that could take out all the rest of their fellow digimon.

‘geez, just exactly how many of them are there? At this rate they’ll win by wearing me down!’ Kirin let out a breath and went in to once again show them who was boss.

The three digimon went up to meet Kirin. He moved in wasting no time.

“So.....just who is this kid?” Willice asked anyone who was listening.

“We aren’t exactly sure ourselves.” Tai answered him still watching the three move in on Kirin. “ All we do know is that his name is Kirin and that he is set on seeing us dead.”

“Oh so its the usual bad guy/digimon type person then?” He once again asked no one in particular.

“We aren’t sure of that either, if he really wanted to kill us he would have done so long ago. He also didn’t need to spare the children.” Sora said. She had a solemn expression as she thought of the children being sent back to the real world without knowing what became of their parents. “They must be so lonely and frightened.” she started to cry again. Mimi hugged her, she too was worried about the children.

“Hmmmmmm...” was all Willice did in response.


The three charged Kirin and attacked.


Kirin threw the lance in the direction of Rapidmon; it crashed through the twin missiles which exploded, blinding Rapidmon. He then focused and he flared up as fire appeared around him. “WING BLADE!” he shouted and the fiery bird flew out and met the ice attack. Kirin flew through The resulting steam cloud, as he flew through it he was hit by the Electric attack. The energy flowed over him, but then surged up around him and sucked up into his eyes. he charged Cherubimon on punched him in the stomach. He doubled over and Kirin raised both his hands and brought them down on Cherubimon’s head, causing him to fall to the ground.

As Kirin was distracted Seardramon wrapped itself around Kirin and began to squeeze with all he was worth. Kirin shut his eyes at the pain, he could barely breathe. “ELECTRIC DISCHARGE!” the electric sphere surrounded both Seardramon and Kirin, as it faded though Seadramon slowly started to fall towards the ground. Kirin grabbed him by the tail and used him as a bat and hit Rapidmon with him. Rapidmon went sailing towards the ground and crashed into it hard, he kept on rolling and stopped when he crashed into the canyon wall. He then didigivolved back to Terriermon.

Kirin then whipped Seadramon into the ground. It didigivolved back into Betamon. Cherubimon started to get up off the ground. It looked at Kirin then at the two fallen digimon. He jumped up and attacked.

TK saw Cherubimon was getting ready to attack. He knew what would happen. “NO CHERUBIMON DON’T!” It was too late as Cherubimon attacked “HEAVEN’S JUDGEMENT!”

The attack hit Kirin dead on, however he was not phased at all. He smirked at Cherubimon. “I lose more playmates this way.” he focused, his arms bent at his sides he powered up. “RAGING SUPERNOVA!” A sphere of orange-red energy surrounded him and he then flew at Cherubimon. As he got close the sphere exploded, much like that of a supernova. Kirin turned as he finished the attack path. he looked as the lance whistled back to him. Cherubimon looked hurt, but not beat. “You are a tough one, however you won’t win.” He held out the lance in front of him. It glowed a white-blue color. “LASER THRUST ATTACK!” He started to spin the lance in fast figure eight movements. Blue lines flew out off the lance toward Cherubimon. He was hit every time. After a few dozen spins of the lance Kirin stopped and looked at Cherubimon. The large digimon swayed from side to side and then fell out of the sky, digivolving back into Lopmon.


As Rapidmon crashed into the canyon wall Willice ran over to his digimon as it reverted back to Terriermon. A couple of seconds later he was hit by someone pushing him to the ground and rolling over and over as something big slammed into the ground not far away. Willice looked up into the face of TK.

“You ok Will?” TK asked looking down at him concerned.

“yeah, thanks TK, uhhhhhh..” He blushed as he realized just how they had landed.

“umm sorry about that.” He stood up and helped Will to his feet. He blushed slightly as Will looked at him again.

Will looked at what had slammed into the ground, but all he saw was Betamon. Seadramon must’ve been the thing that slammed into the ground, judging my the crater, it must have hurt. Micheal ran over to Betamon and picked him up.

Will looked over in time to see Cherubimon didigivolve back into Lopmon. He looked at Terriermon who was groaning slightly but seemed to be alright. He then ran over to Lopmon and picked him up and ran back over to the others.


Davis watched as what used to be Garudamon’s attack was sent at Seadramon’s ice attack. ‘Hmp! Now who didn’t listen in science about fire and ice. Ha he’ll get his now.’ However his thoughts changed when there was not backlash of water. “Hey how come he didn’t get soaked when the ice melted?”

“That’s because the ‘Wing Blade’ attack is more strong then Flamedramon’s ‘Flaming Fist’ attack.” Izzy said starting to fall into his ‘I know all mode’. “The ice was melted and the resulting water was evaporated into that mist cloud.”

Davis just looked at him with a blank look.


Everyone looked up at Kirin who was just floating in the air over Imperialdramon FM.

