One need of a M113-equipped force is for a HE-firing main weapon, something more than just the M2 HMG, usually said to be the ASP-30 machine cannon. However the TC/gunner really needs something more than just a single pintle mount weapon, due to range (hand-maneuver, "flex-mount" has max aimed range of perhaps 300m) and fire options (can only carry maybe 1500rds 30mm at around 500spm, and then what if 30mm is overkill?). So a real turret that provides all-around protection (ACAV copula-turret has no protection to top), two weapons (a high ammo load KE weapon and a more powerful, anti armor HE weapon) and stabilized for long-range fires in a turret just large enough for one soldier so it doesn't get in the way of troops in the cargo hatch to the greatest degree possible would be desirable. It would also be good if possible to use an off-the-shelf solution, and one seems in sight. The Marine's "amtrack" AAVP7A1's dual M2HB/MK-19 one-man turret, wile not ideal, seems a proven solution that can easily be grafted onto an M113A3 to achieve the desired results. It already comes with a KE weapon - the M2HB HMG - and a AP-capable HE weapon - the MK-19 - witch should easily be replaceable with a M240 and ASP-30 in the future. FMC makes the 'amtrack' and so they should be contacted ASAP to fit it on an M113A3 AMS fleet vary soon. Also should right away work on HMG/RPG proofing it to bring it up to spec with the rest of the appliquéd AMS M113A3.