Warning: OK ppl since this is at my site and I wrote it, you can only guess what this story has in it ^_~. Obviously lots of Matt and Tai action, well not in this fic. But if you are a HOMOPHOBE then get the hell away from my fic, I don’t want you anywhere near it! You hear me? GO AWAY!!! This story has Yaoi content so that mean two boys doin stuff that isn’t normally seen in public. Oh yes I’m evil to the core.

Disclaimer: I don’t own them, cause if I did lets just say SORA=DEAD. I am only borrowing these two totally cute boys and throwing them into situations most boys their age can’t handle, but since they are the Digidestined and all I figure why not. So with that said lets go!!

Oh some more little tidbits: I am using the North American names, ‘cause that’s what everyone is used to, kinda. And they are easier to write, that and when ever I hear TAICHI, I imagine some old dude doin’ some really slow, boring techniques.

This story wouldn't even be up if it wasn't for Katmon Ichijouji, who threatened to send a copy of this fic to someone else and have THEM post it up. THANKS KATMON FOR PREREADING THIS MONSTROSITY!!!

Helpful hints-
Words in between ‘....’ and in italics means they are thought not said.
Words in bold mean that they are said with extreme emotion, usually hate or anger.

What Dreams May Bring
By Drakin Tenryu

[no that isn’t my real name, although I wish it was]
Takes place shortly after the destruction of Malomyotismon


Tai got up off the floor brushing himself off as he did so, he looked around taking in his surroundings. ‘The DigiWorld? What am I doing here? I don’t remember going through the gate. Oh well, there is usually a reason why I get sent to this place, just hope I find Agumon before I find out why though.’

He slowly made his way through the dense jungle that he had found himself in. He wasn’t sure which way to go seeing as how it was nearly pitch black out. He finally came to a clearing where some moonlight managed to shine, lighting the area up a little. What it lit up he thought he would never have seen again.

Not far away was a tall caped figure with his back to Tai. Tai didn’t need to see the Digimon’s face to know who it was. He had had many encounters with him.

‘Myotismon, doesn’t this guy ever stay dead? How many times do we have to destroy him before he finally gives up? Oh well, this should be easy, he’s only Myotismon and not his mega forms. Crap! I don’t have Agumon with me, better just retreat and fight later.’

As he was slowly making his way back into the woods however something caught his attention, Myotismon was holding something. Tai couldn’t quite make it out because most of the Digimon’s form was blocking his view. He then realized that Myotismon was talking to it. He crept closer to get a better look and try and hear what he was saying.

“....Destroyed me once, but not this time. I’ll shall have my revenge on you first. Without your precious Digimon to protect you, I have the advantage!” He then let out that patented, evil guy laugh.

‘Sheesh, I wonder if all the evil Digimon go to some sort of school to laugh like that, it gives me the creeps.’

Tai edged closer to try and see which one of his friends he had.

‘It could only be one of the eight original Digidestined, none of the newer ones had ever met Myotismon, let alone destroyed him.’

Tai shifted slightly to the left to get a better view, as soon as he had though, his heart nearly shattered.

There in Myotismon‘s grip, hanging nearly a good four feet off the ground, was Matt. He looked as if he had been beaten and had lost the will to fight back.

‘Matt......... How could this have happened? Why is this happening? I have to save him, or at least try something. Where was Gabumon? Why wasn’t he here to protect Matt?’ All these thought raced through Tai’s head at light speed as he tried to formulate a plan of action. He could only come up with one option, whether it was a good plan was debatable, but he had to at least try.

Hey you! Yeah you, the one with the big overbite! Over here!” Tai had no idea what he was doing, he must have hit his head when he landed back in the forest. Even if he did, it was too late now as one very annoyed digimon turned to meet Tai’s death stare with one of humor.

“Ahhhh, and what have we here? Another one of the accursed Digidestined. This must be my lucky night. Now I get to destroy two of you little brats. Starting with the fair headed one here.” He raised Matt slightly higher to help accent his words.