“I’ve had enough of this! This time there will be now help, prepare yourself! This is the end.” He held out his hand and a large ball of energy formed in his hand. He aimed at Imperialdramon FM.


Kirin faded out and appeared a little higher in the air from where he was. His attack, only half powered up, phased through the wall of the Diamond holding Imperialdramon Fm and hit him in the shoulder.

//Why is it that we aren’t even in this fight and yet we are getting the beating of a life time?\\ It asked as the pain from it shoulder spread throughout it’s body.

Kirin looked as a large android wolf flew over and faced him. It growled threateningly.

Kirin’s eyes went wide. ‘Metalgarurumon! Then that means....’ He looked down.

“Sorry I’m late guys!” Matt called running over to the others.


“Yeah its nice to see you to see you too Tai.” He retorted.

Sora looked over at the sound of Matt’s voice. She gave a wail of despair and hugged onto Mimi again as she was reminded of her children.

Matt heard Sora cry and out and looked at her. He immediately knew something was wrong. He was about to ask when Tai answered him as if reading his mind.

“They’re safe, Kirin sent them back to the real world.” He looked at Matt then back at Kirin as if to say that the boy floating in the air was Kirin.

“YOU!” Everyone’s head snapped up and the venomous yell. “YOU DIE FIRST!” Kirin screamed. He was staring straight at Matt.

Everyone was in shock, most of all Matt. He looked at the boy to see why he might want to kill him. All he saw was hatred and anger. He eyes, if he still had them, had turned into thunderheads. Electric sparks were flying out of them violently.

With a shout of rage the boy flew at Matt.

Matt gasped and took a step back. He stopped and realized that he couldn’t possibly out run the flying boy.

Metalgarurumon jumped into the way of Kirin. He stood between one pissed off boy and his target. Not a very good place to be, nor a wise decision.

“OUT OF MY WAY YOU WALKING PILE OF SCRAP METAL!” He shouted at Metalgarurumon.

Metalgarurumon had other plans. “METAL SLAMMING ATTACK!” His body opened up and dozens of missiles shot out of him and raced at Kirin.

Kirin stopped and flew backwards batting away the deadly ice missiles with his lance.

Metalgarurumon flew down and walked over to Wargreymon. “You ok?” he asked looking down at Wargreymon who looked as if someone had taken a can opener to him.

“uhhhgggghhhh This is the worst pain ever.” He groaned.

Metalgarurumon chuckled. “Come on, we’ve got work to do.”

“Easy for you to say, you weren’t used as a speed bump.” Metalgarurumon bent down and he glowed blue. The aura enveloped Wargreymon and when it faded both were standing up and ready for action. Wargreymon was fully healed and recharged.

Kirin had trouble keeping up with the ice missiles. When he would slice one away, it would explode into a mist that turned into ice and froze anything it touched. His arms kept getting frozen and he had to take time to break out of the ice. He looked down to see Metalgarurumon heal Wargreymon. ‘Shimatta! Now I have two more megas to deal with. That seal on Imperialdramon won’t hold much longer. Have to get rid of them and fast.’ He lost his concentration and was hit in the chest with five missiles. He was covered in the mist, and was frozen solid in a giant block of ice.

“well looks like we don’t have to fight after all.” Metalgarurumon said.

“Don’t hold your breath.” was all Wargreymon said in response. Having faced Kirin already, he knew that a simple block of ice wasn’t going to stop him. Especially if he was pissed like when he saw Matt.

Sure enough small fissures started to form in the ice and Kirin exploded out of it soon after. “looks like you were right.” Metalgarurumon looked at Wargreymon.

Tai’s mind snapped into focus and he saw their way to victory. “QUICK YOU TWO DNA DIGIVOLVE!” He looked over at Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon.

They both nodded and Matt and Tai held out their digivices.

‘Wargreymon. Metalgarurumon. DNA digivolve.........oh no OMNIMON! I have to get them before then can combine, I can’t take on two Mega DNA digimon, at least not now after all this fighting.’ Kirin started to go after the two Merging Mega digimon. As he flew past Imperialdramon FM he noticed large cracks in the walls of the seal. They spread and got deeper as Imperialdramon fought the power of it’s prison. The white lines seemed to appear as if floating in mid air. The wall of the diamond were transparent thus there wasn’t anything to seem for the cracks to have originated from.

‘KUSO! Which one should I go for first. He’s almost out and they are nearly merged. Well might as well start on them since they are going to have more energy then Imperialdramon.’

He flew down again at Metalgarurumon and Wargreymon. Just as he past Imperialdramon the Diamond incasing it shattered and Imperialdramon FM sprang into action. It lunged at Kirin. Kirin turned in time to have his lance knocked out of his hand. He then began a wrestling match with Imperialdramon FM. Kirin grabbed onto Imperialdramon’s hands as it reached in to grab him. They started to struggle for control as they seemed to be double arm wrestling.

