November 26, 2001 - December 21, 2001

That’s right I’M BACK! This Marysue is being updated! WAAAAIIIIIIIII! OK yeah anyways some ppl DID ask me to update it so I am. See, ask and ye shall receive. Ummm this isn’t really an actual chapter as in story wise....well sorta. Anyways, this is like a filler chapter where some of the plot holes are filled and some more history is revealed but not too much........ahhhh just read it

DISCLAIMER: Yup it’s back too. we know all the legal stuff....however if Toei wants to be kind enough to hand the rights to Tai and Matt over who am I to refuse? ‘^_^’ (those are my devil horns if you couldn’t tell ^_~)

Dedications: LICAT, KATMON, LABYRINTHIA AND LETICIA! You girls totally rule. Thank-you for your support and contributions to the site. Words cannot even begin to express my never-ending gratitude.

Words in between ’...’ and in italics means it is thought, not said.
bold words are words said with strong emotions, such as anger and hate and so forth.
Words in between *.........* means it is an action.
Words in between {...........} means I’m being stupid and interjecting in the story to ruin the mood. Words in between ~...........~ means telepathic speech.

To Defy Destiny
By Drakin Tenryu

Chapter 4: Kibou to Hikari

“Well it seems you two DEFINITELY had a more interesting experience then we did.” Will let out after Tai and Matt had retold their ‘adventure’.

Matt just nodded his head, he was still disturbed by the fact that one day he was almost killed and the next day healed and protected by the very same person who was trying to kill him. His mind was swimming from all the events that had happened in such a short time span. he just kept patting Gabumon on the head and staring at the ground.

TK, the ever watchful one that he is, noticed Matt’s distance to the conversation and nudged his brother. “What’s wrong?”

Matt looked up at TK. “Just thinking. I can’t quite seem to shake the feeling that in some way I know him.”

“Know who? Kirin?” TK was puzzled. How could his brother know someone like Kirin.

“Yeah. I don’t know, not like I’ve met him, just that I..... sorta....... recognize something in him that I know. Like he almost is someone I know.” Matt failed to come up with anything further that would help to express how he felt.

TK looked at Matt wonderingly. Over the past couple of years Matt had in essence become a stranger of sorts. He could very well know Kirin in some way. TK would have no way of knowing whether he did or not. His attention was drawn away as Izzy whipped out his ever present laptop and started to type like the wind.

“Well since he has your crests now, I just might, maybe.......” He typed for a couple more seconds before looking up with a slightly defeated look.

“What’s the matter?” Mimi said looking slightly frightened.

“Oh nothing is wrong! It’s just I was hoping that since Kirin now has two crests somehow that I might be able to track him on my computer. In the same way that our digivices are linked together and we can tell where each other are, so does my computer. I incorporated this technology into my laptop. I was thinking that my computer might pick up on any energy that Kirin may be giving off with the two crests he has.” He seemed to lose focus for a second and consider something. “Tai, Matt, you both said that Agumon and Gabumon can still digivolve to mega?”

Both men looked over and nodded at him. Izzy put his hand on his chin and seemed to consider something. Ken noticed. “What are you theorizing Izzy?”

“Well I’m not sure. I’m not really theorizing, just wondering. When we were called back to the digiworld so many years ago and were asked to give up our crests, our digimon lost the ability it digivolve to the ultimate level, let alone to mega.”

“So you’re saying.....” Joe prompted.

“That maybe Kirin isn’t in possession of they’re crests, but maybe sharing them. Because if he had taken them from Tai and Matt then both Agumon and Gabumon would be left only at the champion level.”

Everyone looked at Izzy in confusion. Sometimes his ideas didn’t really catch on at first, but one by one the rest of the digidestined seemed to absorb Izzy’s explanation and comprehend it. How well they comprehended it was up to the individual digidestined.

“Well let me try this....” Izzy started and began to type away again. He stopped and turned the laptop around so that everyone could see it. “You see.” He said pointing to a small purple blip on the screen. “This is me, that is Joe, Mimi, Matt, Tai and so forth.” He said pointing to each respected colored blip on the monitor with the corresponding digidestined.

“Well what about me and Mike.” Will asked looking at the screen.

“Well since you two don’t have crests of your own, the computer is just reading the output from you digivice and displaying it as a gray blip.” He pointed to two gray blips that were standing in front of the purple blip. They corresponded with the position of Izzy, Willis and Michael.