‘Shit what am I gonna do now? Think Tai THINK! Well once again, its better then nothing.’

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you! he shouted to Myotismon.

“And just why not?” He gave Tai a confused look.

“Because......because, well.........because if you do, Metalgarurumon will kick your ass, then my Wargreymon will tear you a new one!” Tai couldn’t believe he had just made about the biggest bluff in history, he prayed to whatever God ruled over the DigiWorld that it would work.

“Don’t be foolish you little pest, if you had your digimon they would’ve attacked already. Do you think of me as stupid? I have summoned you here for the purpose of disposing of you Digidestined fools one by one without the aid of you Digimon. It seems though that you were summoned here by accident. You were supposed to be brought here after I had absorbed this ones power.” He raised Matt into the air again. “In any case I can destroy you just as easily if you had been brought here on time. Any last words to your dear friend here before he is no more?”

Tai’s mind was trying to will Myotismon away, wishing him back out of existence. He desperately wanted to save his friend at any cost, but how, it seem that they both would surely die.

“Very well then, since you have nothing to say, I will dispose of him now.”

NO! Damn you stop this!” Tai had no alternative but to plead with the monster. Maybe he could at least save Matt if he took his place. He didn’t want to lose Matt not now, not ever. He couldn’t bear to live without his best friend.

“Yes little one, what is it?” He gave Tai a evil grin of triumph, he knew what Tai was planning.

“Please just let him go, I’m begging you. Take me instead. Just don’t hurt him.” He looked at the ground in defeat. A tear trailed down his face.

Myotismon gave a mirthless little laugh. “Why should I? What makes him so special?”

Before Tai had a chance to even formulate a response, Matt’s weak voice sounded out to him

“Tai don’t do this, the others need you. They need you to lead them, to fight, don’t give up just because one of us is gone. You are the true leader of the Digidestined live and destroy this bastard later.” He gave a weak half smile trying to reassure Tai that everything will be alright. The look in his eyes said otherwise.

“Matt I can’t just leave you so he can kill you” More tears started to freely flow from his already tear stained face. “I won’t abandon one of my friends not now not ever! NEVER, MATT!

ENOUGH! This disgusting display of human emotion sickens me! Bearer of Friendship prepare for oblivion!” He pulled Matt to him and pushed his head to the side and violently bit into his neck. Literally ripping his neck apart. Matt’s clothes were quickly stained red as his blood gushed form the huge wound in his neck. He didn’t even have a chance to scream out in pain, or to tell Tai to run. The light left his eyes as his body went limp and lifeless.


“NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!” Tai sat up in his bed sweating and near hyperventilation. He looked around him wildly trying to find out where he was. He recognized his room. He calmed down and started to breathe normally.


He looked and saw the blond in question sleeping on the floor.

‘That’s right, he’s spending the weekend at my house while my parents are out visiting my sick aunt. Kari is over at Yolei’s spending the weekend there.’

He released a breath that he wasn’t aware that he was holding. Just to be sure though he had to check and make sure Matt was ok. He got up out of bed and walked over to his friends sleeping form and gently nudged his shoulder,

“Hey Matt, I gotta talk to you. Would you wake up already? Matt?”

The boy turned around with lightning speed and grabbed Tai around the throat. Tai tried to shriek in fear but the iron grip Matt had on his throat wouldn’t let him. What Tai saw practically froze his blood right where it was. Matt had on Myotismon’s face mask and had wickedly long sharp fangs producing out from beneath the bottom of his upper lips.

The Matt creature laughed evilly and smiled revealing how long the fangs really were. “What’s wrong Tai, don’t you recognize you're old pal Matt? I told you to run didn’t I? Now you’ll have to become just like me since you are so stubborn.” He leaned down moving towards Tai’s throat.