//DNA digivolve to.....OMNIMON!\\

‘OMINIMON’ Kirin looked over at the sound of the completion of the DNA merger. ‘DAMN! I’m too late. Alright have to act fast or this is going to get ugly. Now which one to get rid off first? Imperialdramon is weaker from the previous attacks. Guess I’ll have to use him.’

Kirin shifted his hand position so that he was holding onto Imperialdramon’s writs and he pulled. Imperialdramon still pushing against Kirin surged forward at him. Kirin flipped up and kicked out with both feet kicking Imperialdramon in the mouth plate. It reeled back in pain. Kirin wasted no time as he saw Omnimon flying towards them. He quickly flew behind Imperialdramon in the blink of an eye. He put his hands on either side of it’s head. “ENERGY DRAIN!” He shouted and a aura enveloped Imperialdramon. The aura started to absorb into Kirin. As the last of the aura transferred into Kirin Imperialdramon didigivolved into Chibimon and Leafmon. They fell to the ground as Kirin turned to face Omnimon.


Davis and Ken ran over to catch their falling digimon.

“What happened Leafmon? What did he do to you?” Ken question his tired looking digimon.

“He drained out energy, he used it to recharge himself.” The little baby digimon said.

“You ok Chibimon?” Davis questioned the little blue ball in his arms.

“I just feel so tired and weak. Feel like I could sleep for a week.”

“And the difference would be from any other time would be......?” Davis asked it.

“Fine then next time I’ll let you fight the crazed, super-powered, lance-wielding psycho!” Chibimon retorted back in defiance.

There attention was drawn back up to the battling figures up in the sky at the sound of a deafening clash of metal against metal.


Kirin turned just in time to flip backwards in the air to avoid being sliced in half as Omnimon’s transcendent sword swiped the area he was in. He held out his hand and the Thunder Lance came to him. He raised it to meet the large sword as it came back at him. Kirin expected the lance to slice clean through the huge blade, but it only cut about 6 inches into it.

‘Damn! It’s too thick. Going to have to do this the hard way.’ His thoughts were interrupted as Omnimon raised it’s right arm and aimed the Garuruhead at him. It opened up and a large cannon shot out of it.

Kirin looked at it with a look of disbelief, “Oh come on.” he said in a small voice.


Omnimon fired at Kirin who immediately flew backwards away from the attack. He landed on the side of the cliff and looked over to see the huge energy ball raising at him. He did the only sensible thing and ran along the side of the cliff. The attack hit the canyon wall and exploded. It left a large gaping half sphere where the wall used to be.

Omnimon followed Kirin with it’s cannon and proceeded to fire at him. Kirin continued to run along the side of the canyon trying his best not to be vaporized.

“Don’t you *huff* think that *gasp* this is overdoing it *pant* just a little?” Kirin choked out as he ran for his life. The canyon exploded in intervals behind him.

“How is he able to run sideways like that on the wall?” Cody asked anyone who was within hearing range, which wasn’t all that far considering all the explosions that were taking place not too far away.

“How is he able to take on so many digimon? Who is he? What is he? Why does he want to kill us? How did he get all the powers that he has? They are all fine questions my friend, unfortunately we have not one answer for them.” Izzy told him.

“Alright! If this is the way you want it then so be it!” Kirin shouted at Omnimon. He stopped crouched down and then launched himself at Omnimon. Omnimon seeing this fired at him. Kirin was waiting for this as the lance glowed white. “DEFLECT!” He shouted and put everything he could into hitting the energy ball away. It streaked towards the canyon wall above the digidestined. It smashed into the wall and showered them with rocks and debris.

Omnimon watched as the humans ran for cover and were then lost in a cloud of dust. He turned back around and saw Kirin floating not more then 50 feet away.

“I suggest you stop with the fireworks, unless you like your digidestined extra crispy.” He gave a sideways glance to where the humans and their digimon were staggering back to their feet and dusting themselves off.

//They knew the risks when they signed up for the position of Digidestined.\\ He said and raised the cannon again.

“Funny I don’t remember signing any papers stating that we were Digidestined. I remember us being taken to a strange world and having little monsters thrown at us then even bigger psycho monsters trying to kill us.” Joe stated

Kirin narrowed his eyes. “Fine. Be that way. I don’t want to hear any screaming later when I rip you apart.” He told Omnimon. Omnimon just fired at him in response.

Kirin flew at Omnimon. “GRAVA PADS!” He shouted and put his right foot on a angle. A small yellowish disk glowed under his foot. He then put his left foot even higher then his right foot. He proceeded to run and to seem to run sideways, then upside down. Omnimon’s attack whizzed passed him as he dodged it. He continued to run at Omnimon all the while continuing to rotate in mid air.

“Now there’s something new.” Matt said

“You should’ve been here earlier.” Tai told him. He gave him an accusing stare. “You really would’ve seen something then.” He looked back at The fight, but gave Matt looks out of the corner of his eyes every now and then.