“Oh well I guess that makes sense...” Will said in a slightly disappointed voice. He had always felt different from the others because he had no crest.

“It’s ok Will, don’t feel bad, look.” TK said. He pointed to three other blips. one was comprised of orange and blue swirled into a Ying-Yang pattern. Another was red and green the third was purple and black also swirled into the same pattern. “Those are Davis, Yolei and Cody. We are all different in our own way, so you and Mike are gray, it doesn’t matter, only you and Davis have golden-armor digimon. Plus you have a mega, not to mention TWO digimon. If anything, WE should feel slightly jealous of YOU.”

Will smiled, he had never truly thought of it that way. “Thanks TK.”

Izzy cleared his throat. “Do you two think we can get back to the situation at hand?”

Both blonds feeling as if they had been scolded by the mean teacher back in grade school nodded their heads and responded together. “Hai Izumi-sensei.” However Izzy didn’t think it was all that funny and arched an eyebrow at them letting them know that they would get it later.

“So you see.” Izzy began. “ I was hoping that there might just be a blip on the screen for Kirin and that we would be able to track him.” Izzy looked down at the screen and frowned. “Unfortunately it seems that my theory was wrong.”

“Well not necessarily.” Ken said.

“What do you mean?” Izzy asked turning to face him.

“Well just like our digivices have to be in a certain range of each other for them to be able to pick up a signal. Maybe......maybe Kirin also has to be within a certain range as well.” he looked at Izzy expecting him to disprove his statement, however the redhead looked down at his screen and smiled.

“You know Ken I think you just might have a very good point there.” He started to type away again. Tai and Matt walked up behind Izzy and looked at the screen. All they saw was a mass of changing screens. They wondered just how Izzy knew what was on each one before it changed into another.

“Whatcha doin Izz?” Tai asked after he uncrossed his eyes from looking at the swirling mass of computer jargon.

“Well I’m trying to see if I can maybe increase the range on the scanning parameters of the locating program in the sensory system of the computer.” He continued to let his fingers fly across the keyboard.

“Oh.” Tai said. he stood up and shrugged and looked around.

~Izumi-san is indeed a smart man, however he fails to see what is right in front of him.~

Tai frowned, then glanced around. ‘Who said that? The only ones close by are Matt and Izzy. Izzy wouldn’t say that about himself, and Matt definitely wouldn’t have said that about Izzy.’ He glanced around again, shrugged and thought that maybe he had just imagined it.

Izzy seemed oblivious to the outside world as usual when he gets on his computer. His fingers were a blur on the keyboard.

Matt seemed to be trying to keep up with Izzy and the blinding change of screens on the computer. He was just about to give up and stare off into space when Izzy finally declared success.

“Well that should do it. Not only can I scan just a little bit further, but my current scanning device has been realigned so now I can get better definition on my targets.” He looked up triumphantly at Matt. Matt however gave Izzy one of those ‘That’s really nice Izzy, but I still have no idea what the hell you’re talking about’ looks.

Matt started to look away when absolutely nothing changed on the screen, when he saw something. It was a slight shimmering blip on the computer screen. Almost as if there was some sort of liquid motion to the color pixels. You could only see it if you were really starring at it. He looked up to see if either Tai or Izzy had seen it too. Tai seemed to have noticed since Matt was starring at it so hard. Izzy who was in front of them didn’t see either of them concentrating on the screen so he was oblivious to their observations. Matt was about to say something when Tai gave him a warning look. He frowned at Tai and gave him that look that said, ‘You have some explaining to do later.’

~So Humans CAN be observant when they try. I’ll be sure to remember this.~

Matt looked up at the sound of the voice. He was sure that he had heard it somewhere before, yet.... ‘that couldn’t have been...’ He looked around sharply to see if you could see him. Tai shot him another look that said to just keep cool, so Matt did.

“HEY LOOK!” Mimi suddenly shouted.

Everyone’s attention quickly went to where she was pointing. Way off in the distance a small figure was slowly heading their way.

“Can anyone make it out?” Joe asked anyone that had better eyesight then he did.

“It looks like a Datamon.” TK finally said.