Tai managed to pry the death grip off his neck and let out a strangled plea. “Matt, please don’t do this. We can help you, find a cure or something. Let us help you, we can make you better.” He was desperately trying to shrink back into the side of the bed that he had landed against. He didn’t want to die.

BETTER? HA HA I AM better. I am far stronger then any human. I can’t age now, how do you propose to make things better?” He moved ever closer to the rapid pulse beating just under the skin on Tai’s neck.

“Somehow we can. Please just don’t do this!”

“But I don’t want to be alone Tai.” With that, he ripped into Tai’s neck spilling the smaller boys dark red blood.


“WWWWWWWAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” Tai bolted upright in his bed once again. He grabbed his neck and felt it to make sure there wasn’t a chunk missing. He then looked to where Matt had been sleeping. He wasn’t there.

“Matt? Matt?!” Tai searched frantically for his friend. He found the slender boy sitting at the window watching the thunder storm that was raging outside. At the frantic shouts of his name he looked to see what was wrong.

“What’s wrong Tai?” He got up and went over to the shivering form of Tai. He put a hand on his shoulder trying to steady him. “Imagine big, strong Tai, leader of the Digidestined, scared of a little thunderstorm.” He smiled at Tai trying to lighten his mood.

Still shaking Tai managed to let out a couple of shaky sentences. “It was awful Matt, he killed you. You were dead… right in front of me. Then you came back and tried to... to..... kill me too.” Tai broke down and started to cry quietly.

Matt not knowing what to really make out of what Tai had just said, embraced Tai in a hug and rubbed his back, trying to soothe him.

“Shhhhhhhh, its alright Tai. Look, I’m right here, alive, and not trying to kill you.” He smiled and wiped away Tai’s tears. Matt was rewarded with a smile from Tai.

“Thanks Matt, I just had a really bad dream, well two if you count the other one.” He shuddered. “I just thought I lost you and I don’t think I can handle not having you around.” He gave a pitiful little grin, and then blinked and visibly cheered up.

Matt didn’t really know what to say, no one had ever really told him that they couldn’t handle not having him around, not even his own father or mother. It gave him a warm feeling, it felt good, a sense of being needed. He looked down at Tai who had pulled his knees up to his chest and was slightly rocking back and forth. He had to make Tai feel better. His friend needed him and he was damned if he couldn’t help him.

“Its ok Tai, like I said I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere. Scoot over.” He lightly nudged Tai over to the other side of the bed and laid down next to Tai. Tai just gave him a slight frown, but scooted over, none the less, as Matt slid under the blanket next to him.

Tai didn’t protest or question Matt’s decision. He just felt better having Matt this close to him. He rolled over so that his back was facing Matt. Matt moved over behind Tai and draped his arm around Tai. This too didn’t surprise or alarm Tai, he just went with it. As long as he could feel Matt then nothing could take Matt away from him.

“Shhhhhhh, go to sleep, everything is ok now.” Matt soothed Tai. They both soon fell asleep.


Tai was woken up from his peaceful slumber by a slight tickling sensation on his stomach. He frowned and wondered what it was. It felt like a hand.

‘MATT?! What is he doing?’

Tai felt Matt’s hand move up to his chest and begin to gently massage the smooth skin. His hand then began to travel lower and slowly made its way down to Tai’s stomach again.

‘What is he doing? It kinda feels good, but Matt? He’s not gay, how can he have feeling for me that way? I ........’

Tai’s thoughts were interrupted as Matt’s hand found its way over Tai’s groin. He let out a small moan as Matt began to slowly work him.

‘He has to still be asleep, that’s it. He isn’t aware of what he is doing. He just having a weird dream and since I’m close to him he is just acting some parts out........’

Once again Tai failed to complete his thoughts as he bit his lip to suppress another small moan. He just lay there and whimpered slightly as Matt continued to cause Tai nearly unbearable pleasure. Tai was ok with the arrangement until Matt’s hand started to move back up and began to slip under the band of Tai’s boxers.