Matt just shook his head and sighed. He looked back to the fight as well. Watching Tai out of the corner of his eyes.

Kirin ran at Omnimon and then vanished as he got to him. Omnimon seeing this slashed out with his sword only to strike nothing. He looked around for Kirin but saw nothing. He was about to ask what happened when Tai shouted “BEHIND YOU!” just as Matt yelled out “LOOK OUT!”

Omnimon turned to see Kirin behind him. Kirin held out the lance in front of him, he then traced one side with his left hand, it started to glow red. He then lifted the red glowing side above his head so that he was holding it vertically upright. “SOUL SEPARATION!“ He shouted and sliced downward. The red blade seemed to extend as he brought it down at Omnimon. Kirin sliced Omnimon in half from head to groin.

Omnimon separated into two halves. The two halves formed into Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon. “How did you?” Wargreymon started as Metalgarurumon said, ”IMPOSSIBLE!”

“This is bad. Very very bad!” Micheal said.


“Great now what?” TK asked as he saw Kirin hold out his hand.

Kirin held out his hand and dark black energy swirled into it. “REVERSE EVOLUTION!” He shouted and two black beams shot out and hit Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon. They were enveloped in a gray aura and when it faded away, Metalgreymon and Weregarurumon looked at Kirin.

Metalgreymon stood floating in mid air, but Weregarurumon not being able to fly fell down to the ground.

Kirin flew at Metalgreymon and punched him, he was thrown back. Weregarurumon climbed the side of the canyon and jumped at Kirin. Kirin turned to see the rushing wolf-man. “GIGA BLASTER!” Kirin looked over his shoulder to see the twin missiles come out of Metalgreymon’s chest. He looked back at Weregarurumon who was still flying at him. “no way he gasped, “They couldn’t possibly be that foolish to try and sacrifice one of there own.” He said.

Kirin made a decision that the twin missiles speeding towards him were more of a threat then the half wolf half man digimon flying towards him. He turned and threw the lance at the missiles. The missiles split up and flew around the lance. “SHIMATTA!” Kirin yelled as the missiles exploded before they got to him, he was blinded. He turned at the sound of Weregarurumon coming at him. “WOLF CLAW!” he shouted. the attack sped at Kirin. Kirin turned with the attack, he was too close though and the attack grazed his shoulder. He let out a shout of pain. Weregarurumon aimed for Kirin trying to hit him again, but Kirin spun off from the force of the blow to his shoulder and kicked Weregarurumon away.

“MEGA CLAW!” Kirin was hit from behind by Metalgreymon’s metal arm. The attack struck his already injured shoulder. Kirin yelped in pain and was knocked to the ground.

Metalgreymon and Weregarurumon stopped they’re attack as Kirin stood up. He held onto his right arm with his left hand. His right arm was bleeding at the shoulder where the two attacks had struck him.

“Give up Kirin, it’s over.” Metalgreymon told him.

“Is it?” Kirin asked him. He looked up at the large android digimon. He clapped his hands together and then pulled them apart. A ball of pulsing yellow-white energy formed. As he pulled them further apart the energy ball split into two. “GRAVIMETRIC SHEAR!” He yelled and through the two pulsing orbs out into the middle of the canyon. The two pulsing spheres gained mass and grew to be nearly half as big as Metalgreymon. The wind began to pick up and the ground started to shake as things began to get sucked in towards the two gravity wells.


The two attacks flew at the pulsing sphere, but were ripped apart by the intense pull of the two gravity flows.

‘THIS CAN’T BE THE END! I won’t give up! There has to be a way to win! I can’t lose hope! I WON’T!’ TK hoped beyond anything that there would be a way out of the certain doom that now faced them. His crest started to chine brightly.

“TK! WHAT’S GOING ON! I FEEL REALLY STRONG!” Patamon yelled at his partner. TK just looked at his little digimon then back at his crest. “PATAMON DIGIVOLVE!”


“Patamon digivlove to.....ANGEMON!”
“Angemon digivolve to.....MAGNANGEMON!”

The mega digimon flew out towards the two yellow spheres. “GATE OF DESTINY!” He made a circle with his sword and the gate appeared and opened. It started to suck the two spheres into it.

“NO! YAMERU MAGNANGEMON!” Kirin shouted from behind the digidestined.

The two spheres began to violently shake and to pulse faster as they neared each other. The ground began to tremble. As the two sphere were about to collide to enter the gate a shockwave blasted through the air. Magangemon was thrown away and didigivolved back into Patamon. The sphere began to rip each other apart and the gravity flow reversed as things began to be pushed away.

Another shockwave was emitted from the spheres and everyone was thrown to the floor. Rays started to shoot out from the spheres. The cut huge fissures into the ground. One beam started to arch in their direction. It moved steadily closer and was nearly upon them.