“A DATAMON?!” Sora screeched. she curled up into a ball and started to shiver slightly. Joe knelt down and put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

‘Man she hasn’t gotten over that yet?’ Tai thought to himself. Well might as well wait till it gets here. Not like we can’t beat it. Tai just sat back and waited patiently.

Finally the Datamon stumbled into the small circle of Humans. Their digimon partners wary of the strange digimon in their mists. It walked over to Izzy and stopped. A small disk drive in it’s midsection popped out containing a disk. the digimon lifted the disk out and handed it to Izzy. “The information held on this disk came at a terrible price, use it well and guard it with your lives.” it then dissipated into particles and was swept away by the wind.

Izzy stared at the disk in his hand as if it would bite him if he wasn’t careful. “Well guys what should I do?” He looked around at all the others.

“Go ahead Izzy, lets find out what’s on it.” Tai told him. Izzy nodded and placed it into his own disk drive and waited for it to run and load onto the computer. After a few minutes the screen went dark.

“Oh man I hope this isn’t going to crash my computer or something” Izzy complained. “If it does.” He said glaring at Tai. “I am personally going to blame you.”

“Oh come Izz, all you have to do is give it a good whack!” He moved in as if to smack the laptop.

Izzy, sensing that his pride and joy was in eminent danger, quickly moved it out of Tai’s reach and put himself between Tai and the computer. Tai frowned but smiled none the less.

Izzy turned his attention back to the screen, still keeping Tai in his peripheral vision just in case. Nothing seemed to be happening, he was about to tell everyone that it looked like the disk didn’t contain anything when a white symbol flashed up on the screen. “Ok guys, it looks like I’ve got something here.” He turned back around so that everyone could gather around to see the screen.

MANY THANKS TO LICAT FOR MAKING KIRIN'S SYMBOL FOR ME!!! It makes this chapter more understandable, mmm a prize goes to first person who guesses what this symbol means.

“HEY! I know that symbol!” Ken said suddenly.

“You do? What does it mean then?” Yolei asked her husband.

“Well I don’t know what it means, but I do recognize it. It was above the doorframe to the entrance way into the rooms that had the writings of Kirin in them.”

Unnoticed to anyone else, Tai and Matt shared a look. They too had seen that symbol before, but it hadn’t been etched into a wall.

Everyone turned back to look at the screen. Almost as if expecting the symbol to jump out off the screen at them and say ‘BOO’. Then again, stranger things had happened in the past so it really wasn’t beyond belief in their case.

“Well is this all it does?” Mimi asked after the symbol had rotated a couple dozen times on the screen.

“It appears so.” Izzy said after hitting a couple of keys. “What is so important about this......” He was interrupted as a voice started to speak from the computer. The screen changed to one that depicted Kirin himself. Standing in a relaxed position, he too was spinning, however slightly slower.

[Kirin] The voice began. It had a very computer sounding voice. Mechanical almost.

~Hopefully this will let them feel at ease. They are going to have to trust me in the times to come, I pray this will help.~

Matt and Tai looked at each other. They had both heard the voice this time. There was no mistaking whose voice it was. It had been Kirin. Just how they could hear him was beyond them, but they knew he was near. He could see them somehow. There weren’t any menacing feeling coming from him, he was just observing them. Watching them as they stared at the screen displaying a image of him. He seemed amused that a group of adults could be so scared of a computer generated image.

[Kirin] the voice repeated.

“Well we know that! Are you going to tell us anything useful?” Davis spat out. His patience was running thin. He was just about to take after Tai and smack the damn hunk of computer chips. Breaking things had always made him feel better. Still did. Davis was about to reach for the computer when the voice spoke once again.

[Also known as the soldier of vengeance, The angel of rage and destruction, the child of light.......] It continued to rattle off other titles.

“Could we get to the useful information please?” Izzy hissed at the screen.

[Little is known of this boy. Those that meet him do not live to tell about it. All those who have faced him in the past have met oblivion.]

“well that’s encouraging.” Cody sighed.

[First known appearance: ten years following the great crash. Since then sighting have been sporadic. His appearance usually precedes a great catastrophe. His frequency of showing himself has increased after the fall of the celestial temple six years ago.
height: 6 foot 5 inches.{I did my homework, it’s roughly 2 meters....I think ^_^”}
Weight: unknown
Hair color: Green {If you are looking for a specific shade, look at Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo}
Eye color: Silver, blue tinged. {Kinda a cross between Yue from CCS and Lady Tokimi from Tenchi Muyo}
Age: unknown
origins: unknown]
“Well a lot of good that did. Know all we know is what size clothes to get him for his birthday and what color accessories will suit him best.” Mimi growled. she looked up at the sky in exasperation, but whipped her head back around to the screen when the computer continued to spill out more information.

