Koani's Tai Gallery

The ever energetic and puffy haired Tai as seen in the eyes of Koani

Couragous Tai Reason why Tai was given the crest of Courage.
Death to Crosswinds When crosswinds tried to destroy Koani's site she sent a very pissed Tai with a very BIG hammer after them. GO TAI!!!!
Girly Tai When Tai looks like this its a no wonder why ppl think Tai turns out to be a crossdresser.
Kari's B-day Reason we all love Tai, he is soooo sweet to his little sister. So cute.
The Matrix has Tai Tai must have choose the right pill! Get outta the way Keanu HERE COMES TAI!!
Christmas with Tai, Agumon and Goth TK If you are like "who the Hell is that grungy kid in the background?" Then you obviously haven't been looking at this site right. Go to the Lost Temple of Ishida and all will be revealed. Or hidden even more, Goth TK is a very "complex", "special" and "interesting" "person". So go and find out the mystery.
Tai and Kairi Another reason why we find Tai soo irresistable. He is so sweet! awwww.
::smacks himself for getting so sappy::
Tai and Koromon Looks like Tai lost his soccer ball. Poor Koromon was the first thing he found. Don't worry Koromon you'll be ok, you don't have a spine remember!!
Just average every day Tai ^_^
Painted Tai just another average day Tai pose. But its turned into a portrait thing now
a very ragged looking Tai When Tai and Matt aren't quite patient enough to get eachothers clothes off safely. And well this is what happens.
Tai muscles I wonder who Tai is showing off to? the only person here is me and Matt.
A victorious Tai Hmmm I wonder what Tai is sooo happy about? Hey look theres goes Matt, he has a very satisfied look on his face. I wonder.....
Wet Tai Too bad those clothes aren't seethrough. oh well, anyways this is what happens when Tai gets a little too excited and we have to cool him off. ^_~