Tai looked up to see Kirin standing in front of the group with his hand stretched out in front of him. As he watched the air around his hand seemed to ripple as if there was water there. The ripples spread out and continued to do so till the entire group was behind the waving ripples.

The beam finally reached their area and hit an invisible wall. Another beam shot out and struck the wall. A violent blast erupted from the pulsars. The wall held, however Kirin’s eyes were shut tight in concentration and he was starting to sweat. Another explosion blasted out of the pulsars, Kirin slid back a couple of feet but the wall held. He gasped out as another shockwave hit the shield. The blasts were now happening every second. They began to pick up speed as the two pulsars pulled themselves towards each other.

Kirin was now straining against the force hitting the wall. He was grunting with exertion. The sphere finally met and exploded. The ground began to crack and shake violently. Kirin’s arms began to bend as the force from the explosion pressed against the wall. He fell to his knees and fissures began to appear in the shield. “Too weak.” He gasped out. There was a sound of glass shattering as the shield collapsed. Kirin let out a shriek of pain as he was thrown back against the canyon wall.

Tai stood up. Metalgreymon stood up as well, he had used his body to shield everyone from what was left of the explosion when the shield collapsed. Tai looked over at Weregarurumon who stood up and let go of Matt and TK. Matt looked over at Tai. “You ok?” Tai nodded. He looked down at Kari. “You alright?” She nodded and looked to where Kirin had slammed into the wall.

TK walked over to Will. “You still alive?” He smiled at Will as he pried Terriermon and Lopmon off of him. “Yeah, glad I can breathe again.” he gave Terriermon a look.

Terriermon blushed. “sorry about that Will, just wanted to make sure you were safe.”

All the other got up and dusted themselves off. Then looked to where they all feared to look. The crater in the wall where Kirin had slammed into it.

‘Well only one way to find out.’ Tai took a couple of steps in the direction of the hole.

“TAI ARE YOU CRAZY?!” Matt hissed at him.

Tai stopped and looked at Matt. “If he was going to attack he would have done so by now. Why are you whispering?” He turned and started to walk again. He wasn’t prepared for what awaited him.

Kirin was on his knees. His left arm was bent across his stomach. His right arm hung limp at his side and his right hand twitched uncontrollably. He looked up as Tai approached him. He looked down winced and spit out a mouth full of blood. He got shakily to hit feet and started to stand up. “Makenai! Zettai! ZETTAI MAKENAI! I REFUSE TO LOSE!” He growled at Tai. He clutched his right side with his left arm. He seemed to have a couple of broken ribs. He leaned heavily on his right leg. he gave Tai a defiant stare. blood dripped from his right hand from the wound on his shoulder.

“How can you still have the will to fight when you are obviously beaten? Do you hate us that much?” Tai asked him.

“Tai! What’s going on.......” Kari trailed off as she caught sight of Kirin. She had a hurt look on her face.

“No. I take my responsibilities that seriously. I can’t lose to you, I won’t!” Kirin spat the answer out at Tai.

“What responsibilities? Are you really trying to kill us? Why did you save us just now? Who are you?” Tai asked him.

“You wouldn’t understand.” Kirin answered in a flat tone.

“What I don’t understand is why you attack us one minute then risk your life to save us. what I do know is that you can‘t possibly fight anymore. Let us help you.” Tai gave him a hopeful look.

“You understand nothing!” He went to take a offensive stance as Tai took a step closer to him, he was now just only three feet away. Kirin didn’t have the balance and fell back to his knees. He gave a mirthless laugh. “Brave courageous Tai. Not afraid of anything, least of all a wounded animal. You forget Tai that we strike out at are most deadliest when we are wounded.” Before Tai could respond Kirin jumped to his feet, grabbed Tai’s arm and pulled him to him. He spun Tai so that Kirin was behind him and Tai was facing away from him. Kirin held out his right hand and the lance came to him. He brought the lance up to Tai’s neck. Kirin still didn’t have the full use of his right arm as the lance shook in his grasp. The blade bounced against Tai’s neck.

“TAI!” Kari screamed. Everyone snapped awake and ran over to see what had happened.

“TAI!” Matt yelled out as he saw what Kari had witnessed happen. “If you hurt him I swear I’ll....” Matt growled out.

“You’ll do what? You are powerless to order me around.” Kirin snapped at Matt.

Weregarurumon growled and started to move forward. Mat put a hand on his shoulder. He looked at Matt questioningly. “Don’t, he might hurt Tai.” Was all Matt told him.

“Glad you see things my way. However I will not spare your leader either way. If I go down I’m taking him with me.” Me pushed the lance up against Tai’s throat harder to add weight to his words.

“You won’t live either, once you kill him there won’t be a thing to keep my Weregarurumon from ripping you apart. You are hurt and weak.” Matt told Kirin.

“I will heal, I am healing now.” He pushed the lance against Tai’s neck again. “He, will not however.”