[From information gathered from past encounters, it is believed that Kirin is a new kind of Digimon. His type has been classified as ‘Divine light’. Thus allowing him to use any and every attack of all other digimon.]

The image on the screen shifted to one of Kirin using an electric attack. Then shifting to him hurling a huge ball of fire. Then to one where he summoned forth a large whirlwind. The scene then changed to one of Kirin summoning the Thunder Lance. The image of Kirin faded away and the lance was left by itself. The screen zoomed in on the lance and the voice continued.

[The Thunder Lance, Kirin’s weapon. Uncertain as to weather this is his only weapon or if this is his weapon of choice. He has never been seen with another weapon however. The edge is razor sharp and never seems to dull with use. Kirin is highly proficient with this odd looking weapon. This is believed to be so due to some sort of telepathic link he may share with the lance. All those who try and touch it have been shocked by extreme electrical discharges from the weapon.]

“Hey, what’s that?” Matt said pointing to something on the lance. There seemed to be something inscribed on the hilt/center of the lance.

“Hmmm looks like...” Izzy began, him being the closest to the screen, had the best view of them all. “ ‘He who wields this lance holds the key to heaven itself.’ “ Izzy looked from the screen at everyone. They all had the same look. ‘Just who was this boy?’

[Not only does Kirin have nearly all other attacks at his disposal, he is highly trained in the martial arts. His physical strength has never been recorded, however he has been known to be cable of extreme feats of strength. ]

“Yeah I know that one all to well.” Armadillomon let out. He remembered the feeling of helplessness as Kirin tossed him threw the air.

[Kirin uses deadly blows to defeat his victims when special attacks seem non-effective or unneeded. Due to his skill level and wide range of styles, hand-to-hand combat is not recommended.]

“well duh!” Davis let out. “Is it just me or is this like getting us nowhere?!” He glared at the screen in frustration. Everyone else felt exactly the same, however they hid it better. So they continued to look at the screen. The scene changed to one of Kirin kicking. He right leg was straight up in the air, his left on the ground. it looked as if he was doing the splits standing on one leg.

“Holy crap! How does he do THAT?!” Mike practically screeched. all the men were wincing from just looking at the screen.

~Well it helps when you are 3/4 digimon.~

Matt just nodded as if it was a simple explanation, Tai did as well. They were both just too in surprise to notice how odd it was to have a strange voice speaking to them in their heads.

[Adding to his deadly skill is Kirin’s high level of agility and speed. Fastest known recorded speed has been documented at three times that of sound{3,387 feet per second or 1,032meters per second}. Encountering him has led to many deaths due to the fact that few can match his speed to escape.]

~AW c’mon! I’m not all THAT bad, I mean if EVERYONE who faced me died, there wouldn’t be any of this info now would there?~

Matt almost smiled. Kirin sounded slightly offended, he could almost tell that he was pouting. ‘Well there is a LOT of evidence to support the theory. I mean look what you did to us.’ Matt stopped himself, it wasn’t as if Kirin could read his thought or anything. So just how was he going to argue with the boy?

[Only known weakness has been known to evil attacks, he seems highly sensitive to evil type attacks. Holy and electric attacks only seem to be absorbed and used to recharge him. This may suggest that this being is on the force of light, however his actions have lead to believe the opposite. For this reason Kirin has been classified as neither good nor evil, he is independent of either side and has been declared an enemy by both sides.
Overall assessment; Confrontations with this being are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs]

Everyone got one of those ‘you can say that again.’ looks. The screen went dark and the computer went back to its normal desktop screen. A new icon was now placed on it. In the shape of the symbol at the very beginning of the program. “Well that didn’t help at all did it?” izzy sighed.

“Well it let us know that he is weak to evil attacks, so we can use that to our advantage.” Mimi said.

“We don’t have any evil attacks, all our digimon are good. In fact we have Three holy-type digimon, so that puts us at a very distinct disadvantage.” TK said.