“Wahhhhhhh! Matt what are you doing?!” Tai jumped up and landed on his back facing Matt. He crawled backwards and fell off the end of the bed and landed in a heap between the end of the bed and the wall.

“Tai. you ok?” Matt got up and went to the end of the bed and looked down at Tai, who was painfully scrunched into the position of a near pretzel.

Matt reached down and offered Tai his hand intending to help him up, but Tai shied away and flipped out.

“Don’t touch me, you offering that hand so you can jerk me off some more?” Tai struggled near in vain to free himself from the cubbyhole he had wedged himself into. After some grunts of effort and a little swearing he managed to squirm free.

Matt just sat stunned at Tai’s accusations. He watched as Tai freed himself and got up to help him up when Tai rolled into the middle of the room.

“Let me help you up.” He reached down trying to help Tai orient himself, but once again Tai moved away from Matt’s touch.

“Don’t touch me! What the hell did you think you were doing to me?! How could you do that to your best friend?” He gave Matt a look of anger and disbelief.

Sighing, Matt just gave him a look of boredom, he shrugged and figured what the hell, he was tired of hiding his feelings for Tai.

“Well... I guess I can’t keep trying to deny it, I’m in love with you Tai. I have been for some time now.” He looked at Tai waiting for his reaction.

At first Tai didn’t know what to think, much less say. He stood there looking at Matt and as if seeing him for the first time tried to reason him out.

‘He’s in LOVE with me? He can’t be, girl sensation Ishida Yamato couldn’t be in love with HIM. There wasn’t a chance in the world. He must be playing some cruel joke on me. Why would Matt do that to his best friend? Why would he try and toy with my emotions like this? Like THIS? I don’t have any feeling for Matt! I can’t, I’m not gay.’

A small part of Tai’s brain began to resurface and the memories flooded back to him. His heart had nearly stopped when he thought Myotismon had killed Matt.

‘But that is how any friend would react, I don’t want to see my friends die, never. I don’t want to see them killed. I just reacted like a normal best friend would’ve in the situation’ Then another part of him started to say that most normal friends aren’t put in that kind of situation, how many people do you know that have friends that are nearly killed by Digimon an a regular basis?

‘12, there are 12 Digidestined that I know personally, they all risked their lives to save both worlds and I never felt that way about any of the others. WHY?’

As if in answer, a small voice spoke up against the rampant thoughts within Tai’s subconscious.


Matt watching Tai struggle with his thoughts walked over to his friend, worried that he might not be able to handle what he just told him. He reached his hands out and grabbed a hold of Tai’s shoulders, and shook him some.

“Tai? Tai you ok? Speak to me Tai, please? Are you alright? Tai please, just answer me.” He began to get very worried as his pleas didn’t seem to reach Tai. Tears started to form in his eyes.

‘What if he can’t handle this and goes into shock? What have I done? Not only have I ruined our friendship, but I’ve probably scarred Tai beyond help. God why didn’t I just act like it was all a mistake? I wish I could just make things go back to the way they were.’ Just then Tai seemed to finally realize there was someone standing in front of him begging him to be ok.

‘Matt? Why is he crying? Is he hurt? I think I hurt him. No, I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry Matt, please don’t cry! I swear I’ll make it all better, whatever it is, I will fix it.’

“Tai please just answer me! Just speak to me, let me know you are ok. Please I’m sorry, just be ok.” His tears started to flow freely now. He had lost his friend, it was all his fault.

“Why are you crying Matt?”

“Tai! You’re ok! Thank God!” He hugged his friend tightly, in sheer joy that his friend wasn’t hurt by his words.

“Why are you crying?”

Tai’s question finally registered with Matt.

“I was worried that I had hurt you because of what I said.... I..... just.” He trailed off not sure what to say or do as Tai began to look at him with a slight burning stare.

Tai grabbed Matt and pushed him against the wall, holding him firmly in place. Matt looked at Tai in alarm and fear. He turned away from Tai and braced himself for the oncoming blows he was surely to get from the stronger boy.