“If you’re going to kill me then do it. Stop playing and just be done with it.” Tai told Kirin in a flat tone. “Matt no matter what happens, take care of Kari and TK, make sure they are ok after this.” He looked right at Matt without a hint of fear.

“Tai......” Matt had no idea what to say.

“My my my, brave till the end. I admire that, if the situation were different I would have liked to have gotten to know you better.” Kirin told Tai. “You truly do deserve the crest of courage.” As Kirin said this Tai’s crest began to glow. It floated out of Tai’s chest to stop a foot away suspended in the air. It flashed brightly once then flew into Kirin’s right hand.

Kirin screamed in pain and dropped the lance, he pushed Tai away. Matt rushed forward and caught Tai. They all looked at Kirin who was on his knees howling in pain. His left hand clutched his right wrist as his right hand was opening and closing rapidly. He stopped screaming and his whole body shook.

“How. How is it possible for you to hurt me like this?” he looked up at them.

They all stared back without any idea as to what happened.

Kirin looked down at his hand, there was the crest of courage glowing brightly. it dulled to a black tattoo. It flashed bright orange one last time. Matt and Tai noticed that a symbol flashed white on Kirin’s forehead as the crest of courage flashed that one last time. They all watched as the crest faded into Kirin’s skin and disappeared.

Tai suddenly felt pain on his right hand. He looked down and didn’t see anything. he looked at Kirin who was watching him. ‘Is this his pain? what just happened? More mysteries. Who is this boy.’ Tai didn’t have mush longer to ponder the predicament as Kirin got shakily to his feet. Tai felt confusion, not his own but from somewhere else. That and fear, fear of the unknown and of the digidestined.

Kirin put his left hand on his face and moved it up to his forehead then brought it across his face and then let his hand fall and moved it outward. The black cloak he had wore when he first appeared materialized around him. He took a step away from them and turned.

“Don’t go!” Tai shouted to him. Kirin turned in his direction and seemed to give his statement some thought. He turned again and started to run. “Matt we have to go after him.” Tai said looking at him. Matt nodded.

“How are we going to chase him?” He said “We can digivolve again.” Metalgreymon and Weregarurumon said in unison.

“Great then lets go!” Tai said standing up.

Both digimon nodded.

“Metalgreymon digivolve to.....WARGREYMON!”
Weregarurumon digivolve to.....METALGARURUMON!”

“Alright Matt lets go!” Tai shouted as he hopped onto Wargreymon’s back.

Matt nodded as he jumped onto Metalgarurumon’s back.

“Matt Tai wait! What if you have to fight him?!” Kari asked.

Tai looked back at her. “Its ok, We’ll be ok, we can always form Omnimon.” With that they took off after Kirin.

Kirin felt Tai coming after him. ‘Damn. Why can’t he just leave well enough alone? Alright then time to get rid of some unwanted visitors.’ “SHADOW PLAY!” He shouted and he seemed to split into five.

“Tai which one you going after?” Matt shouted over to him.

“The one dead ahead, that’s the real one.” Matt looked at him unsure.

“How do you know?”

“I just do.” He told him

“He’s right, I’m getting a reading from the one straight in front of us.” Metalgarurumon said. Matt nodded, but looked at Tai still. Tai stared straight ahead at Kirin.

‘DAMN THAT ANDROID AND HIS SENSORS! How did Tai know? Why can I sense him behind me?’ Kirin ran faster as his legs healed up more. His ribs had fused back together. He could breathe easier now. Kirin looked ahead and saw a cliff. ‘Great just what I need. Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise. Well one way to find out.’ Kirin ran faster and jumped off the cliff. He held is arms out to his sides and rocketed down towards the dense forest below. he turned to face Matt and Tai. “STRANGE VISION!” A blinding white light suddenly blinded Tai, Matt and their digimon. ‘Well boys this is where I say Sayonara.’ He turned around and slowed down and flew over the tops of the trees.

“Tai I can’t see!” Matt yelled in the direction that Tai was in not to long ago.

“I’m not much help right now Matt, everything is white.” He shouted back.

They crashed through the treetops. Matt and Tai hung onto their digimon for dear life. Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon both started to fly higher as they felt themselves break through the treetops.

“Wargreymon, Straight ahead. Keep flying at the level you are going.” Metalgarurumon told Wargreymon, his eyes might have been temporarily damaged, but he could “see” Kirin with his sensors.

“Right Metalgarurumon.” Wargreymon did as Metalgarurumon instructed. He would be their eyes until their vision returned.

‘DAMN DAMN DOUBLE DAMN! Curse you and your sensors you damn radar! Fine we’ll just see how good those sensors of yours are my little pet.’ Kirin turned over so that his back was to the ground. He raised his hands to his forehead and concentrated. Light began to swirl into his hands. he brought them down and if formed into a semi-transparent wall. “DEAD STOP!” He shouted and the wall flew at Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon. They slammed into the wall. Tai and Matt were thrown off their digimon and far off into the forest in separate directions.. Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon slid off the wall and fell straight down into the forest.