“We do? Well Patamon and Gatomon both digivolve into holy-type digimon, but who is the third?” Sora asked looking around.

“Right here.” Will said picking up little Lopmon. “He digivolves into Cherubimon, he’s a holy-type too. However that doesn’t help us much now does it.” He frowned.

“C’mon guys, cheer up! We’ve been in some tight spots before! We can get out of this one too!” Mimi shouted. She wasn’t about to let anyone start to sulk and get their spirits down. Most of all TK. He had the CREST of HOPE for God’s sake, he most definitely shouldn’t be giving up like this. “C’mon guys! There’s always hope! Ne TK?” She looked at TK expectantly.

TK just looked away. He didn’t want Mimi to see how he was nearly at the brink of losing his precious hope that the Digiworld had formed into a crest for him. “We’ll see Mimi, we’ll see.” was the emotionless response.

Everyone let it go, they knew how sensitive TK was about these things and didn’t want to upset him.

“Well no use sitting around here. Might as well get moving and try and find another TV so we can get back to our world.” Taichi told them after a few moments of silence.

Everyone just nodded in response and slowly got to their feet and began to trudge along in the direction indicated by Izzy.

After some time of traveling in wordless wandering, Matt felt it his responsibility to check on TK. His little brother may have put up a brave front and satisfied the others, however he wasn’t totally convinced that TK was alright. He walked over to him and nudged him. “Hey, your awfully quiet.”

TK looked around at the others. “Everyone’s quiet.”

“You know what I mean.” Matt said giving him a frown.

“I’m not little anymore Matt, you don’t have to protect or baby me. I can handle things better now.”

“You sure? Just cause you’re grown up doesn’t mean you have to stop being afraid. If you start thinking that you are invincible it’ll lead to your downfall. I mean look at what happened to Ken when he was the Emperor.”

“True, but what makes you think that I’m not handling this well?”

“You’ve lost that glint in you’re eyes TK. That little flicker of hope that is always there.”

“Well lets just say that I’m not totally sure about the situation these days. You can’t always hope for the best Matt. Sometimes a little rain must fall.”

Matt started to get really worried now. “TK you can’t lose your hope!” Matt pleaded with him.

“Matt you can’t keep your hopes up forever you know, maybe you need to grow up and realize that.”

“What are you talking about? You’ve always had your hope-” Matt was cut off as a voice broke into the conversation.

“SONO TOORI DESU!” Came a determined voice. “There is ALWAYS hope!” Everyone turned as the air started to shimmer not too far away. Kirin seemed to walk out of liquid air, it moved and swirled in on itself and then settled back into normal space.

“No matter what, you NEVER give up! Fight till the very end. Even with your last ounce of strength, push back the night and go down clawing and biting if you have to!” You was glaring at them now, with a look that said he knew what he was talking about. As if he was reciting something that was common knowledge. “No matter matter how dark the road before you is......”He looked away, staring far across the horizon as if some bitter memory was trying to sneak up on him, and if he wasn’t careful it would force him to relive the awful event again. “No matter how futile it may seem.......Never stop believing. Never give in to the shadow. The light will find a way to shine through the depths of the abyss trying to swallow you. It shall light your path and guide you once again to freedom and victory. Remember that. Never forget that you are NEVER alone.” He turned back around and gave them a soulful look. He looked each one of them in the eye making sure that they understood him totally.

Everyone just stared at him. None of them really knew what to do. Nod their head understandingly? Run screaming for their life? They had no idea how to react to his speech.

After a few minutes of stunned silence, Kirin turned back away from them..

“Shinpai nai. I’m not here to fight you again. I apologize for my actions the day before. I was only testing you. I am afraid you aren’t quite ready for the trials to come. That is why I am here. I have come to prepare you for the path ahead.” Still no one spoke. Kirin didn’t turn back around. He seemed to be still troubled by the earlier memory that had threatened to over take him.

“Arigatou.” TK finally said.

“What for?” Kirin asked him over his shoulder.

“For not letting me lose my hope. For not letting me betray my crest. Thank you.”

“Hmp. Well someone has to keep you digidestined in line. Unfortunately for you, that job has been handed to me, now that the guardians are gone.” He lowered his head. “Now that they’re gone....”

“Are you talking about the fall of the celestial temple?” Kari asked him.