“Tai, please, I’m sorry, just please, let me go.” He braced himself again as he felt Tai shift his weight. But the blow never came, what did come nearly made Matt pass out.

Matt felt Tai’s lips playfully brush up against his, hesitant at first then with more certainty. Then with more need and near hunger as Tai began to tease Matt‘s lips apart with his tongue. Matt let out a small sound deep within he throat as their tongues met and started to wrestle for control.

Tai finally broke the kiss, breathing hard. Matt, too out of breath, was trying to figure out how to breathe again.

“Matt please don’t cry, I won’t ever let you cry again, not while I’m around.” Tai lightly kissed Matt again.

Matt moved by the sudden display of emotion began to cry even more.

“Heh, Look whose comforting who now. You were the one with the bad dream and yet, you are protecting me from being hurt. How do you manage to seem so strong Tai?”

Tai smiled that heart stopping smile of his and answered Matt. “Hey I’m the leader of the Digidestined, I have to be strong. Of course, I’m allowed to break down every now and then, but this means that I can’t cry for another three years.” He winked at Matt, who promptly cheered up.

Tai got a dangerous glint in his eyes as he pulled Matt away from the wall and pushed him down on the bed. He stretched his body over Matt’s and continued his assault on the blonde’s mouth.

Matt let out small moans as Tai began to move his tongue down Matt neck and move to his chest.

Tai’s tour of Matt’s body was cut short when the front door abruptly banged open and a very cheerful Kari called out to her brother and elder Digidestined.

“Matt, Tai, I’m back, I forgot some stuff. I just need to pick up a few things and I’ll be out of your way again.”

Matt and Tai quickly jumped apart and Matt dove for the floor wrapping himself in his blanket. Tai, likewise, dove under his sheets and they both pretended to still be asleep as Kari entered the room, slowly.

“Just like those two to stay up all night playing video games and watching old films on TV, then sleep the day away.” She sighed and walked into the closet, rummaging for whatever she was in search of.

Tai and Matt opened their eyes simultaneously and look at each other. Tai smiled and gave Matt a wink, and Matt smiled back, but they both snapped their eyes shut as Kari came out of the closet. {No pun intended! ^_^ *wicked laughter*}

“Well I guess these two sleepy heads are just gonna stay asleep all day.” With that she walked out and began to scavenge the house to try and discover where it was she had left the item of her quest.

As she left the room The two new lovers opened their eyes and reached out and held hands. Both realizing that now that they found each other, they would never lose the other. Tai mentally looked back and smiled.

‘Imagine all this from just one bad dream.’

~+^THE END^+~

Well how did you like it? It was my first fanfic EVER, and then it just had to be a TAITO!! Oh boy I’m gonna hear it this time. Well I hope everyone is sorta happy with the way it turned out. I had something for everyone in it. YOU HENTAI ECCHI’S OUT THERE BETTER BE HAPPY DAMN IT! I wasn’t about to go lemon on my first fic. Definitely in the future though *wicked grin*

As always read and review, it was my first, so tell me what I did wrong, what I did right, what I didn’t do enough of [DO NOT TELL ME NOT ENOUGH BOY ON BOY ACTION!!!] or what I did too much of.
Send comments to Drakin
Tai: I rather liked it.
Matt: Well it could have used some more hentai action if you ask me, I was enjoying myself quite well until you had Kari nearly walk in on us!
Drakin: Look you damn ecchi,{Matt looks at him as if to say "and you have room to talk? Mr. Shirt that says Hentai is a way of life."} I wasn’t gonna go lemon right off, and besides JUST WHO THE HELL IS WRITING THIS DAMN THING? Don’t tempt me or I’ll put you in a very COMPROMISING situation with Joe.
Matt: Alright I’ll be good, *grabs Tai*, just cause this story ended one way doesn’t mean we can’t make our own sequel.