‘There we go, problem solved. Now to more important things.’ He flew off.


Back with the others things were going nearly just as bad. None of their digimon had any strength to do anything. Neither did the humans for that matter either. Everyone was either too exhausted or just numb from the whole ordeal. Izzy looked up as he suddenly remembered something.

“Ken, when Kirin first appeared you seemed to know something about him. Something about some ancient writings? What do you know about him?” Izzy looked at him with a look that said he expected answers and NOW.

As Ken started to answer Kari looked out over the canyon where Matt and Tai had chased after Kirin. ‘Onegai Kami-sama, mamoru karera ni. Oniichan, come back safe.’ She looked at TK who was also looking in the same direction that she was. ‘Tai if you let anything happen to Matt I don’t think TK would forgive you, Matt if you let anything happen to Tai I won’t forgive you. BOTH OF YOU COME BACK TO US IN ONE PIECE!’

The sun began to sink below the horizon of the digital world. Hiding any traces of what had happened that day.


Matt picked himself up off the ground and looked around. He was alone. HE COULD SEE! He thanked God that the blindness wasn’t permanent. He looked around again this time actually noticing his surroundings. He was in the bushes beside a lake. A waterfall thundered not too far away. It was a peaceful scene. It would have made Matt feel at peace as well under normal circumstances. He didn’t have Gabumon with him, he had had that digimon with him since he was 14. They were inseparable after that last battle they had fought so many years ago. Time. Where had it gone. His life was probably half over and where was he. Sure he was a well known Astronaut, but he never had found anyone that he could share his life with. Sora and his relationship had not worked out at all. They had thought that children would fix that. It had only made things worse. He wished that they had never started to date, he had been making that wish for as long as he could remember it seemed like. Matt looked out across the water and watched the sun as it began to set. He sighed well to find Tai or the digimon. Which ever he found first would get a serious hug from him, he felt so alone. His trip down memory lane was interrupted as something flew down and walked into the water.

He moved further down stream as the figure moved towards the water fall. He could now see who it was. KIRIN! He didn’t dare move. He remembered how Kirin had reacted when he first saw him. God only knew how he would react to seeing him alone like this. So he just observed what Kirin was doing.

Kirin walked further into the lake and waded to the waterfall. He stripped off his shirt. Matt gasped at what he saw. Kirin had a large wound on his shoulder from where their digimon had attacked him. That he was expecting what he didn’t expect to see where the three huge slash marks that ran across Kirin’s back. They seemed to have been made by claws, very sharp claws from the looks of it. They were scars, old scars.

Kirin walked under the water and washed away the blood on the new wound. He looked over his shoulder and sighed. “This will scar if I don’t help it heal. Already have to many scars as it is.” He sat down on a large boulder not far from the shore. He reached down and touched is middle finger to a flower that was growing along the shoreline. The flower glowed green and Kirin pulled his finger away and the green aura came away with his finger. Kirin then turned to look a the wound and touched his finger to it. The aura enveloped the wound. Kirin closed his eyes and seemed to concentrate. The wound slowly began to stitch itself closed. The skin reformed and sealed together. When the aura faded and Kirin opened his eyes the wound was gone, replaced by smooth skin. It was as if the wound was never there.

Matt gasped in surprise. He couldn’t believe what he had just seen. Kirin’s head snapped up and he turned his head. Matt ducked down behind the bushes he was in. He slowly started to back away. Silently praying that Kirin had not heard him and wasn’t going to come over and gut him.

He figured he was far enough away to stand up. He got up and back up slowly so not to make so much sound. he turned around and bumped into something. He staggered back and looked up to see Kirin standing in front of him.

“Well well well, lookit what I found.” He smiled triumphantly.

The sun disappeared below the horizon as a scream ripped through the night.


Omnimon raised it’s head at the sound of the scream. He tried to figure out which direction it had come from. It seemed to come from everywhere as it bounced off the numerous hills in the area.

He was worried, both his humans were missing. Both in different directions. He didn’t know what to do.

“If you want your Human, he’s over there.”

Omnimon turned around to see Kirin standing not too far away. “What do you mean?”

Kirin looked at him. You must have spent too much time in the real world, you’ve gone stupid. I said if you want your human he’s over there.” He raised his left hand and pointed off in a direction.

“What do you mean HE, don’t you mean THEY?” Omnimon narrowed his eyes.

“I said what I meant. Take it as you will....” Kirin clenched his eyes shut and shuddered. “Damn you.” He muttered. He then turned and started to walk away.

Omnimon raised it’s right arm and aimed it’s cannon at him.

“I wouldn’t do that. I have my strength back, you don’t stand a chance.” He then continued to walk away. Omnimon considered Kirin’s statement, but before he could decide a wind picked up and swirled around Kirin. He faded away.