“Yes.” He shot back in a bitter tone.

“What happened? If you don’t mind my asking.” She used a light voice hoping to coax the details out of him. He was obviously bothered by the memory of what happened to the guardians of the digiworld.

“They were killed. By a very powerful being.”

They all waited for more, but no other information came. Kirin was lost deep in thought, that or remembering the incident as if it were yesterday.

“Were you there?” Tk asked him quietly.


“How did it happened? Do you know who or what destroyed them?”

“A monster did it. Pure and simple. Nothing like that being could have been anything other than a cold hearted ruthless monster.” Kirin was beginning to get angry, regretful even. “There was nothing I could do......I was helpless to stop it......they....” He trailed off.

“Remember, you aren’t alone. Please tell us, we can help.” Kari told the boy.

“Yeah, NEVER LOSE HOPE! Remember?” TK said to him in mock determination that Kirin had told them in.

Kirin looked over his shoulder at them and gave a bitter little laugh. “Ha. Who would have thought that the day would come when I would be getting a pep talk from the keepers of Hope and Light? Will wonders never cease. The digiworld chose well in giving you two the crests of Hope and Light.”

Just then a yellow light started to shine from Tk and a pink one from Kari. The crests of Hope and Light slowly floated out of their respected chests and hovered in the air. They then flashed brightly once and flew at Kirin. Kirin had no idea what was happening behind him. The two crests slammed into his back. The crest of hope flying to his left shoulder blade, the crest of Light into is right shoulder blade.

He dropped to his knees crying out in agony. The crest were shining brightly on his back through is dark clothes.

Kari felt searing pain not only on her back in unison with the crests on Kirin’s back, but also her hands. She looked down at them, but saw nothing, she looked over at TK. He too was looking down at his hands. Kari snapped her head around as she suddenly felt a presence. Matt....or rather Tai, maybe it was Kirin. No, she felt all of them, TK too. Then just as suddenly as the pain had manifested itself, it was gone. Along with the feeling of the others as well. There was just nothing now.

Matt looked at Tai. Tai could feel the pain as well. All four crests were glowing brightly on Kirin. One on each hand and now the two on his back. They felt TK and Kari then, as if they were behind a door, muffled. Then they were gone. However the pain was still there. It seethed and burned at their skin, and yet they saw no visible signs on them that they should be in pain. Slowly the pain faded away. The glowing light of the crests subsided. Kirin stopped screaming and was on his knees taking very deep breaths.

TK looked from Kirin to Tai and Matt. Something was up. He just didn’t know what it was. He could just tell that Matt and Tai weren’t exactly telling them the whole truth. He decided to go straight to the source. He took a hesitant step toward the boy hunched over on the ground. His form heaving from the deep gasps for air he was taking.

Kari also took a step forward as Tk did. She wasn’t about to let him face this alone. She wanted to get some answers just as much as he did. She gave TK a curious look. ‘Alright TK, which one of us is it going to be? You going to go and ask him or am I?’ She waited to see what TK would do.

Takeru, not being one to back down from a challenge took the last step forward. Closing the small distance between him and Kirin. He slowly knelt down behind Kirin and raised a shaky hand up. He lightly placed it on his shoulder hoping to get is attention. “Kirin?”

With frightening speed Kirin whipped around and lashed out with his left arm. A small wave of light flew out and struck TK and Kari sending them flying away a few feet. “GET BACK! Don’t touch me!” He jumped up and took a couple of steps away from the group. “Every time I let my guard down you accursed humans find a way to hurt me.” He winced as his back muscles strained and caused the tender flesh to stretch.

“We just want to help you. We don’t know what’s going on. You seem to have some idea as to what is happening. Please just tell us what is going on, we only want to help.” Tai told him in a light voice. He bent down and helped Kari up. Tai met Kirin’s gaze equally.

Kirin stared at Tai. his look was a weighing stare that seemed to penetrate your very being and asses your soul. Of course the silver, blue-tinged eyes didn’t help much. It was an off setting feeling. He looked so human, however his eyes gave him away. The only thing that kept everyone from thinking that Kirin had somehow turned into a statue was the occasional flicker of electric sparks that would snake across his eyes.

‘C’mon Kirin. We want answers and you have them. You want to help us, then prove it and tell us what’s going on.’ Tai gave him a pleading look.