A scream ripped through the night.

‘What was that? I hope Matt is ok. Damn it! I know you can hear me! ANSWER ME! I know you can feel me, because I can feel you!’


“Nani?” Came a soothing voice from above him.

Tai looked up to see Kirin standing in a tree. He seemed to be alright, he wasn’t bleeding or leaning on one leg. “I thought so.”

“You thought what? You know you really shouldn’t yell out like that, might attract some unwanted attention. You could have attracted the attention of a not so nice digimon. Like me.” He tilted his head to the side and smiled down at Tai.

“What happened to Matt?” Tai asked him.

“Maybe he attracted some unwanted attention.” He smiled even more.


WWWWWWAAAAAAAAAIIII how was that? Did you like it? took me forever to write it. at least 10 hours sitting in front of my comp. *blinks third eye* LOW RADIATION MY ASS!

This thing is 27pages long! OH MY GOD!!

K. time for the fun stuff.....

First some explanations-

Alrighty, in the part where Megakabuterimon’s horn doesn’t vaporize after it was chopped off was purely speculative. I have no idea if it wouldn’t done that, prolly would’ve. But hey, it made for a cool battle scene ne?

The attacks-

Once again all attacks were my creation, sept for these....
the split form technique is used by a lot of characters so it doesn’t really belong to one person or series.
The four corners seal I got from Wrath of the ninja, I changed the end result GREATLY! This move was in no way meant to do what I meant it to do. The basic idea came from this movie, but the rest was purely me. ummmm if you want to look what it sorta looks like on this movie I suggest you have a strong stomach and not be squeamish. It is a VERY violent anime. Especially the part where this move is used. OK so no one go watch it them email me about how I didn’t warn them about the gore.
Obviously Garudamon’s wing blade attack was used by me.
Oh yeah, the eight hit super combo is the move used by SAKURA in Marvel VS. Capcom for playstation. The kicking attack he used is CHUN LI’s attack that she uses in that game. Everyone remembers Chun Li right? From Street Fighter? I believe the move is called “Tenretsu simpu sukiyaku” Not sure though, been a while since I played the game.
OH yeah, the blessed shield move IS my idea, however it is pronounced bless-ed, not blessed. That is how you spell either way of pronouncing it, don’t ask me I don’t get it either.

JAPANESE PHRASES!- yes you might have noticed that I used quite a bit of them in this chapter so here goes....

Yuuki to Yuujou- [You-ooo-key toe You-ooo-joe] Courage and Friendship
Oniisan doko de?- [Oh-knee-sun do-ko day] Brother where are you?
Davis no baka!- [Everyone knows how to say this ^_~] Davis you idiot!(jerk, dummy)
Daijoubo?- [Die-joe-boo] Are you ok? ( Are you alright?)
Yoshi! Asobimashou-[Yosh! Ah-so-bee-mah-show] ALRIGHT(good)! Let’s Play!
Kuso! Kare wa doko ni imasu ka?- [koo-so car-ay wa do-ko knee E-mah-sue ca?] DAMN! Where is he?
ONEGAI KAMI-SAMA! MOHAYA NAI!- [Oh-nay-guy Ca-me-sa-mah! Moe-ha-ya n-eye!] PLEASE GOD! NO MORE!
YURUSENAI!- [you-rue-sen-eye!] I won’t forgive you/I will make you pay!
chotto mate!- [choe-toe mah-te!] Hold on wait!/ Now just a minute!
ARIGATOU KAMI-SAMA!- [Ah-ree-ga-toe Ka-mee-sa-ma!] THANK(you) GOD!
Shimatta!- [She-mah-tah!] SHIT!
Kuso!- [Koo-so!] DAMN!
YAMERU!- [Ya-mare-ooo!] Stop! (quit)
Makenai! Zettai! ZETTAI MAKENAI!- [Mak-ay-n-eye! Zeh-tie! ZEH-TIE MAK-AY-N-EYE!] I won’t lose! I Absolutely WON’T LOSE!
Sayonara-[Sah-yo-nar-ah] Goodbye/farewell
Onegai Kami-sama, mamoru karera ni- [I’ll skip the first part, should know what that is by now, Mah-more-oo ca-reh-rah knee] Please God, protect them.
Nani?-[Nah-knee] What? (as in what is it, or what do you want.)

OK that about raps it up for this chapter. I’ll see you guys next time, right? You are going to read the next chapter right???? NE?! ONEGAI!!!

Matt: HEY! What do you mean that raps it up?! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME?!
Drakin: Well you’ll just have to wait and see now won’t you. *evil grin*
Tai: uhhhh about that, what exactly are you going to do to me?
Drakin: Just have to wait and find out. *Even MORE evil grin*
Both: *groan*

Well that’s it! Comments and crap can be sent to me ^_^

Hugs and Taichi’s smile
Drakin Tenryu