Kirin closed his eyes. He opened them once again and looked away. “Yokaro.” He let out in a very low and defeated voice. He looked back up at them and opened his mouth to speak.

“My apologies Kirin, but the time has come.” A very week and old voice came from behind the boy.

Kirin spun around at the sound of his name. There hovering not more than four feet of the ground was a huge hourglass shaped figure. The sand within the hourglass had all run into the bottom. As the large figure spoke the sand at the bottom of the hourglass stirred and whirled about as the voice seemed to come and go with the wind.

“Chro...Chronomon?! Doushite? Doushite koko ni?” Kirin looked very surprised to see the large digimon.

As you can see my young comrade, time has run out. Now is the hour for our plan to go into effect. Are you ready?”

“WHAT?! NO! It can’t be! I’m not done testing them yet! They aren’t ready!” Kirin was excited and was shouting very rapidly. Whatever time it was, he definitely didn’t want it to happen yet.

“Gomen ne Ten-chan, but time is no longer a luxury we can afford. Even to me, the master of time itself.” The large digimon hovered around to stand in the center of the group. It turned back towards Kirin. “Are you ready?”

“You know as well as I do that I was born ready. Are you sure that we must do this?” Kirin had said the word ‘born’ as if he was disgusted with the word. As if it had struck a nerve within him that had triggered yet another painful memory.

The digimon turned to face the vast expanse of the horizon. Way off far along the edge of the mountain range the sky darkened. In fact it seemed to just be absorbed within this pitch black abyss of nothingness. The earth seemed to be swallowed up into the expanding void as well. Then a thunderous explosion sounded and the ground cracked open and spewed forth a large red pulsing sphere-like object. The gigantic red orb separated into two large eyes that locked onto the group. The eyes stretched upwards in something that would have been described the eyes of someone smiling. It slowly started to make it’s way towards the group. the black swirling mass of emptiness moving along with it. all that it touched was absorbed and the void expanded.

“Yes my little angel, I am quite sure that it is time and that we must do this for the sake of existence.” The large didgimon turned back towards Kirin as he spoke. The seriousness of the grave situation apparent in his voice.


OOOOOOOOO oh my whatever could I have in store for the poor unsuspecting digidestined? AM I just cruel or what? Just wait till the next part, I think I’m going to pleasantly surprise some of you. Well the few of you that are actually still reading this. Yes I know that this chapter sucked like the ultimate big one, but hey I have to move things along as quickly as I can without getting the fic SHOULD pic up a lot from here, more mystery and suspense coming up....lucky you huh.


Kibou to Hikari: [Key-bow toe He-car-ee] Hope and Light
Sono Toori Desu: [So-no Toe-oh-ree Des {The ‘u’ is silent}] That’s right!
Shinpai Nai: [Sheen-pie N-eye] Don’t worry
Yokaro: [yo-car-oh] Very well

Tai: Are we going to die?
Drakin: Well I’m not planning on killing any of you.......... yet.
Yama: That sounded good. Why is it that when we ask you a question you always make us go away more confused then when we started?
Drakin: You’ve been hanging around me all this time and just now are wondering this?
Tai: I don’t want to die.
Yama: Well you have to consider that we were ducking from Sora and Jun for those first couple of months there so we weren’t exactly paying attention to you weird quarks.
Drakin: Oh that is really flattering. You weren’t paying attention to me. What do you mean weird quarks?
Tai: I don’t want to die.
Yama: You know the way you like GLOMP nearly EVERYTHING that you think is cute......
Drakin: Notice how I’ve never glomped you. >_>
Tai: I don’t want to die.
Yama: Yeah right back at ya! You know that your site sucks. In fact your fic sucks too.
Drakin: That’s it I DEFINITELY know who is going to die now.
Tai: OK now I feel better. Since Matt has pissed you off I’m safe.
Yama: *whacks him in the head* yeah well I hope you feel safe while you’re sleeping on the couch tonight!
Drakin: Ouch! That’s got to hurt. *looks out at person reading this* eh heh heh heh ^_^”

uhhhh ok well if you want more you know my email! I’ll be around doing......something or other.
Maybe I’ll get around to updating the site........>_> God I am such a bad webmaster. I‘m going to be working on that other fic of mine....what‘s it called again........oh yeah Price of love, God I am soooo bad.